Is Arlo a pedantic smartass or a smartass pedantic? There’s a current cartoon coming up later this week in newspapers that is very much in this vein. This cartoon from 2003 ran online not very long ago, but I’m away from my desk this morning and suffering connectivity issues on top of all, so I just grabbed something off the shelf. I do like this one. It’s very Arlo & Janis.

Most Cutest
By Jimmy Johnson
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296 responses to “Most Cutest”
Oh, and Ghost Sweetie, one of the reasons I still don’t like going to the dentist is because my Dad was in the Army when I was a small girl, and thus my early visits were with those military dentists. The one I got taken to was not especially good with children.
TIP BlogSpot
Some of you will appreciate this more than others. Peace,
Trapper you just may have explained my dental phobia, now overcome. My uncle who did my dental work as a child was a military dentist not good with children.
A number of years ago, when I was trying to decide which local dentist to get established with, I asked one of my all-female staff members at a previous employer if she could recommend a good one. She named the one her sister used for her young son and daughter and mentioned that when her sister told them it was time to go to the dentist, they would exclaim, “Oh boy! We’re going to see Uncle Ray!”
I decided that any dentist who could make children happy to come see him was the one for me. I still see him and his son, who is in practice with him and every bit as good.
Our office assistant is going camping and ordered a tent from Walmart. On Monday, they delivered a baby swing. She called them and they apologized. They showed no record of shipping a swing, so asked her to keep it. They promised to ship out the tent right away. Today they shipped her a small boat motor. Fortunately she was able to sell both items. She is debating calling them again (maybe get a boat this time) or just go to Walmart and get the tent. You see stuff like this on situation comedies. E-commerce at it’s finest!
I know I have asked before and never got an answer but what is it you do that involveso an all female staff at MORE than one employer? Ghost you would have probably survived as a polygamous ancestor but we didn’t officially acknowledge that in South.
Still eating brunch. Made it through giant fruit plate UT guava yogurt to go.
Thanks to all for the tales of dental experiences.
Last night I noted a major hole right next to one of my implants, allowing a side view of far too much of said implant. Figured that a stitch had torn loose and that I ought see the gentleman again today. I did just that. He was not at all concerned and soothed my mental image of getting an infection there. Well, as I have paid him a 5-digit sum, it behooves me to believe him. So I am.
Wisdom teeth: I suppose mine were lost early as I have never been accused of being too wise.
My beautiful smile is also a five figure investment I plan to get my money’s worth from. Amazingly people seem able to eat with horrible teeth so that isn’t main reason to repair teeth.
Bad teeth can kill you through infections, your heart and other health issues. I am going in to brush mine right now.
I must have swallowed mine as I have been called a wise a** on many occasions. cep there is a difference between being smart and wise. I believe that you are both.
You are kind, Steve – and probably unique!
Jackie, other than when I was pushing aluminum through the skies for a living, I’ve had two major jobs, both of which happen to be in industries dominated by females. In both cases, I took over all-female staffs when I replaced female managers. Guess you could call me a pioneer. 🙂
Never thought of it, but with all the experience I’ve had as a female-wrangler, I probably could make a polygamous marriage work…if I wanted to…which I don’t. My secret (which wasn’t a secret as I told it to both my all-females staffs) to handling all female employees is treating them equally and knowing when to listen to them and when to ignore them. I guess it works because they all love/loved me. Even the worst biatch (and she herself admitted she was) I ever employed once told me that I was the only boss she’d ever had who knew how to handle her.
I had only two, the bottom ones of course [m3, in mammalogist-speak], which don’t drain as well as the top two when removed. [M3s = upper 3rd molars, which I never grew. No space back there either.]
So I was a 30-tooth freak [non-pc, but it was about myself] to start with. Have an overbite, more space in my maxilla than mandible. Both m3s removed by USAF dentists in ’52-’53.
Wisdom? Some, a great deal of it by diffusion from wife, rest from age. Peace,
As far as wisdom teeth go, I’ve never had a bit of trouble with mine. Of course, I never had any, so that might have something to do with it.
An industry dominated by women. I am racking my brain on that one. Good industries, professions?
Nurses, teachers, secretaries, manicurist, hair dressers, nuns, housekeepers, seamstresses, waitresses
I just ran out of ideas and that is a pathetic list.
As a long term feminist we have not made enough progress here folks! I need more hints.
I had exposed nerves dangling from a wound, they gave me all the pain killer allowable; no effect. Doctor told me that he had to remove them before he could close the wound. When he clipped them, I swear temporary riguermortus sit-in. Most fun I ever had before lunch.
Jimmy, had to explain today’s cartoon offering to my other half. Deep down, cat litter must be a life form, how else could it move so far from litterboxes, yet never get caught in the act.
For instance, in bed under covers.
Jackie, medical office staff, dental office staff, most clerical staff in government offices a couple of decades ago, librarians, and the list goes on.
Jackie, all members of both my all-female staffs would generally fall into one or more of the categories you listed. Hint: “Nun” was not one of them. But remember, at the Skonk Works all my fellow managers (aka: “My Harem”) are female, a clear indication that it’s a top-heavy female business.
Wait, that last sentence didn’t come out right.
My mom came down with a urinary tract infection last weekend that made her pretty sick, so I took the week off to be a mom-sitter. What a good boy am I! Seriously, when the woman who carried you for nine months, delivered you into this world, and wiped your butt when you were a baby needs something, what kind of an a-hole would you be not to respond?
Other than the shopping, meal preparation, dish washing, medicine dispensing, housekeeping, vacuuming, bed linen changes and laundry, it was just like a regular vacation. Wait, that is like a regular vacation for me, which is why I don’t take much time off. Last time I checked, I was maxed out at 60 days ETO. If I ever retire (or more likely get canned), they’ll have to pay me for it, so I can at least chuckle part of the way to the bank, if not actually laugh all the way there.
OK, sand, you win. 🙂 I won’t ask what the nerves were hanging out of.
And couldn’t you have figured out an easier way to get a Purple Heart?
One of my twelve year molars came in at eighteen – sideways and infected. That one got yanked by a dentist with no love for me. All four wisdom teeth had to be dug out before I had bone grafting between all my teeth. Oral surgeon was amazing; Never even felt the IV needle for the anesthesia. Peridontist is also amazing. With both the extraction and grafting surgeries, the worst of it turned out to be the allergic reactions to the pain medications that almost put me in the hospital both times.
Steve, I’d have probably tried “Door Number Three” for the boat. Of course, I don’t have a good track record with Wally World orders lately.
Jackie, thanks for the tamari offer. I tried to call the person at the local store Giovanni said might be able to explain my canceled order, but she never picked up on the call. I decided I would not waste my time trying to solve a problem I didn’t cause and hung up.
They sent me one of those “how did we do” email surveys; I gave them the worst After Action Report I’ve ever written, replaced my order, and called it good. But I dare them to cancel this order with no explanation.
Ghost, maybe this would hold you a while?
Ghost, are there no Oriental markets where you are? There are at least two here, so I would expect you to be able to find one.