I get surprisingly few complaints from readers, but I did receive a couple of disapproving emails about this one. I thought from the clothing evident on the characters, it would be obvious they were simply engaged in a bit of what we once called “heavy petting” on the sofa. Of all the times I’ve touched on marital relations, I didn’t expect to shock anyone with this one. However, the complaints felt this particular cartoon was too graphic. To me, this illustrates what I’ve always believed: a lot of what goes on in Arlo & Janis goes on in the readers’ mind. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

No Peeking!
By Jimmy Johnson
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80 responses to “No Peeking!”
Wow, May of 2000. 21 years ago. I remember that comic. Upon seeing it again I had the same reaction as I did then. The difference today? Cialis.
Thank you, Jimmy.
Doesn’t look objectionable to me at all. Of course I am a nudist so anything done with or without clothes would not offend me.
Re 4-29-21 retro cartoon: As I learned in my younger, wilder, and more adventurous days, wearing clothing is seldom an impediment to making whoopee. (Love will find a way.) But I suspect that what may have raised the ire (and hackles) of the Mrs. Grundys of both sexes were the parenthesis-like marks that cartoonists use to indicate motion.
By the way, what is the technical term cartoonists use for “the parenthesis-like marks that cartoonists use to indicate motion”?
Mark , do you really mean Tarrytown?
From North TTown
And after looking at it again, it looks like Janis was doing all the “Work” while Arlo just lay there and “Peeked” and perhaps not only at the the TV.
I agree Jimmy ….. keep up the great work!
Peregrine hatchling[s?] in Baltimore. Hope the 2[?] remaining eggs are sterile. Peace,
The most erogenous area in the human body is the brain.
That is my theory and I am sticking with it.
I am Name today.
I have said for years, and am thoroughly convinced, that sex is 98% in between your ears.
It was the bare feet, Jimmy! If they’d had on shoes, or even socks….
Brooke McEldowney has gotten away with intertwined bare hands to represent extreme whoopee!
I love your “marital relations” strips. They’re always very tasteful and subtle….and funny!
The Govenor Louisiana always kept his boots on and possibly the cowboy hat.
Well, the boots yes, but I’m having some trouble with a cowboy hat. A baseball cap maybe, but a cowboy hat??? Would have to be standing up???
@Mark in TTown-
Thanks for the link. Interesting read.
Cartoons have their own grammar and visual vocabulary; I think it’s interesting how universal these symbols have become and how easily we pick up on them without any formal traing. We were taught how to read in school, but who taught us the different types of word balloons or the meaning of “wafromas”?
In the movie Paul Newman played Governor Long, keeping on the boots, spurs, hat and white traditional starched cotton ironed boxer underwear.
For all I know he may have been standing or riding.
My family claimed kin to the Longs but my genealogy research showed relationship by marriage and remotely, no direct blood.
Jackie, looks like something new in town here. https://lassallesneworleansdeli.com/
Umm, that menu is enough to make a Deep South expat’s mouth water. All those po’boys, and muffulettas, too. And I love me some muffulettas. I had a pretty decent (half) one at NOLA’s in Tulsa for lunch a couple of weeks ago.
Also, it’s just a couple of blocks from Kai : Vietnamese Cuisine, the place we recently discovered where our friend “Hot Legs” from Viet Huong Vietnamese restaurant and her sister are operating a downtown eatery.
Lunch at Kai
Pick up sandwiches to go at Lassalle’s for dinner
Remove batteries from our new electronic scale
What a super hero!!!
Sunday strip, sometimes people stop fighting and have sex?
What am I here after? [Sunday: Dustin’s URL is undated.]
Lying in bed doing hours of leg exercises to music by Waylon Jennings whom I love. He died too young due to diabetes complications. The loss of a great talent. He lived too hard.
If I regain my legs it will be thanks to Waylon’s music and guitar.
So sad tonight. But it has been so long to reach being healthy again. Why do I think I deserve any of this?
It is all a gift from others for I can do nothing for myself.
“It is all a gift from others for I can do nothing for myself.” That’s the secret to life! It’s also stated in the lines of “For Good” from “Wicked”:
I’ve heard it said
That people come into our lives
For a reason
Bringing something we must learn,
And we are led to those
Who help us most to grow if we let them
And we help them in return…
Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true,
But I know I’m who I am today
Because I knew you!
Now I’ll have that song stuck in my head, but it brings back a good memory. First time I heard it was many years ago at our local Rollins College at the senior recital of a friend’s daughter and one of her good friends. After each of them had performed solo, they came back and sang together (with her friend in green makeup). Those lovely voices, the lyrics, plus their obvious friendship and affection, were breathtaking!
Re 5-3-21 real-time (actually a retro) cartoon: Do gauchos wear 3.8-liter hats?
Just got a cardboard box out of a warehouse with high school yearbooks. Forgot about art work I had drawn for them or that I had written for and edited newspapers from junior high through college.
Reading them made me laugh and smile. My first. Graduation was in 1957 and I was recognized as the “reader” and book owner of class, acting, art and fashion drsign. I was predicted to become a fashion designer and end up as a movie costume designer.
I began designing my own clothes as a teenager and studied costume design in theater classes. Went on to design and make my own clothes into my 20’S and taught sewing and how to design your own clothes briefly in my 30’s.
Still love all these. Want to go back to sewing and design for myself. But right now going back to writing on my new computer Ghost set up.
Great memories and great news (new computer) Jackie!
How did Arlo jump before water came down?
Ghost remembers this strip running before, I don’t. I love the movement in panel 3 when he leaps/jumps.
Lots of tornadoes last night. Hope all are safe. We had lots of alarms most of night but no immediate touchdown. Ghost got to admire the equipment and professional weather coverage of Travis Meyer, considered by some to be best in United States. Some think the Alabama one better. Both better than the Weather Channel.
Mark in TTOWN you have enjoyed both, what do you think?
I’m a James Spann guy, myself. Some of those lightning strikes last night sounded like they were very close. Glad you didn’t wash away down there. I read about the flooding in McAlester, although the tv internet sites didn’t have much detail to the stories.
And today’s strip is a good one that brings back nice memories. I have done that private rainmaking for myself while watering for grandmother and mother. No singing and dancing, though. I know my limits.
Boy the Dark side is depressing.
I know it is late but:
“May the 4th be with you!” {^¿^}
The comments on That is Priceless are priceless today May 4.
Punning presidents in all of them.