A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Movie Moves

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Yesterday it was Milk Duds, and today it is popcorn. I sure hope they’re going Dutch! I’m running late; I have to go draw new cartoons now.

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274 responses to “Movie Moves”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I did a little research, and according to the InterWebNet, the cost of female companionship in the West in the 1870s and 1880s ranged from twenty-five cents to one dollar, depending on category. Interestingly, American women commanded the one dollar fee and a Frenchwoman only 75 cents. (Sorry, Martine.)

    Typically, saloon girls like Miss Kitty’s would pay her half of their fee, plus five to twenty dollars per week for room and board. So the girl had to stay busy to make ends meet…so to speak. And yes, the consensus is that Miss Kitty was indeed just a well-dressed trollop with a heart, or something, of gold.

    I also learned what a Hurdy Gurdy girl was.

  2. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    You are very welcome. I had no idea that anyone would be interested. I may have friends that I’ve been out of touch with for a long time who still think that I’m dead. No creditors, lawyers, or police after me thankfully. Elvis is much better looking and someday I’ll manage to post a picture. He is really a handsome, dignified and very photogenic dude. A large portrait of him is my wallpaper. That’s my screen with the icons, is that right?

  3. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Jerry – Yes, that is your wallpaper. And as to pictures here, as we do not have an upload option, your picture would first have to be online somewhere. Then you can highlight the address bar and copy the url and paste it here. If you have relatives or friends who you would like to share pictures with, Picasa isn’t a bad service. You can make up dummy a email account and information to protect your privacy.

  4. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Thanks Mindy. I have an idea that might work.

  5. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    When I first logged in here, and read down to Jerry’s post….and saw the length 🙂 ..man, I’m going to need a fresh cup of coffee…..thanks Jerry for an entertaining post, I’m so glad you enjoyed those days…sounds like fun…loved the part where you said you didn’t want to hear anyone else’s music….you sound like me….I want my music and I want it played.

    So, I’ve been on the healthcare.gov website….Lord, help me……..my BIL said it was going to take 2 months for his Anthem insurance to ‘kick’ in. I don’t have that kind of time….I need vision coverage.

    Mark…thanks for the new link to the cat comic strip.

    GR 😉


    and oh, I watched the movie “Tom Horn” again….also did some whiki research on it. Don’t know. But I sure do miss Steve McQueen and Paul Newman.

  6. Debbe Avatar

    …and I didn’t quite get today’s real time strip…..did Arlo use ‘used’ liter?

  7. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Debbe, he said there was no fresh litter. Apparently Janis, the green boot wearer, step in something smelly. 😉

  8. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Reading the comments on TDS can be a trip – And sometimes, not a very nice one!

  9. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Jerry – a great story! Sometime – when I have the time – think I shall google that club!

  10. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    I’m catching up on yesterday because I didn’t get a chance to come read anything. Husband finally got the word that his car had been declared totaled by the insurance company (remember the wreck the day before Christmas) so we went car looking. He settled on a 2013 Nissan Altima that had been a Hertz rental car. Very nice and well-kept up. Since we were in Marietta we went by and had lunch with our son, so all in all it was a very nice day.

    Jerry, interesting story of your death! The closest I can come is a story from my high school days: I lived in Alpharetta, which was barely a stone’s throw from Roswell. A girl that lived in Roswell and I shared the same last name, and our first names were very close-her Jenny to my Jeanie. People who knew both our families were always telling my mom what I had been up to, only to find out it was her, not me, and I’m sure her mom got the same thing. I finally met Jenny, but not until we were both young marrieds and our husbands worked for the same bank. Even better, we were both blue-eyed redheads, but she was a good 6 inches shorter than me.

    On country music-I had the great pleasure of seeing Confederate Railroad in concert a couple of years ago, and they are still going strong. Prop Me Up Beside The Jukebox and Friends In Low Places are also two of my favorites.

  11. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Debbe, check this site for vision insurance. My employer has this for us. I have not used it yet, but my ex did and liked the service she got. Of course, you will need to screen the available providers before you go to one. Good luck.


  12. Evan Avatar

    Props to Our Humble Author for Hat Hair in today’s Sunday strip. The little touches are like a fine presentation of a gourmet dish.

  13. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Good morning all and thank you Jimmy for making me laugh, I needed that! Sharing slice of buttered whole wheat bread, whole grain bread with 10# dog on desk, worse than a cat!

    My favorite REALLY strange event was when I was an officer in our floral association and they asked for all who had birthdays that month to stand. Four of the ten of us at table for board members stood up, me and three male friends, all gay. Well, that wasn’t unusual, I was used to standing on stages with three gay friends and me, I called it Mae West and her chorus boys. We all joked about it and I called myself the token middle aged overweight woman. It was an exclusive club.

    But this was peculiar because we all had the exact same birthday on same day same month same year. I know I have told this one before but I do not think I will ever top it because we all came from the Mississippi Delta and small towns right off Mississippi River. Mike kept saying it was a lost space ship and they kicked out the pods to lighten the cargo loads and conserve fuel.

    Sometimes I miss that period of my life. I was showing photos to my gardener/house keeper and it blew her mind. We ain’t talking FTD baby’s breath and daisy baskets here folks! Our specialties were six foot arrangements of pure art forms and complexity. Of course, that isn’t exactly salable, you just do it for yourself and competitions.

    Love, Jackie

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    About today’s cartoon and the used cat litter, how many of us garden? We have moles and voles and other critters that eat gardens here. One of my neighbors used to take my used cat litter and spread it around his garden to keep out the marauders. He swore it worked but I had same thought, that you’d step in some. He said he screened it and used the litter part, not the poop. Of course, I use clumping now so they just keep using it until I have to add some more so I never toss out the solids and litter like I used to.

    I try not to read TDS very often although some there seem nice but others don’t. I was explaining to my gardener/housekeeper how wonderful all of you are and all the people on my boating groups who support me and are friends. She could not believe our group sites weren’t full of “evil mean people” as she calls them. I said, no not at all, wonderful people, the boat people who come here annually all began as internet friends before they ever met me.

    This does seem a little incredible, given today’s world and some of the comments I see elsewhere. People do make cruel, heartless and nasty remarks, hidden by the anonymity of the net I suppose. But it is inside them, not us, and that is what matters.

    Love, Jackie

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, the reason we have a dearth of evil mean people here is that we have you (and many others) to set a good example for us.

  16. Bob in Orland Park Avatar
    Bob in Orland Park


    You mentioned birthdays in common. My wife and I share the same birthday though i’m a year older. Drove our kids nuts, they thought all couples HAD to share a birthday.

  17. Granny Carol Avatar
    Granny Carol

    When I had my second daughter, one of my nurses mentioned there was another baby born the same day with the same last name as ours (not a common name – we were the only ones in our local phone book, but this particular hospital serviced a lot of the surrounding towns in our area.) I did not think much about it until I took my daughter in for her first check up and weigh-in at the pediatrician’s office. They took her name, and birthdate, and then proceeded to verify my name and address, which did not match. I was confused until we figured out that the other person whose baby was born the same day as mine, also gave her daughter the same first name as my daughter’s! Fortunately, the middle names were different, so from then on I had to use the entire name so as not to get their files mixed up.

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Mike’s was Martin Luther Kings, which made it easy to remember until they moved it to make a long weekend I think.

    Not a bad person to share a birthday with in my opinion.

  19. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    My oldest daughter was born during a hurricane and the hospital was sending all the patients home that were mobile. Right! Send a new born and ill mother out into a storm. My mother tells of Mike carrying me in his arms and wading through flood waters, something I do not remember but I was truly sick, another story.

    Anyway, daughter swears she was switched at birth and sent home with the wrong parents, the efforts to identify babies were not really very good in those days, so anything is possible. I have offered to pay for a DNA test but she doesn’t want to take us up on that. I guess she figures better the devil you know.

    Man, this music is sad! “Memory” is playing in background and “Unchained Melody” just got through playing. If this keeps up I will be crying again!

    Love, Jackie

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    10# dog does not care for under 400 calories diet dinners. Not sure I like this one. You know how they keep calorie count low? Not much food!

    Read comments over on TDS. My! We do seem to have the MENSA group over here, don’t we?

    Desperate dog is eating the low sodium seasoned rice and baked fish, leaving me the supposedly apple dessert.

  21. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    First Jackie states we are not mean evil persons, followed up with the implication we are MENSA types. I think Mark Manson had this group in mind when he said: “…we’re all a little screwed up in our own special snowflake kind of way.” 😉

  22. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Sand, that was a joke I thought (?) meaning we had all the higher IQ’s over here if the TDS group couldn’t understand today’s cat cartoon and Arlo slipping on ice as he poured/sprinkled used cat litter on the ice, then Janis stepped in Luddie’s contribution. A very clear cartoon with few words required, in fact an EXCELLENT cartoon where the drawings told the plot.

    Honestly, I went to one MENSA meeting, if I have the right acronym for the group and decided that group was just too weird for me. I am way too short to qualify for the Towering Texan group, at 5 feet 2 inches if I stretch and tease my hair.

    I agree with Jimmy Buffett, “fruitcakes in the crosswalks, fuitcakes in the street, there’s a little bit of fruitcake in everyone you meet”. Some of us got taken out of the cosmic ovens before we were quite done!

    Jimmy, pay attention to the Village and not TDS because we seem to all get your work!

    Love, Jackie

  23. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Yeah, that is group! One of my shrinks recommended me to it since apparently I qualified but I went to a Houston meeting and that was long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I like that quote, Sand. At first reading I thought it was Charles you were quoting but I still liked it. The flu/sneezing/blowing keeps my eyes blurry.

  25. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie: I just ran across this quote in Food Network Magazine, and I thought you and some others might find the information useful. “A recent study found that eating reheated pasta leads to a much lower spike in blood sugar than eating just-cooked noodles. After reheating, the pasta becomes a resistant starch, meaning it releases less sugar and keeps you fuller longer.”

    Speaking of pasta, I recently saw a video of an “expert” chef claiming that rather than putting the meat sauce on top of the pasta, the correct method would be to add the pasta to the sauce. Ah, well, OK then.

    If I felt the need, I could probably qualify for MENSA membership, not because I’m particularly intelligent but because I have a knack for doing well on tests. And if I did succeed, that and $5 would get me a cup of Starbucks coffee.