Well, I messed up Big Time. The current A&J comic strip that appeared Sunday, Jan. 1, was a poem, a limerick of which I was rather proud. Today’s strip, Jan. 2, was a limerick about cats, of which I was less proud, but there it is. Now, I can count on comments such as, “Not another limerick.” Or, “These limericks are awful.” Or “I’m bored with this poetry thing.” Actually, the Sunday strip is drawn earlier than the Monday-Saturday strips, and I didn’t realize I was putting two poem strips back to back, or I wouldn’t have done it. Because I know if I do, well… see above. So, to those commenters annoyed by this, I hope this takes some of the sting out. Having said that, I do not intend to lose any sleep over it. And again: Happy New Year!
Not Just a City in Ireland
By Jimmy Johnson
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134 responses to “Not Just a City in Ireland”
JJ: Good. You shouldn’t. Peace,
So the Free Ice Cream machine dispensed the same flavor two days in a row. It’s still good ice cream. And free.
Love well-done limericks…just make sure to get the meter correct!
Now why would we complain about your limericks when you do them so well, JJ? That’s just silly!
About Brussels sprouts-my Dad loved them so I do, too, but I do get sort of tired of the same old thing. I recently found a recipe that calls for halved sprouts, chopped bacon, and diced apple that was very good. And my Mom occasionally cooked liver and onions that I really loved. It was about the only thing she didn’t overcook.
Hi Ghost Sweetie!
I’m really surprised more comic strips don’t use Limericks as they fit so well in the 4 panel strips!
And I do enjoy a good limerick. I have a book full of them I’ve had for years called the Bawdy Bedside Reader. I used to give dramatic readings from it once upon a time!
One of my favorites I can quote without going to the bookshelf…
The Postman came on the first of May,
The policeman came the very next day.
Nine months later there was heck to pay!
Who fired the shot, the blue or the grey?
for the non-gourmet foodies among us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mpfxsy8npCE
Happy New Year, Jimmy (and everyone else). We support you in not losing any sleep – we appreciate the gifts you give us in whatever order they come.
Trapper Jean – my mom mad the best liver and onions (with bacon) – all through school, none of the kids could believe I liked liver as they all hated it. I’d give anything to be able to experience it again (not for the eating, but to be able to talk with my mom while she cooked it).
Jim in TN – while that’s a great poem, I don’t think it qualifies as a limerick.
I admire someone that can write a limerick. The only one that I know is There once was a girl from Nantucket….
Happy New Year. I am watching the Rose Parade and soon will be watching the Cotton Bowl with my son, daughter-in-law and late sister-in-law’s ala mater, Western Michigan University. This is a big day for Kalamazoo. I feel bad for my co-workers. I have 4 weeks vacation and am taking today off for the traditional start of the new year. Actually heard that some schools have class today. They get so many other days off, but today is one that they really should.
Liver and Onions, brussel sprouts, beets? Don’t get me started on foods that I don’t like! Have on idea of what to eat today, but it won’t be too elaborate or heavy. Got to get moving and lose some lbs after vacation.
Funny, I did not notice the limerick which may mean your art exceeds your poetry. But I liked both after I reread when fully awake.
I stay “awake” at night til they post Arlo and Janis on Go Comics.
Good morning all. Just woke up.
Coincidentally I just finished reading a rather odd book in which the main character is somewhat obsessed with creating limericks, which is actually more difficult than other forms of poetry.
AccuWeather’s weather radar currently looks like a Crayola© box threw up on the Deep South.
A few years ago, as part of a class about online resources, I joined LibraryThing.com. Other than what was required for the class, I didn’t do much with it until I retired. Each month they offer a selection of Early Reviewer books; the deal is that you request the ones you’re interested in and (if the computer gods smile on you) you may get a free book, in exchange for which you are asked to post a review. I have yet to get a physical book but I have received several eBooks, which I read on Kindle for PC on my tablet – not my favorite format but tolerable … and did I mention free?
When I requested the book I mentioned above, I was attracted by the quirky plot description and the phrases “noted humorist” and “a lot like Hamlet”; somehow I missed/ignored “horror opus”. Not my usual genre of choice, but for those who like psychological suspense novels, you might want to check out Ophelia, ALIVE by Luke T. Harrington.
By far the best of the books that I’ve gotten is The Resurrection of Frederic Debreu by Alex Marsh. The author is too young to be retired himself but I thought he did a great job of portraying a retired Englishman looking for what to do with the next stage of his life.
My pet sitter and her dad just left and I am dressed. She said I looked great, like I was going to a disco instead of down town. I said wait, let me put the fur vest on with it for the full effect! She said you look like a million dollars.
Told her my bargain instincts were pants $10, sweater $2,50, bracelets $2.00, necklace $8, earrings $8, ring $14, shoes %9, fur vest $15, bra $18, purse $39.
Total of $125.50 to look like a million.
This has been my hobby all my life, to dress like this on a shoe string. I always called it disposable clothing since it never cost so much I cared what happened to it.
It isn’t nearly as much fun if you just walk in a boutique and pay full price. When I sold cars for my female owner she would do that, have me run totals on my ensembles. I drove her crazy because she said she paid more for belts or a purse than I did on it sll.
Oops, forgot the scarf $8 and hat $10. So total is $143.50.
If you have paid attention to women’s clothes lately you can drop that on the fur vest. I am huge fan of Mark downs. My favorite price is half off lowest ticketed price that is already 80% off.
This combines two favorite topics, food and lingerie. Got a new catalog and had already noted someone was using food names on bras, both the names and colors. Uh huh!
Started looking at these, no love, all too small except one black. Looked anyway wondering if I’d ever be that small again, I hope.
Noticed one of the most used colors was beet blood purple. I mean that is description! Wonder if Brussel sprouts is next to get the erotic treatment? They are European if Heidi Krum is still?
Jimmy, I’ve gotten into the habit of visiting your website first, then clicking to the current strip from here. I used to do the opposite. Does either method benefit you? One way more than the other?
I come here first thing in the morning, before breakfast. (It takes 30 minutes to an hour after I get up before I’m interested in eating most days.) Then, I read the on-line comics while I’m eating, so any early comments on the day’s strip just get ignored until I come back later.
Jackie, I have to ask since you brought it up…are any of those bras named for citrus fruits or melons?
I will look when I get home. I have a friend who commented on my boxes for storage that they looked like boxes of weird colored melons because my boxes look like fruit crates. Also that the one with chevron stripes was the weirdest melon ever.
The retro strip has several possible meanings.
Slightly off topic:
A few weeks ago, I found a 1916 S penny in remarkable condition in a “Take a penny; leave a penny” dish.
It’s now worth $7 to $9, considerably more than the pace of inflation.
Ken from Framingham:
I follow the same practice.
If my memory is correct, I think that Jimmy once wrote that using the link that appears here in his blog is more beneficial to him.
Something that all parents & grandparents need to think about:
Everything that can be tipped over by a little kid should be secured. It’s a lot easier to patch the holes made by the screws than to patch the kids!
Kind of hard to watch Auburn in the Sugar Bowl after watching USC/Penn St. in the Rose Bowl. At times I thought I was watching an Arena League game with all of the scoring. Going to go to bed as I have to be an adult tomorrow.