A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Naive Son

By Jimmy Johnson

March 15, 1999

Here’s an oldie from the Ides of March, 1999. It is the first in a week-long series featuring son Gene, which you can see in its entirety by clicking on the date above. Not long before this strip ran, Janis went from her original long hair to a shorter cut. Here, I still was struggling with how best to depict the new ‘do, and I still am. For me, cartoon hair is the toughest thing to draw. I’ve never been very satisfied with any of my efforts. I hate Arlo’s hair, but by now he wouldn’t be Arlo otherwise.

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124 responses to “Naive Son”

  1. Ghost Avatar

    The roads where l live are no existence no one maintains as they are private not county

    I once sprained my ankle out walking my dog by falling in a pot hole. I finally got up holding onto my Newfoundland who dragged me home.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      This post was from Jackie. Her name and address were displaying when she started typing the post, but had changed to mine by the time she finished it. Everyone might need to recheck the info before clicking on “Post Comment”. – Ghost

  2. Ghost Avatar

    Re 3-21-21 real-time cartoon: I thought beer was the drink of procrastinators…you have to keep stopping what you’re doing to go the bathroom, and eventually you’ll go to sleep.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Annnd, Trucker’s info was here on my laptop, but I noticed and changed it before sending.

      1. Ghost Avatar

        I used to enjoy an occasional “theme beer” with my meals when eating out…Japanese beer with sushi, Mexican beer with Tex-Mex, bock beer with steak, etc. But that’s been a while. Another casualty of the ‘rona virus, I suppose.

  3. Jackie Avatar

    About the Sunday funny, there is a slower more complicated way to brew tea called “a proper cup” that does not use tea bags but loose tea, a teapot,strainer, heating cup with boiling water, possible sugar and cream at room temp, plus timer.

    Believe me, Arlo’s teabag is simpler and faster.

  4.  Avatar

    Until it becomes a night light.

  5. Jackie Avatar

    Until it becomes a night light.

  6. Ghost Avatar

    Blog seems to continue to be hard bent as far as names and emails.

  7. Jackie Avatar

    This morning I was first Ghost, erased, then Ghost again, then anonymous, then Jackie all for one sentence.

    1. Mark in TTown Avatar
      Mark in TTown

      First time I was here this morning, I was me. Second time I was Nobody. Third time I’m back again.

  8. Ghost Avatar

    Re 3-22-21 real-time cartoon: “All cats are gray in the dark.”

  9. emb Avatar

    Glad to hear that there had been 2 eggs / Decorah North nest, but something apparently happened to them, & I’ve seen the nest empty. Often an eagle seems to be incubating there, but I just now watched a pair change places, & saw no eggs in the nest. Hard wiring gone awry? Be interesting to have the sponsoring outfit clarify.

  10. emb Avatar

    Two peregrine eggs in Baltimore. They often wait for a second egg before starting to incubate. Let us pray.



    1. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
      Ruth Anne in Winter Park

      I just looked at the comments on the Decorah North Explore site and someone had posted a screen shot showing both eggs. I think the nest bowl is deeper than usual this year and some of the material has been blocking our view. Extra fluff was probably a good thing when they had all that snow.

  11. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Question for JJ: I’ve just gone through another cartoon’s total GoComics file and saw a lot of duplication, repeating older strips. I was wondering if the powers-that-be control how much new stuff must be included in any given comic over the period of, say, a month. That is, are you bound to provide, say, 20 new strips each month with a maximum of 8-11 repeats?

  12. Jackie Avatar

    Mark (Alabama readers) I have been reading a lot of novels set in Alabama lately and oddly. Not one author but several.

    Plots seem to be recounting of everything their grandmothers told them about their family plus all the town gossip. I wonder if anyone in Alabama speaks to them now?

    Remember the book your SIL gave me she’d worked on? The lady who had been married eleven times? It was on Kindle too! Set in Alabama!

    Jimmy, not an insult to living in Alabama. According to novels the women are all ex-beauty queen gorgeous and the men successful rich doctors and lawyers who went to Auburn, Alabama and maybe Vanderbilt.

    And everyone knows words to Sweet Home Alabama.

    1. Sideburns Avatar

      We do? I can’t speak for anybody else, but I’d never heard of that song, Jackie, before you mentioned it here. Maybe it was mostly played in the Old South, because I don’t remember ever hearing it in Southern California.

      1. Mark in TTown Avatar
        Mark in TTown

        First time I heard it in 1975 was as part of an airline’s rock selection in their onboard music. Also the first place I heard Kraftwerk’s Autobahn. I’ve been hooked on both groups since.

  13. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    By the way, Jackie. One place you won’t be eating is First Watch. The franchisee closed all the Oklahoma restaurants. No reason given.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Seems like they were sending me Loyalty Club specials by email just a couple of weeks ago.

  14. Jackie Avatar

    We just had shrimp poboys at White River which I had been craving. Great bargain with salad and hush puppies but sadly nothing like a New Orleans version.

    I would go to New Orleans and Magazine Street for oysters or shrimp at Casimento’s. Best poboys including half and half version.

  15. emb Avatar

    Glad to hear those eagle eggs must be deep down. They’ve been incubating for maybe 2 weeks.
    Prayers answered. There’s a Balt. peregrine incubating.

  16. Jackie Avatar

    Mark we tried Flavors of Louisiana and liked it. Have you eaten at any of the other poboy or Cajun places yet? There are several new ones I saw on Yelp and Trip Advisor.

    We are never there on weekends or nights anymore or we’d invite you out. We have to go back tomorrow in fact again.

    1. Mark in TTown Avatar
      Mark in TTown

      No I haven’t. What got me into the Flavors of Louisiana was an urge for catfish and not wanting to make a long trek to either of the White River places. I had the catfish basket at Flavors and really enjoyed it. They gave me an extra piece of catfish, which I appreciated because it was very good. I had the red beans and rice when I found out the fried green tomatoes wouldn’t be on the menu till at least May. And the roll was excellent, almost tasted like a beignet without the sugar on it. The Cajun Ed’s is so close I pass it a lot, but I haven’t been in. Reckon I’ll have to try it soon.

  17. emb Avatar

    Opossum at Panama feeder. Dark there; it’s E of most Villagers. Peace,


  18. Ghost Avatar

    We just realized that today (Tuesday) is National Puppy Day. Of course, pretty much every day is Puppy Day around here.

  19. emb Avatar

    Still 2 eggs / Balt., but nobody incubating!

  20. emb Avatar

    Incubator in place now, couldn’t check # eggs. 1 bird on single Anacapa egg; not sure if it’s a new egg or not. Bad year.

  21. emb Avatar

    2 unattended eggs again. Wonder if only 1 adult remains? In this prey-filled environment, 1 should be able to raise 2 yg.



  22. Jackie Avatar

    I HATE tornado season!

    1. Sideburns Avatar

      Motel 6 had a Veteran’s discount, but I don’t know if they still do. It’s the same as their Senior discount, and you only get one of the two. Also, Safeway has Military Appreciation Day, but you never know when they’re doing it. You just have to ask, I guess. My sister works there now, and lets me know.

      Weird! If I hadn’t checked, Mark, I’d have posted as you.

      1. Sideburns Avatar

        I just checked: you can either get a 10% military discount or an 8% senior discount. Not both.