A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Travel! Travel!

By Jimmy Johnson

January 21, 2010

I am a little bit late posting today, but rarely is there a post at all on Monday. Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. Both teams won their divisional championship games Sunday and are Super Bowl-bound. Their fans are happy, although for the rest of us the two games left a lot to be desired in the competitiveness department. I’ll have to be for Kansas City. That’s the home of Andrews McMeel Syndication and GoComics. I’ve been there several times, and it’s a nice little city. (Try to go in spring or fall.) Of course, San Francisco is nice, too, and you can go there any time of year.

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16 responses to “Travel! Travel!”

  1. Nancy Kirk Avatar
    Nancy Kirk

    Well, hello, Villagers. I guess I get to be first! No particular news, so I guess I’ll just tell you it’s supposed to be the kind of January day people move to Tucson for—-“sunny and 75.”

  2. Jym Dyer Avatar
    Jym Dyer

    ? The way I heard it, they’ve gone about as far as they can go. On the other hand, they’ve got some crazy little women there and I’m gonna get me one.

    1. Jimmy Johnson Avatar

      A lot of them work at Andrews McMeel!

  3. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    U of Virginia basketball coach is Tony Bennett. He’s a decent basketball coach and won the National Championship. Anyway I thought I heard him say:

    The loveliness of Paris seems somehow sadly gray
    The glory that was Rome is of another day
    I’ve been terribly alone and forgotten in Manhattan
    I’m going home to my city by the Bay
    I left my heart in San Francisco

  4. Neal H Sanders Avatar

    The absence of the two ‘upstarts’ in the Superbowl means I’ll miss the game for the tenth time in as many years. I was looking forward to rooting for the Titans.

  5. ruralbob Avatar

    I was afraid the Packers would win, leading to two weeks of Super Bowl I nostalgia. I wasn’t looking forward to that.

    1. Cozmik Cowboy Avatar
      Cozmik Cowboy

      Just to be pedantic: There was no “Super Bowl I”; on 1/17/67, the Chiefs lost to the Packers in The AFL-NFL World Championship Game; the “Super Bowl” sobriquet didn’t come around until the next year. Although it is common to apply “Super Bowl” to the first game retroactively, it is incorrect.

      I will now go on to explain every reason that – or anything remotely it – matters:

  6. TruckerRon Avatar

    I don’t have a dog in the fight, but I’ll root for KC. It’s a lot easier to drive through and the sidewalks are both safer and cleaner.

  7. Ghost Avatar

    Seen on the InterWebNet over the weekend:
    The big@$$ spider in my room is now named Cotton Eyed Joe because I want to know two things:
    -where did he come from
    -where did he go

    1. Mark in TTown Avatar
      Mark in TTown

      That’s the worst kind of spider to have inside. One you saw but can’t find now.

  8. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    I’ve heard that name only as part of the lyrics to “The Gandy Dancers’ Ball”.
    “Oh, they danced on the ceiling and they danced on the wall….”

  9. Nancy Kirk Avatar
    Nancy Kirk

    Mark, your computer expertise adds to our enjoyment both here in the Village and on Facebook. Thank you!

    1. Mark in TTown Avatar
      Mark in TTown

      You’re welcome Nancy. And thank you for saying that.

  10. dave Avatar

    “The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco.”

    attributed to Mark Twain