We’re more than 20 years down the road since this 1993 A&J appeared, and a lot of people still are waiting to find out what they’re going to be doing. Now, I’m going to waste a large portion of your day. We’ve been talking about Web sites. Search “wayback machine archives” and type “arloandjanis.com” in the search field. Find your way back to dozens upon dozens of old A&J Web sites, including the old FrontPage sites, some of which were pretty awesome if I say so myself. So, let’s not worry today about the future.

Profit of Doom!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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109 responses to “Profit of Doom!”
Oh, and speaking of Yule songs, there’s this one, from friends of mine-
What Christmas is really all about, circa 1950. For you youngsters, The Herald Tribune was a good NYC morning newspaper. If I posted this before, it was probably years ago.
Mark: Thanks for the mistranslated signs. I have to wonder how #21 made it into a collection of Chinese signs since it is actually Japanese.
Found at my Grandmother’s house in an old, old Reader’s Digest (c. 1950 edition), this joke…
A lady was proudly wearing her new cheongsam when she went to meet a friend. The friend did a double-take when she saw the Chinese characters on the front of the dress, and then began laughing. “Did that dress come with that monogram on it?” she asked between giggles.
“No, I saw it on a Chinese menu and thought it looked pretty. Why?”
“It means ‘This dish is cheap but very satisfying,'” her friend told her.
GR6: I’m trying to recover from a cold… that story put me into a coughing fit… I nearly died with a smile on my face!
GR6, _^ ^_
Trapper Jean – Thanks for that one! Definitely plan to put a link to it on Book of Faces when the solstice rolls around.
JJ, I finally got around to today’s comics. Arlo’s right! Why watch garbage with such a thin recommendation?
Debbe 😉 Beat it.
In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m doing a “26 Days of Christmas” playlist. (This #6.) Why “26” days, you ask? Why not?
Debbe 😉 I know this is sort of a repeat, but it was just too…what are the words I’m looking for…strange, odd, weird, not to show.
Ghost, TruckerRon and Debbe, here is a Dr. Demento Christmas album, less some deleted songs. Just let it play through, or pick the ones you want to hear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSH9ryRzHQ4&list=PLBA03FC1CDFB1ECEB
Oh, one recommendation on that album, skip “I’m a Christmas Tree” unless you want to annoy somebody else in the house.
GR6, your list would have been more impressive had you used a prime number, like 23 or 29. Other than 7 and 11 primes get little respect. I think we should each adopt a prime for the holidays. 😉
P.$. Still believe emoticons should be supported.
13, for sad reasons.
Just noticed an ambiguity in my post ten or so items back:
“Son is a member of the Dakota Conf. of the UMC, though he now has a church in Deerwood, MN. He’s been at churches in Williston [before the current oil boom], Lisbon, Page + 2 more, Ada + Beltrami [MN]. MN and Dakota ACs . . .. ” What’s an AC?
Post should read, “Son is a member of the Dakota Annual Conf. of the UMC.” An AC is an area: part of a state, a state, or two or more states, depending on geography and population. Usually, an AC meets once a year [clergy + lay officers, about 50/50], and may have its own bishop, or share one [MNAC and Dak. AC share one]. Bishops are appointed +/- for life or until they retire, but they get moved after two 4-yr terms. There is also a General Conf., which meets every 4 yrs. Don’t know if it is USA or worldwide. May be worldwide. Interests me no end, though I am concerned with some of the things they decide. Not totally authoritarian [no ‘infallibility’, or requirement that we believe in, say, the ‘immaculate conception’, but we should know that’s not the same as the ‘virgin birth’], but less democratic than, say, Presb. or Congregational. E.g., Presb., Cong., and some Luth. churches ‘call’ their pastors, and the congregation usually owns the church bldg. UM bishops appoint pastors [with advice from a local church committee], and the AC owns the church bldg.
Recently, after the Evangelical Luth. Ch. in Amer. [ELCA] decided to accept [actively?] gay clergy, a nearby ELCA pastor and his congr. left the ELCA and joined a new synod formed for just such churches. If a UM pastor and congr. wanted to do that, they’d have to find a new bldg. Doctrine is so much fun!
John in Richmond, TX – No glass for us. Although the downtown Indy stores are supposed to get glass in the near future. Not enough money in the universe to convince me to work one of those.
Any “high risk” items stay either in my hand or along my edge of the counter until payment is complete for any non-regular customer. Regulars know they will be ratted out and apprehended within minutes, so *most* of them know better. The ones that don’t … well, I make darn sure they know I am watching them. I train all my clerks to hold any gift or reload-able cards until the customer is ready to leave – they can’t pull a switch on what they can’t touch. You can’t stop or prevent it all, but as many here have preached, awareness cuts unwelcome surprises way down.
Lady Mindy, you have all the bad parts of my job PLUS crime prevention. Impressed.
sand, 23 didn’t seem like enough and 29 seemed like too much work, so I averaged the two. 🙂
There’s a service station cum convenience store just off the downtown exit off I-65 at Cullman AL that I swear was designed by the same guy who did the Gitmo detention facility.
Lewis Grizzard: It’s so pitiful watching those boneless chickens try to crawl around. Not one of his best.
GR6, after the 2011 tornado, the poor fellow likely tornado proofed his business. 😉
In the past I remember discussion here about Chuck Jones, Road Runner, and Wile E Coyote. Posting this link,
I never knew about the nine rules defining these cartoons parameters. Found it interesting. JJ, is this a practice in the cartooning fraternity? And does A&J have a set of rules?
Gravity was definitely not Wile’s friend.
Ghost, here’s one of my favorite cartoons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLbmWE-0Rmk
This is, I think, the latest entry in the Little Drummer Boy songfest. Pentatonix is an interesting group.
And one more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMYNemG7vu4
Donald had the coyote’s luck with inanimate objects, didn’t he?
Ruth Anne, happy to be of service!
Ghost, I have heard of people getting tattoos in Japanese or Chinese script thinking they meant “Hope”, “Courage”, or some such, only to find out it was at best something from a take out menu, or at worst an obscenity. The lesson here- don’t pi$$ off the tattoo artist. 🙂