A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Politics Aside

By Jimmy Johnson

Speaking of long hair and the old days, here is a rare political Arlo & Janis.  Of course, it is more a comment on politics than an advocacy of an issue. You may have noticed, I don’t dabble in politics a lot. Oh, I have my opinions, lots of opinions, but I also believe we all have much more in common than not. I choose to emphasize that. I will say, my approach is becoming more difficult as almost every aspect of life is seemingly politicized, and every day seems to call upon individuals to stand up on Facebook and say something! Sometimes I feel like an ostrich. I do believe, worldwide, we are living in perilous and unsettled times, but I don’t know what to do about it. Perhaps emphasize our common humanity?

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18 responses to “Politics Aside”

  1. John in Houston Avatar
    John in Houston

    I volunteer at the Houston Museum of a Natural Science and there are many varied political opinions, that only by happenstance or quick asides once in a great while, pop up. We have two Facebook groups, for all volunteers and also one for those who also work in the Paleo lab, so of course, only relevant things are posted. All being friends anyway, we do see posts we make in the regular “newsfeeds”, even then, it’s general joke stuff, actual family or personal health, vacation stuff, etc, very occasionally a very broad political type thing. From me, sometimes weird news or US or Houston history. There are also some social events combinations of us may be at, I haven’t been “accosted” yet with heavy politics. I think being at the museum we immediately see every kind of person you can think of and realize the only reason you would have to mix it up with anyone is when you yourself and unsure of your beliefs. Like leaving comments at the bottom of a news story – why? I would tell Gene and Arlo to lose your cynicism, just actually get involved in your party and/or meet some local level people, for the most part, most really are just interested in being a part of / helping their city, county, state, of course, you’ll meet some boneheads.
    Free nights 6-9 at the museum, Thursday in summer. If you’re in Houston, I can give you a little tour of paleo, Texas Wildlife or Hall of the Americas

    1. Jimmy Johnson Avatar

      The above cartoon was, of course, a joke, and it was well-received 20 years ago (Yikes!), but, I have to admit, it’s not so funny today. I’ll take you up on that those museum tours if I ever get to Houston. Thank you!

  2. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jimmy, you are following the right course in avoiding politics. They are poisoning this nation and our ability to speak with each other. Just keep on keeping on.

    John, the museum sounds like an interesting place, and I wish I could visit it. I love museums, whether art or natural history. The wide variety that San Diego had at Balboa Park made for a more interesting experience on my vacation this year. And I had a chance to surprise a gentleman who was doing an adult education class in the natural history museum. I walked in to the area where he was speaking just as he finished. As the class was leaving I walked up to him and told him I wanted to let him know how much I appreciate those who teach. People have picked up on thanking servicemembers for serving the country, but the teachers don’t get as much recognition as they should. He seemed really touched and we spoke for a few minutes, till he had to leave.

  3.  Avatar

    Mark you should volunteer at one of the many Tulsa museums. They always need some somewhere and I bet there are over two dozen there to choose from.

    1. Jimmy Johnson Avatar

      Wrong TTown, I think. Mark could volunteer at the Bear Bryant Museum. (Sorry, Mark! I just couldn’t resist.)

  4. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    That’s ok Jimmy. But anonymous has the right T-Town. I have been in this one since March of 2017. Turns out both Tulsa and Tuscaloosa have that nickname.

    1. Jimmy Johnson Avatar

      Well, I stand corrected! I did not know that. I hear there’s a pretty good football team in Oklahoma, too.

  5. Ghost Avatar

    “I’m no shrink, nor do I play one on TV, but when each and every simple conversation with another human being is an existential struggle to be won or lost, that can’t be good for your headspace.” – Tamara Keel

    Yep. Lots of people seem to get really spun up very easily these days.

  6. Ghost Avatar

    Just as I was beginning to wonder if Janis had switched from baths to showers…voilà.

    1. Ghost Avatar

      Also, one has to wonder what Janis’s definition of “annoy” is. A synonym of annoy is “pester”, which has a more lascivious meaning in Southern patois.

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    The older I get the more often people “top” my troubles with worse ones of their own. I feel like the poet who wrote:

    by Julie Cadwaller Staub

    I got a nasty paper-cut
    right where my writing callus used to be.
    It bled; it hurt; it kept opening back up.

    I showed it to my daughters.
    They said in unison,
    “That’s no big deal Mom.”

    I sought out my son.
    He just rolled his eyes.

    Then I went to you.
    You kissed it tenderly.
    You told me it would be better soon.
    You said to keep a band-aid on it, and not do any dishes––
    that I could take some of your morphine if I needed it,
    that it looked like I would get by without IV antibiotics.

    Me with a paper-cut
    You with cancer
    It’s hard to get any sympathy around here.

  8. Galliglo of Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo of Ohio

    Nice, Trucker Ron!

  9. Ken from Framingham Avatar
    Ken from Framingham

    Did you hear the one about the guy who changed his political views after seeing a meme on Facebook?
    Yeah, me neither.

  10. John Crabtree Avatar
    John Crabtree

    Common humanity is good. Loving your neighbor is even better. It might be contagious.

  11. Dennis Avatar

    We have always, since before man walked upright, worldwide, lived in perilous and unsettled times. Some just stick out more than others. Our Founders told us all what to do about it. Be involved, debate, vote. When Washington became our first president the common slogan in this new Nation was ‘Let George do it!’. That sentiment hasn’t changed a bit.

  12. CliosFanBoy Avatar

    this is the only A&J I actually dislike.