Today, I’ve chosen another really old A&J for you, from 1987. I talk a lot here about the evolution of my drawing and sometimes about the evolution of the writing, but I don’t think enough is made of how much the personality of the characters has evolved over time. Arlo and Janis both have become familiar, knowable individuals. In the early days, as in this cartoon, nothing defined the players beyond an air of whimsy that always has existed within the strip and married-couple banter, hopefully from a fresh perspective—mine—but still married-couple banter. The development of the characters is, of course, a reflection of growth in drawing and in writing, yet it’s more: while a sum of the whole, it almost is a separate metamorphosis, the satisfying outcome of the cartoonist’s craft.

Punch Line
By Jimmy Johnson
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252 responses to “Punch Line”
Ruth Anne, check out this library story:
I just had an email from eMb in which he asked me to relay the information that he is alive and well – unlike his laptop and the local server. He’d been attending a theological conference for several days, so hadn’t been keeping up as much as usual.
I told him that, thanks to the Newseum site which covers, among hundreds, the current newspaper of his place of residence – and the fact that he’s well known there – I hadn’t been the least bit concerned. [That Newseum site can be interesting, especially the associated websites of any paper selected; recommended.]
Debbe 😉 And what were you doing in 1976?
Today’s A&J is one of the few that doesn’t feel like my life. I’m only up because Cilla makes me get up and feed her. I’m not a morning person, but I do stay up about an hour and go back to bed. We’ll have company today so it won’t be for long, just long enough to still feel like I’m retired. Yeah, it sounds boring, but it beats fire, flood, tornados, etc. Today is also the last day of the Parade of Homes and we begin moving this week so I better get my rest now.
Good morning Villagers….
GR 😉 good songs to wake up to; and yes, with the heat index link, you definitely got my attention. Hmmm, 1976….which particular day would you be interested in?
Miss Charlotte, thank you for the compliment….would that make me the 8th wonder of the world? I’ve always practiced “fake it till you make it.” Yesterday was that kind of day. The teen that was working with me was ready to go home because of the packer still malfunctioning. I told him, we’ll fake it till we make it, Evan. We got out of there at 3ish. and that included cleaning the packer and scrubbing the packing room floor.
Sent Ian off to work today, and GR, I showed him the heat index and your post…told him he needed to drink more water than Mt Dews. And that I should practice more what I preach.
Been searching for info on how heat affects hen laying….egg production is down, and heat and water are factors I test the water nipples at the end of each line, and yes, the water is warm…(hope this works) this is what my layer house looks like….
Dang, I think I just broke Indy Mindy’s longest link 🙂
Jerry, will this be your last moving experience? Do you still have roosters on top of the cabinets? I can send you some real ones 🙂
Cxp…thank you for keeping us informed about eMb…and yourself. You two are admired from afar.
Mark, loved that link you posted for Ruth Anne…..never saw those…especially loved the dog sitting and getting up with another dog under it…..
…and GR, you need to check out Mark’s cheezeburger link….scroll down and you’ll see what a crochet bra looks like…and I’m not talking about what it looks like on the cat 🙂
later….think I’ll hit the recliner for awhile
Oh, and Sandcastler….love Loon’s remark about ‘making her day’….
The link will take you to several pics….just hang on a couple of seconds and the one pic I clicked on shows the story of my current “I love my job”…and I do, miserable as it sounds, I do.
Early this morning this caught me between eyes. Now sharing with the Village.
Across the world she tapes explosives to her chest
steps into a shopping mall
a life devoid of all of mercy’s tenderness
really isn’t any life at all
Tender mercies,tender mercies, come before despair
shine down all your tender mercies
it’s every mother’s prayer
Down below the factory along the riverside
children swimming in a poison pool
playful afternoon of unintended suicide
gone before they ever knew
Tender mercies,tender mercies, come before despair
shine down all your tender mercies
it’s every mother’s prayer
Across the world she holds her loved ones to her chest
lays them down and listens at the door
everybody safe and warm among the truly blessed
how can we even dare to ask for more
Tender mercies,tender mercies, come before despair
shine down all your tender mercies
it’s every mother’s prayer
Mos Def Bedstuy Parade Lyrics 27.50 Rocio Durcal y Enrique Guzman Acompañame Lyrics
Debbe 😉 Thanks for the directions to the “bra” link, hon, and I don’t mean the cat part of it. 😉 I suppose that is what happens when you order something called a “Lady Padded Bra Tops Bustier Cutout Vest Crop Top Bralette Tank Blouse”…you never know what you might get. Plus, I learn a new word…”bralette”. Plus, some of the related links led to ads for even racier, ah, upper garments…definitely ones no one in their right mind would allow their 16-year-old daughter to wear in public. I suspect the root cause of the problem is a profound misunderstanding of the phrase “One Size Fits All.”
Which day in 1976? Oh, I don’t know…just a typical one…assuming you could describe it here. 🙂 Of course, I can’t say much…I actually don’t remember too many 1976 days myself.
Nothing on the ‘boob’ tube….didn’t Dire Straits do a song on 57 channels and nothing’s on? I pay 95 dollars for ‘nothing’s on’….
Geeze, Sandcastler, I just finished reading about the Hurtgen Forest on Wiki….and you share a beautiful ‘poem’ about tender mercies… that article, it mentioned a monument to a
German soldier who tried and succeeded in saving an American soldier from a minefield….the memorial was dedicated by American soldiers….
Miss Charlotte…thanks for educating me 🙂
GR 😉 , don’t feel bad, I can’t either…living in Corpus at the time….and a good time was had by all 🙂
Debbe, it was Bruce Springsteen, here you go:
Debbe, having grown up in an universe populated with WWII and Korean vets, they just seemed like normal guys. Later, when I began my career they still made up a portion of the senior military leadership. It was not until 1990 that I became awestruck. I was in Abilene, Kansas for the Eisenhower Centenary; seeing them gathered there was impressive. Felt like I was witnessing a piece of history, knowing that this might be their last great gathering; much like the Gettysburg Reunion of 1913. Sadly, my father passed a year later.
I hope everyone remembered today is Flag Day and is flying Old Glory, if you don’t do so everyday.
Arrived in Ha noi, Vietnam late in the day. First time ever in Ha noi and first time in forty years that I had been on Vietnamese soil. This is the view that greeted me on the first morning. I had to have this picture; the of the American flag flying high.
Unfortunately, sandcastler(tm) that website won’t let me look at your picture without signing up. It threw up a large banner covering the photo and asked sign in, join up or continue. When I clicked continue it went to a login screen and still covered the photo.
Does this work?
The original link works for me. You can see the entire picture by scrolling a little. Debbe, thanks for the pictures. Are you in any of them? Can I assume that the movie will be coming out on the Lifetime Movie Network, the home of chick flix?
Thanks Jerry. Linking my own stuff in here is always hit and miss. No desire to setup and maintain a website, so I limp along the best I can. Call me a tech without a site.
Thanks sandcastler(tm), that worked. In 1976 I was on the Oklahoma City as it prepared to do a cruise. It was to have been in Hong Kong on the bicentennial, when the Miss World pageant was being held there. Unfortunately we had two typhoons in different parts of the South China Sea we had to run from. Our arrival was days late, but at least we arrived. Hong Kong under the English was a fun place to visit, even for a non-bar hopper like me. Book stores, historic sites, exotic restaurants(for someone from Alabama) and the huge department store selling goods made in mainland China. That store also had plenty of old or old-style Chinese art and sculpture which made it as good as a trip to a museum for me.
“…huge department store selling goods made in mainland China”? Heck, I was in one of those this afternoon. 🙂
Debbe 😉 I remember once, back in my ill-spent youth, drinking beer and listening to this song in a place at 9:00 AM. But it wasn’t a bar. It was a curb store where one could buy tall cans of cold beer, with tables at one side where one could sit and drink those tall cans of beer, while listening to their juke box. But it wasn’t a bar! (I still don’t know how they got away with that.) My excuse for drinking beer at nine in the morning was that I was working an 11-7 shift. My companion had no excuse, other than she apparently liked to drink beer and listen to music with me.
The song also minds me of the time when, back in my not-quite-as-ill-spent later life, I piloted the riverboat up the Mississippi River one night while two cute and slightly inebriated young ladies were apparently committing frottage on me in the dark pilot house. But I’ve already told that story.
GR6, here is the original version,
But Ghost, in 1976 you had to go the Orient to find those things, and they were considered luxury goods. Now finding something made in America or Europe means they are probably in the luxury goods category due to the cost of making them and the difficulty in finding a skilled worker who still can.
And around here, Ghost, they called them curb markets. For those too young, they are what the convenience store replaced. Most didn’t sell gas, but food and drinks and the other things a convenience store has now.
Ghost honey, you do have total recall don’t you? Sorry but you made me laugh. I heard Tina sing Proud Mary with Ike in Honolulu back during those halcyon late 60s of Vietnam while clouds of smoke swirled thru the audience and no one inhaled. Of course as Sand pointed out, we were all young and beautiful then.
Ms. Turner still is.
Love Jackie
Good morning Villagers….
No Jerry, I am not in any of those pics, was just wanting to show ya’ll what a hen house looks like, with the feeding troughs, and the egg belts…..
GR 😉 I worked as asst night auditor for the Marriott in Corpus. Usually getting off at 8ish, I was on salary. We’d get off work, head to HEB grocery store, where they provided cold cases of Corona…we’d get up to check out and would get funny looks. I always wanted a T shirt that said “I work graveyard shift, what’s your excuse?” Then we would hit Padre Island for a few hours.
Back then Texas had this silly little law that you could not buy beer and I think drink beer in public until noon on Sundays. My friends made me sit in the van until noon….you can come out now Debbe…It’s Noon……also, you could drive on the beach back then, back your van or car up close to the water’s edge…those were the good old days for me….
I am spoiled, my husband or son make my coffee in the evening, and all I do is hit the delay button….and my coffee is ready for me when I get up. But today’s coffee somehow has a hint of cinnamon in it….not bad, but I wouldn’t want it every morning.
Ya’ll have a blessed day
GR 😉 don’t joke on your tea 🙂
those legs, she’s made a fortune with those legs…….