And that was 13 years ago! I’m sorry to have been away so long. Between the rain and the holidays, the routine around here was knocked into a cocked hat last week. I don’t have a lot of time today, either, but I thought I’d better get things moving again. This comic from 2003 seems appropriate to the task.

Out of Control
By Jimmy Johnson
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160 responses to “Out of Control”
Good morning Villagers…..
Good grief, Jackie, do you have a bedroom that substitutes as a closet with all those clothes 🙂
Jerry, the hen house windows slide open, and there are about 60 of them on each side of the building. In the real world, they would operate mechanically, opening and closing, but the cable is broken on both sides. And the one side that just broke, we cannot move the windows without taking off the cable…so some are stuck at 5 to 6 inches open. You would not believe the air flow pressure…almost lost my index finger when the hen house door was open and I went to come back inside from outside the building, the pressure sucked the door close, and my finger was in the way.
Not only that problem, but the toggle switch to one of the feed bins broke, so feed is only coming in from one bin, lost my debit card (my lifeline) and still cannot get through to the insurance company…busy signal…….but it will be better today.
Miss Charlotte, how was your Christmas…you’ve been so quiet lately.
Ya’ll have a truly blessed day.
GR 😉 that song was made to be play loud too….
so here I go…….
Mark, you and I think alike, I had post that song a couple of days ago when everyone was talking about how much rain they were getting in the south. The storm had not hit us yet, I think the sun is supposed to make an appearance today….I hope so, I sure would like to feel some sun on my face.
Old Bear don’t give up on me…going to try and log into my email account again this morning.
Thought of Steve on this one…..
Then there are these days…
Old Bear….got ‘Pronto” to come up, check your email…..
The only way to continue the progression from 2003 — short of Arlo plunging off an icy vertical cliff — would be to have him facing backward on the sled, terrified and trying to claw his way back up the hill.
Modern equivalent of old Viking funeral?
Debbe 😉 Thanks for the tune and the leg show, hon. I enjoyed both. 🙂
“separates……..softens…..” EEESH! Asking for advice then, please? I don’t get out much. The car doesn’t go much. I’ve been keeping the fuel level up. When it hits half -or close to that- I fill it back up. Should I not be doing that? Ought I to ask my sister to drive it some when I’ve not been able to? (2003 Cav.)
Jimmy, the change of expression on Arlo’s face and his body language is great. You are really good with that pen!
My mother’s car is a 2009 and has very, very few miles on it, but it runs fine. I also have a 1972 car that, over the years, has gone for long periods of time without running with no ill effects.
Debbe the entire house is a giant closet, I am single, have nothing to do with my life besides live it. I am a clothes addict who has designed them, sewn them, modeled them, worn them to impress, not worn them. I give them away in giant piles. Love to find bargains, love to shop. Oh, and worked in retail clothing and as a market rep. Worked and lived in environments where what you wore mattered and was everything. Did the same thing in reverse where it didn’t matter a whit.
House is a bedroom, a closet, a bathroom as big as the bedroom, a sitting room and an office, a kitchen and another bath, all mine, all set up for me. Not set up for family or guests, it is my big personal niche for clothes, books, personal things, art, collectibles I like.. there is a second half where security lives in guest apartment and it has a laundry out there about a thousand square feet which is really a large sunroom we are trying to reclaim. There is also a two story boat shop of a couple thousand feet turning back into a garden center boat shop.
My late husband let it all fall apart. I am reclaiming and Martha Stewart or someone like her is moving in. We will find out who it is when I finish evolving and changing from what I let myself become. The house is like me, it went to hell but the basic core is still there.
Ethanol in gasoline:
Easier to think of ethanol [C2H6O] as already possessing one of the atoms of oxygen needed to oxidize it fully. Thus, it requires less oxygen from the air to finish the process.
Whether or not it is good, in terms of gallons vs. miles, must take into account things like its density, not just the various atomic weights, and the very tricky density of its mixtures with the usual gasoline components.
Don’t remember what the impetus was for including ethanol, but probably an attempt to lower our reliance on foreign oil.
Pure ethanol will absorb some water from surrounding atmosphere IF that atmosphere has any water in it. Ethanol with 5% water in it will probably not take in more. Will such water become acid? Good grief, NO! If acids came from the water involved, then the products of combustion – which include water – would provide all the water needed. Some hydrocarbons may oxidize to organic acids, but that means they were not completely oxidized.
My snowblower has ethanol/gasoline in it, and I keep it there all year ’round. Nothing dire has occurred, and it is at least 7 years old.
I am puzzled by the thought that the ethanol would eat/erode/dissolve various fittings. Now, I admit that I do not know what materials are used for those fittings, but if they are plastics, I’d think that normal gasoline would be far better at eating/corroding/dissolving than the ethanol. In chemistry, we have a saying, “Like dissolves like.” – it refers to the polarities of different materials. Gasoline components are virtually non-polar, while ethanol is significantly polar. Plastics are typically non-polar; hence my statement.
Back to A&J for a second … I like this strip. I identify with it completely, and I’d add that in the last few years, it’s felt close to a free-fall. Man, time flies!
Will using E15 (15% ethanol, 85% gasoline mixture) in your automobile’s engine damage it? The fine folks at say…yes and no.
Read the last paragraph of their take on it and recall what I said last night: “As always, follow the money trail.”
What do you call someone who burns a major crop for transportation while people in other countries are starving and offering top dollar for that crop? (I wish I knew!)
There are far worse things in the world than a clothes addicted woman who is happier with none at all. In fact, most things make me a benign oddity, harmless to the max.
Read two paragraphs above.
My comment about all of us plunging downhill with Arlo etherized.
Looking at the retro-strip, I notice that in each of the first three panels, he’s bundled up even more. Not sure about the last one, but that coat might be heavier than it looks.
Just out of curiosity:
Is anyone else sorry that he/she wasted time and money on “The Force Awakens”?
Lucas really should have let sleeping forces lie.
TruckerRon, a politician.
Sideburns, I look at that retro strip as a metaphor of adult life itself. You start off looking forward to the thrill, get wound up in it as you go, start wondering about why you are doing this and where you are headed. Next the downhill run picks up speed and you realize there will be a stop but you don’t know when.
I loved it when Hans came on the scene. To me Harrison Ford is what made Star Wars so special. But I was never big into Star Wars…
The current retro cartoon leads me to a question. Was Jimmy a member of either the luge or bobsled teams during his Auburn years?
c e-p
I only comment from direct observation and trade publications
(Rental & Small Engine) (your results may vary) rubber and most
other fuel lines soften and deteriorate – there are resistant fuel lines though.
Carb. parts are pitted and tolerances compromised.
At one time if the small engine didn’t start 75% of the time you changed the spark plug.
today it is 90% fuel related.
When air humidity gets to 90% as it does here there will be water absorption.
One problem with water in gasohol is when it reaches saturation it seems that
all the water drops out not just the excess.
Use fresh fuel (less that 1 month) with a stabilizer for small engines.
Cars keep the tank full – small engines run dry at the of the season.
As Ghost says follow the money – BP advertised they were buying ethanol from
Brazil – I think that spot aired ONCE.
Around here gasohol was touted as for “cleaner air” that was proved wrong.
So it was touted as less dependent on foreign oil – they are still flogging that.
Now the subsidies are off fuel companies are buying ethanol where ever it is cheapest
and that is NOT the US of A.
back to your regularly scheduled program.
I’m actually less concerned about how much ethanol the EPA dictates must be mixed with the gasoline we buy than I am how we will buy it at all when states start going bankrupt and our house of cards economy gets severely stressed.
Oh, and Happy New Year everyone! 🙂