A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Literary Achievement

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I’m still mining Sundays from 10 years ago. I thought you might be interested to know that the big Web-page makeover that I’ve talked about recently (and have talked about off and on in the past) might really happen this time. If it doesn’t, I just wasted money on a retainer I paid to some fine young people who’re going to help me put it all together technically. Of course, I learned I’m still going to have to provide the content. Sheesh! It isn’t scheduled to roll out until spring, possibly even late spring, and I have no idea what it will look like, because I’ve yet to come up with a concept and the artwork to support it—that “content” bugaboo I mentioned. However, I will keep you posted as events warrant.

Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past

This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...


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Dark Passage

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What’s old is old, again

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board

I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child

On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...

442 responses to “Literary Achievement”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, if you plan on sleeping under just a tent in a camp/parking lot/whatever, I’d definitely recommend some training with a GLOCK 42.

    Sailing a 12-foot boat in 6-foot swells seems to me a degree or two more adventurous than skydiving. But I have little experience with boats.

  2. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Jackie, even a Speedo his too minimalist for this guy.

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I watched a few episodes of “Naked and Afraid”. (No, not for the reason you think.) A few of the subjects were whiny babies who should never have left Manhattan or SoCal or wherever they came from, but some of them were awesome. (No, not for the reason you think.)

    Yesterday, I acquired a Hand Exercise Device to use in an attempt to unstiffinate my left index finger. (Did you know that if you call a $1 rubber ball a “Hand Exercise Device” you can charge $5 for it?) I’ll give it about a month and then determine what results have accrued from squeezing my ball.

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Plan on buying the Glock next week I hope. Tell me exactly what I want. I believe I have a nice collection of Spydeco knives, if not I can buy those too. A lot of the boating events are “in company” which means there are others around where you camp either ahead of time or during.

    You realize I have lots of other interests and always have, so I plan to go back to some of those as well. I am setting myself a starting point but I don’t know what the end is or the stops on the way.Having a natural curiosity helps but I don’t think any of us need to limit what we do.

    Sitting here listening to Spanish guitar, Love, Jackie

  5. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    OF due 1515-1535 CST. No fog. Peace, emb


    P.S. Late lunch, back later.

  6. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Thanks for the listing, Gal….

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, I found this on YouTube under Sail Oklahoma 2014. Hope you don’t mind me posting the link to help explain what you are talking about with Ducks and Scamps.


  8. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Jackie, when purchasing a firearm, find a dealer who has a range. Discuss what your reason and intended use will be. They can identify models that will fit you. Pick up each to see how it feels and swings as you move it about. Then pay to test fire a few rounds with your top two choices.

    Post purchase, it needs cleaning and maintenance. A good dealer can walk you through this too. Not done or improperly done care renders the purchase moot. The other critical is regular post purchase shoots, so both of you and your weapon stay bonded.

  9. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Jackie, I don’t think I am as adventuresome as you are, but I DID zip-line a couple of years ago! I was in my late 60s (I think – if I have the years right) and the oldest in our all-female group was 76!
    The hardest part was slowing yourself down for the landings. But I would do it again in a heartbeat.

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, excellent advice from sand, if you can find a dealer with a range or a range that rents. Here is the GLOCK 42. I continue to hear very good things about it, and PDs are beginning to purchase and issue them to their patrol officers as backup weapons.


    Also buy at least 100 (preferably 200) rounds of Winchester or Remington FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) ammo in whatever caliber the handgun is for instruction and practice. For self defense ammunition, I’d recommend either Hornady Critical Defense (especially in .380 Auto) or whatever ammo a qualified firearms instructor recommends for you.

    I also second sand’s comment about cleaning and routine maintenance, which a firearms instructor should also include as part of the instruction. That’s another plus for GLOCK pistols, as they can be field stripped for cleaning in about 15 seconds and require no tools to do so.

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, a Spyderco makes a great purse knife, either Delica- or Endura-sized, depending on which fits your hand best. My best friend has small hands, as well as some physical issues that limit her hand strength, so I recently got her one of these.


    It’s small enough to fit her hand perfectly, and while it’s not a “switchblade”, it can be opened using just the index finger of the holding hand. She loves it and keeps it with her at all times, in her purse or clipped to her pocket, and has used it for everything from opening envelopes to cutting sealing tape on packages to slicing a steak very thinly. Not to mention that it would come in handy for biting the unwelcomed hand that tries to grab her.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Watch the video about the Kershaw under the picture.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, I just got a pop-up ad from that expensive underwear company we discussed, showing a hipster (black heavy-rimmed glasses, scruffy beard and all) wearing nothing but a pair a blue briefs. Their targeting algorithms may need work…I’m not that guy.

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Has anyone had any experience with Dropbox, good or bad? I’ve used Box.com for years for my Cloud storage (and yes, sand, I use Google Drive, also) but now I want to use 1Password and have it sync data between my computers, and it apparently uses Dropbox to do so. I don’t want to get involved if it’s going to be a headache.

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Perhaps I need to reconsider the skydiving thing. Since first looking at this photo a few minutes ago, I’m still waiting for my testicles to re-descend.


  16. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Search (using Google please) for “Dropbox reviews” . Second way, visit your favorite App Store and read reviews. Be sure to read some of the low star reviews, they are usually more informative than gushing five stars.

    Thanks for the question, nice break from the Tweet storm I am in. Young guy thinks everything defies gravity. That 9% of a billion units is irrelevant, yet the two leaders have only a combined 35% share. All it would take is one bright kid in China or India to turn the market into toast. Don’t they teach history any more?

  17. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, that is pure VFR. Step out of a C130 in middle of the night, those Carolina pines will never like the same to you.

  18. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Like s/b look.

  19. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Batten the hatches! Shiver the timbers! Winter storm Linus is sweeping down upon us. Meanwhile, on the measles front. The measles express has pulled out of Oenn Station sweepin across the east coast. As quickly as he can get bullet holes repaired, ace reporter Snoppy will be over enemy lines bringing fresh updates.

    After a short commercial break, Janis & Arlo will present their big game day party tips.

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Thanks all, especially Mark for linking my little festival videos. Since my life fell apart the week after this ended, I have not looked at this year’s videos or slide shows. As unlikely as it may seem, those are all home built boats, even the beautiful Bijou from MN. Usually the largest that come are about 26 feet although we have had some that surpassed thirty.

    The designers come from all over the world, as do the boaters and builders. They do this for me for love and many are boats and plans and designers you see in Wooden Boat Magazine or Small Craft Advisor magazine. The photos are full of the people who write for these magazines, who appear in the adventure stories they publish, the boats designed and built. No one has to buy tickets, pay a fee or feel smaller than the next guy. This is my love fest.

    Which is why I am going to go traveling because each of these people represent wonderful adventures, boating, sailing and other hobbies that they are passionate about. So much intelligence, talent and kindness. They come for me and now I plan to go visit them, coast to coast.

    But I am keeping my residence here.

    Love, Jackie

  21. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dear Galliglo, I much enjoyed reading about Jerry’s many achievements and life experiences. What a guy! Thanks ever so much for posting the link to his obituary.

  22. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Thank YOU, Charlotte.

  23. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Sand, I know what the Rangers do and I know you are if not fearless, at least courageous. I suspect you are more than that.

    Ghost, did you never have to do a jump at all? Were they just going to shoot you and the seat out the plane if the canopy opened on time? Not being impertinent exactly.

    Helicopters make me nervous, it seems they should just not fly. I have not flown anything since I was about 21 except commercial flights on large planes. Back that up, wrong statement. In Hawaii I flew on the company planes with Lindbergh. The company pilots did the flying, not the Lindberghs, I shared a trip with Anne Morrow L. and her pet chimpanzee. which was a trip, allowing Mike to claim I was so old I had flown with Lindbergh. True.

    I wonder if I am courageous enough to try to learn again? It has certainly gone through my brain but I am going to see what I survive and in what shape! One dangerous sport at a time, I guess. Or not?

    Will make notes on all your recommendations. I come from a family who begin giving guns as presents at about age six, so I am a slow bloomer here with a brief period in Texas when I did carry a gun at all times. This is probably delighting my late mother, who favorite question of all males was “What do you kill?” Not shoot, kill.

    Love, Jackie

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I prefer my beards gray and well trimmed.

  25. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Locals losing their minds buying bread, milk, eggs, fuel, and whatnot. We are, depending where you look, expecting anywhere from eight to fourteen inches of snow … and Occasionally Shows The Weather Channel is showing an episode of Prospecters.