A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Movie Moves

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Yesterday it was Milk Duds, and today it is popcorn. I sure hope they’re going Dutch! I’m running late; I have to go draw new cartoons now.

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274 responses to “Movie Moves”

  1. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    ‘a “High” setting that will reduce a slice of bread to a bread slice-shaped lump of charcoal”.’ My toaster oven is opposite. Have to turn it past Dark to get a well-toasted English or Ezekiel 4:9 slice.

    DNA tests: According something I read, approx. 1 in 10 American wives have a strong reason not to have at least one of their offspring’s DNA read.

    Reminds one of the classic Laugh-In still of Dan Rowan, ‘his kids’, and their ‘neighbor’, Dick Martin. Martin and the kids all have very large make-up freckles, Martin with a big, signature grin. May have mentioned this before.

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    No possibility of that one, EMB but the “switched at birth” theory was possible. This is same reputable hospital that gave me hepatitis and puerperal fever and almost killed me with the baby, baby was fine, I spent a month in quarantine.

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    sideburns, I have homemade meat sauce in the freezer and pasta in the pantry, so I will try that technique tomorrow night. Even though my pasta always seems to come out al dente. Oh, and I do have a sauté pan. Or two. Or three.

    Jackie, let me see if I have this straight. You are driving from Oklahoma to Deepest South Florida to hijack some cats. Oh, wait…I’m the one that said to use “rescuing” instead of “stealing”, wasn’t I?

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    That’s about the short story, Ghost. If I had lost an additional 100# I would mention that Google maps has me going thru Hattiesburg, MS on the trip.

  5. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Jackie: Please don’t go running off to rescue cats before you follow through on all those doctor appointments and get your blood sugar back under control. There are a lot of people and critters already in your life who need you.

    Love, Ruth Anne

  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Ruth Anne, I don’t have any doctor’s appointments until the following week, so I figure I can do a round trip to Florida for the cats and back here in time for the first ones, plus I will have someone along to watch over me who is also a diabetic. Let’s all leap into the saute’ pan together, upscale version of out of the frying pan into the fire.

    Although I’d need to do a detour by hospital lab to north to get the blood work drawn for the endocrinologist I guess.

    We will see. Catnapping isn’t much of a crime probably in Florida.

    Love, Jackie

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Just checked Google maps which gives me alternative routes in case we are pursued with the cats? We will be so close to the Keys (well, I knew that from rescuing a boat from the Everglades National Park and my husband and his partner) we might as well go down there and rustle a few chickens. Now that will get you arrested!

    And they are NOT Ernest Hemingway’s six toed cats which would get you arrested too.

  8. TruckerRon Avatar

    At the support site for us ICD-enhanced folks, I discovered I share my birthdate with a fellow former trucker. My wife almost shares that birthday, off by one day and four years. Daughters #2 & #3 missed sharing a birthday by one day and seven years.

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Goodnight all, and yes, I understood today’s A and J (Monday) and can’t wait to see what TDS has to say, if they get it.

    Stephan Pastis had poutine in today’s strip. OK, I have eaten poutine and it wasn’t nearly as bad as he makes it sound although I’d never order it again. They actually make a version of it in south Texas at a barbque joint that calls the dish “Slicks”. Which I have eaten as well, the slicks were better than the poutine

    Love, Jackie

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I’ve been to Quebec but missed the poutine. Gravy fries and chili-cheese fries are fine by me, though.

  11. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Whew! All Caught up. Cilla is telling me it’s time to go to bed so good night Mrs. Callabash.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    You were referring to Arlo’s new 38-liter hat?

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Try to get tomorrow’s weather forecast on TWC and all you find is Canadian-Bubba wrecker drivers. Good thing I’ve got InterWebNet.

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I ate my first giant soft pretzel this year and I had not eaten a funnel cake either until 2014.

    And I have never eaten a chili cheese fry but then, I ate my first corn dog at my grandson’s birthday party this year. There are still things yet to be experienced and eaten. But chili cheese fries don’t sound like they can have a healthy version!

    Somehow so many things people love like that escaped me. I am hardly a snob, I loved giant turkey legs at Renaissance Faires and New Orleans style shaved ice, ate street food in Mexico.
    Probably it was calories that kept me from eating some things?

    Oh, and kettle popcorn, tried that last year with the Mormons at Halloween. Who’d have guessed the Mormons would have a giant Halloween festival?

    Good night again, Jackie

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Were the wrecker drivers eating poutine? I bet that they love it. Yes, the hat! You should see some of the ads I get.

  16. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Been busy on the health net…..it is mind boggling. And my doctor and hospital are not listed in the coverages…..

    But a big thank you Mark…..checked into the vision link, and my eye doctor is listed. Now to ‘see’ (no pun intended) if cataract surgery is included….yup, I do believe I have one coming on in my left eye…….

    Now on Hampton, my cat, my long haired slate gray with green eyes baby….she has a skin disorder and we spray Zymox on the area twice a day. She got two shots, and was a very good patient my husband said.

    Got to go….and you’re right, no one here but us chickens, huh Jerry 🙂

    ya’ll have a good Monday

    GR 😉

  17. Debbe Avatar

    Jackie…I’m with Ruth….take care of yourself, and see Mark’s link….and how in the world did you get involved in a cat rescue in Florida?

  18. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    You’re welcome, Debbe. Good luck with your eyes!

  19. sandcastler™ Avatar

    TR wrote: “Daughters #2 & #3 missed sharing a birthday by one day and seven years.” Strict vacation schedule? 😉

    Loon and I share a joint Amazon account. Is always fun to see the recommendations we can generate. Taste in music and reading is so different that eHarmony would say our thirty-six marriage in incompatible.

  20. John in Richmond Texas Avatar
    John in Richmond Texas

    emb – the Rowan and Martin thing, I remember that was like the first “adult” thing I understood when I was a little kid. …. …. ..fries with stuff on them, I’ve seen fries with gravy called “wet fries” which I always thought was a nasty name

  21. TruckerRon Avatar

    sandcastler™: Actually they were both conceived during my at-home layovers for Christmas. 😉

  22. sandcastler™ Avatar

    TR, merry Christmas’.

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