It’s only gotten worse in the past 20 years, Vince! This is an interesting little series from 1993 that I will begin here today. I don’t think it has ever run on the Web site; maybe you can tell me. It generated a lot of interest when it appeared in newspapers though. It seems a lot of people could identify with having a special friend at the office.

Over Coffee
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
90 responses to “Over Coffee”
Jackie: A sad account, but often true. My thoughts and prayers. A nurse where I volunteer has gone through initial chemo, and seems CA-free, but you don’t really know for some time. She gamely worked when she could, head scarf and all. Now she is short & curly haired. The curly thing is common. She is a day-brightener, as are many of the OR nurses. Don’t see her every Tue., as they rotate positions in the OR suite, and also hours. 23 scheduled surgeries yesterday, + 3 walk-ins.
God bless, emb
P.S. “Sometimes that isnโt a funny joke, of course, as it turns out to be true.” That, of course, is the plot of ‘The captain’s paradise’, with Alec Guinness in the title role. Neat movie. Also enjoyed ‘The Lavender Hill mob’ and ‘The man in the white suit.’
“Happy Veterans’ Day” doesn’t bother me nearly as much as “Happy Memorial Day” since Veterans’ Day is supposed to honor the living who served. You all might enjoy this commentary from our local paper yesterday – Interesting coincidence that Kurt Vonnegut was born on November 11.
Went to a talk by a Holocaust survivor yesterday, at an ELCA church. She was <10 during the ordeal, but she and her parents all survived [almost no relatives did] and made their way to NYC after VE Day. Has written several books, and lived long enough in NYC to have a mixed German/NYC accent. It is good to hear the 'mother tongue', one version or another.
My cleaning lady suggested that we go, and have dinner first. All on the up & up, hubby and son were deer hunting, daughter staying w/ somebody. I said I'd buy supper if she drove [I avoid night driving]. Got the better of the deal. Green Mill was feeding vets free. Remembered to figure in a 20% tip of the original total.
Today I managed to find a new home for my feisty cat. Loved him, but biting problems, and it is a relief not to continually wonder what the cat has done while I was out, or out like a light.
Mike’s hair has grown in curly and thicker, more like tight ringlets.
He had gained back almost all his lost pounds, since he was really fit, he didn’t have any to lose. He is going to try to keep up his walking and water exercises but this will be hard with radiation daily unless we switch to the St. Johns’ Wellness Center, as his wellness center is 25 miles south of us. I am certain he is eligible to attend the St. Johns’ center as well.
By the way, for all the senior citizens among us, if your hospital has a wellness center, they also usually have very reasonable rates to exercise, use facilities and they are trained in working with older bodies and those who have or are ill, much better to help us than the ones tuned to young, fit bodies. I say that because when I was young I went to exercise centers with a pack of Playboy Bunnies (for real, not a joke) and then I went to one that had a lot of entertainers (not sure in what field?) but I am now old and unfit and I need someone who is going to care if I drop dead if I walk a 1/2 mile!!
Thanks for the care and concern! You guys are my support group.
Love, Jackie
“A pack of Playboy Bunnies.” Now *there’s* a phrase to conjure with! ๐
Apparently if I go a day without commenting the forum forgets my name. Oh well. When I saw the movie “Sweet Home Alabama” I thought that the coon dog cemetery was a bad joke but it is a real place. Having pets I understand now that a family member can have any number of legs. The tombstones in the cemetery range from a now unreadable piece of wood to a large slab of granite. I have a large piece of granite in my garage ready to be cut into three pieces and engraved. As my current life expectancy is probably about what theirs is the question becomes where do I bury them, but the best answer is on my stepson’s property in Abama. As he has has
What are multiple rabbits? A hutch? I thought that was where they lived? A clutch? I thought that was when they were shot and in a handful to be skinned?
Too tired. The one in Hawaii had a no bras to exercise in, au naturel and no clothes/suits in whirlpools, saunas or pools. In retrospect that seems sort of suspect?
This wasn’t very appealing to older clients, so lots of fitter bodies. But required nudity has never been a rule anywhere else I have ever exercised. I think even now it was strange.
Good night Ghost.
Love, Jackie
You can see from the above that the comment was not finished. The cursor began moving all over the screen and would not obey the mouse. Battery going bad? Someone or something taking over my computer? I managed to get it over the “submit comment” button long enough to get out of it. Is my provider going offline? I’ll click on submit and see what happens.
Oh well, one of life’s little mysteries. The above mishmash was supposed to be about my three cats of course.
Jackie, sorry to hear about the turn with your husband.
EMB, I was surprised by the number of restaurants offering free meals to veterans. We are visiting my daughter in Grand Junction, CO. There was a much higher emphasis on Veterans’ Day here than there ever is in Austin.
A group of bunnies is called a “herd”. So let me revise my comment…โA herd of Playboy Bunnies.โ Now thereโs *really* a phrase to conjure with!
And what was the exercise place in Hawaii called, anyway? The Olympiad?
That reminds me…did I take my blood pressure meds today? ๐
Seriously, that does sound pretty suspicious. If it were present day, I can almost guarantee the place would have been equipped with hidden video cams. And may have been then.
So glad that Mike is receiving better care now, Jackie. I friend that I used to work with had bile duct cancer over two years ago. After surgery, chemo, and radiation all seemed well – except it left her permanently disabled and no longer able to work. Yesterday she found out that her cancer is back and is now in her lymph system. You and Mike will be in my prayers.
Jerry, we didn’t forget. ๐ You told us you were going away for a while, and when you came back you checked in…saying you were tired and still catching up. Glad you’re back! Hope the implant isn’t causing you trouble, and that you and the cats are all here a long time.
Jerry in Fl, we are all glad to see you back. Llee is right, as usual. I will be thinking of you and the cats; hope your computer gives you no more aggravation.
Dear Jackie, your friends here are all much concerned about Mike’s health and your responsibilities. Our loving wishes for great improvement! Take care of yourself and please be sure to take all your medications. You need to stay strong, for Mike; and your mother too.
Much love from your friend in New Hampshire,
So many Village friends… so many concerns… yes, I pray for all of you going thru troubles.
Jackie… RE your comment that we are your support group – At one time, I had lunch quite often with the clinical director of the mental health agency where I work. At one conversation regarding my needed “sister fix”, she stated that if everyone had as supportive family/friends, there would be no need a lot of the mental health services. So – go ahead! Share, rant, whatever! We are here for you, and we care. Prayers and hugs…
Maybe they think it’s equally weird to require clothes. The clothing optional sunning area in the Englisher Garten in Munchen does not seem to require nudity, but most folks there are naked.
Peace, emb
And Jerry – we have not forgotten you! We just trust that you will check in when you can. I love the movie, Sweet Home Alabama, but it has been a while since I saw it. I don’t remember the reference to the coon hound cemetery. Methinks it is about time I saw the movie again!
And to all, I echo emb’s benediction… peace…
Jackie… in the immortal words of Red Green, Keep your stick on the ice!
Galligio, that’s what I was trying to do tonight! We have a temporary ice sheet here in the California central coast area, and this week was its opening. Tonight was my first time playing hockey since March. Yayyyy! My sore muscles aren’t saying that, though.
Tuesday morning, the SLO County Band played our annual Veterans’ Day gig, and the main speaker was way better than normal. She had recently gotten out of the USAF, and despite a stellar career there, was having trouble finding civilian employment, as have many returning veterans. I only wish the audience had been younger, and included more small-business owners who could have heard her talk. Among the points she raised are that the veterans are trained and experienced at making quick and accurate decisions under pressure.
Good morning Villagers…
Jackie, I figured you were busy with doctors’ appointments these past couple of days. Please know that you have great support and love here in the Village. As I have said before, packing eggs is not rocket science, so my mind tends to drift and it often drifts to here. I will keep you and Mike in my thoughts and prayers….Amen. And I am glad your daughter is staying with you.
Now, Jerry, I wondered why you didn’t post yesterday regarding the coon dog cemetery, but I figured you were busy….so what were you doing that took precedence over posting ๐ (I’m teasing you)
and GR ๐ don’t ever change….herd of Playboy Bunnies indeed, you’re such a slut puppy.
Well, little Kyler didn’t last long yesterday. He had an early day and no nap. He didn’t want to eat, he was contrary, only wanting sweet tea to drink. So I sat him down beside me and started reading to him and he fell asleep at 4:30….I laid him down. And that was it for the rest of the night. His mom called and I told her he had fallen asleep. I asked her if she wanted me to wake him up as he probably wouldn’t sleep when he went “home”. No she said, he was fine. Thankfully….I was a tired puppy too.
ya’ll have a blessed day, truly
Important List
16. The two most power-filled words. “I Can”
I remember visiting some distant cousins in Russellville Arkansas (whom I bore a striking resemblance) and we drove through Booger Hollow with a sign that read “Booger Hollow- Population 7, counting 1 Coon Dog”
We always referred to a group of bunnies as a “bunch” Like as my Mom would used to say: “A bunch of dumb bunnies” She never thought of that in a racial term, but sadly some folks did, so she refrained from that phrase in public.
sand, that’s just it-I didn’t want to know whether he was good at “problem resolution” or not! And, the company had moved from Haupaug NY to Kennesaw, Ga, and Wifey really hated being in Georgia and away from her parents. She coped by taking the kids up to visit a lot.
Jackie, here’s hoping things keep going well for you and Mike!
Jerry, sounds like you’re enjoying your trip!
Ghost, ๐
Haven’t read this morning’s posts yet. The TIP BlogSpot
is impressionist, but