A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Midnight Confusions

By Jimmy Johnson

April 30, 2011

This, from ten years ago this month. I honestly cannot tell you whether what I’m about to relate had anything to do with the idea for this strip, but I have to admit the possibility. When I was a boy, the British comic strip “Andy Capp” by Reg Smythe was becoming quite popular in the United States. The strip has been around a while now, but when it was introduced, in the day when Andy still smoked, the strip was quite ribald and different compared to its peers in post-war colonial newspapers, and we were allowed to laugh at his anti-social antics, because he was, after all, a foreigner. I remember one gag in particular, although I read it as a very young boy. Andy blunders home to a dark bedroom, tipsy no doubt, and crawls into bed. His wife Flo, from her side of the bed, asks, “Is that you, Andy?” He replies in the affirmative and then adds: “That was a funny kind of question.” Not even I can tell you what makes for comic strip humor, but I do know I never forgot that one.

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74 responses to “Midnight Confusions”

  1. Joedon Avatar

    That comment sure woke him up.

  2. Dennis Katsis Avatar
    Dennis Katsis

    I remember that Capp comic too. But Jimmy, you have far and away out performed all the comics I’ve read over my 70 years. I identify with so many, like the one here today. We are close in age and amazingly close in viewpoints and actions with a spouse. They do seem to get better as they age, don’t you think? I look forward to the next 10 years now that Viagra and Cialis are around. I wasn’t looking forward to trying to find powdered black rhino horn.

    1. Jimmy Johnson Avatar

      Yeah, the rhinos need a break.

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    This one should be paired with the strip where Janis asks, “Why do men always throw their shoes when they’re getting undressed?”

  4. Ghost Avatar

    Re 4-20-21 retro cartoon: I know a joke with the punchline “Is that you, Bubba?” I could not even begin to clean it up enough to tell it here.

    1. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

      I have a joke with another name, but even that name would be offensive! Funny, but offensive.

    2. Bob Avatar

      I heard that one with a First Lady asking the question. It’s been around a long time, probably using many different women delivering the punch line. I laughed heartily the first time I heard it.

  5. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Even Janis’ recovery in panel 4 didn’t help a lot!

  6. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Does Arlo have a past, too?

    I don’t recall any strips that indicate that he does – at least not like the kind of past that Janis seems to have.

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Janis has a devious smile and barbeque in her teeth.

  8. emb Avatar

    Jackie, And today’s comic is a masterpiece. [And I don’t even like barbecue. Elaine did.] Peace,

  9. TruckerRon Avatar

    One question about the 4/21/2021 A&J: Who ever has leftover barbecue?

    1. Sideburns Avatar

      Sometimes you make more than you can eat, either because you plan to enjoy the BBQ for the next day or two, or because the smallest package of what you want to cook is more than you can eat in one sitting. As an example, if you’re barbecuing beef ribs, and live alone, one package of either long or short ribs is more than most people can finish in just one meal.

      1. TruckerRon Avatar

        I don’t live alone. I live with my wife and 3 adult-size daughters. They can easily eat more good ribs or pulled pork than I can afford to fix. Had we had sons, it’d probably be worse!

  10. emb Avatar

    Unfortunately, cartoonist gave up Emmy-Lou decades ago, when early teens no longer behaved this way. Peace,


  11. Ghost Avatar

    Re 4-22-21 real-time cartoon: “Never give up.” That’s my motto, too, Arlo; Non deficere.

  12. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Last night I was Jackie Monies when I went to bed, as I was at breakfast this morning. Came back at 1.45 PM as Mark in TTown.

    Ghost says he is no longer haunted. My phone and both tablets still switch regularly.

    I eat two pork ribs or three ounces of brisket or pulled pork. A plate would feed me a long time.

  13. Ghost Avatar

    From The Department of Things I Never Thought I’d See: Large sign in front of a Eufaula business establishment…

  14. TruckerRon Avatar

    This .morning I was Jackie here, tonight Trucker Ron is back.

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Testing for name and address on tablet

  16. Jackquline Monies Avatar
    Jackquline Monies

    Testing phone to remove Trucker

  17. Jackquline Monies Avatar
    Jackquline Monies

    Getting tiresome

  18. Jackquline Monies Avatar
    Jackquline Monies

    Post not here?

  19. TruckerRon Avatar

    Jackie, I don’t blame you for not wanting to be me, but it still stings a bit!

  20. Jackquline Monies Avatar
    Jackquline Monies

    I had to evict Mark earlier Trucker!

    About Ludwig and meowing cartoon, I hear Skipper and Ghost conversing loudly all the time about food.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Skipper: Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow!
      Ghost: You have food!
      Skipper: Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow!
      Ghost: You have water!
      Skipper: Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow!
      Ghost: I don’t know what you want! What do you want that you don’t have?
      Skipper: Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow!
      Ghost: No! It’s too late! They’re already gone!
      Skipper: Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow! Meooooooooooow!

  21. Ghost Avatar

    Just when I thought the blog had stopped changing my name/address info, this morning I was suddenly Ruth Ann. Messing with my name is one thing; messing with my gender is something else.
    Although I must say I feel quite pretty today. 😀

    1. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
      Ruth Anne in Winter Park

      Thanks 🙂

  22. emb Avatar

    Unless the webcam has moved, these are white, fresh-water pelicans, as are most species the world over. We don’t get the smaller, more attractive Gulf Coast pelicans that some of you are used to. Peace,
