I gave the original of the above comic strip to a neighbor when I was living on the Gulf Coast. It was lost in the deluge of 2005, along with the entire contents of her house. At least the house survived. The “painting” in the last panel is sort of a mash-up of the styles of Peter Paul Rubens, who obviously was partial to what Jane Russell called “full-figured gals,” and Edgar Degas, who became absolutely fascinated with the subject of women bathing. I would post some links, but none of us have time for that, do we?

By Jimmy Johnson
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87 responses to “Rubenesque”
I do.
A lesson in how to mimic impressionism with only black and white.
I’ll make some time….
Ghost + Anon. = “prancing, leering billygoats.” Miss her. Peace,
Yesterday comments topped out at 4. Today looks the same so far. Coincidence or some sort of new problem?
Doinโ my part…30%. ๐
My MBH took me out for a natal anniversary waffle breakfast and I got such a load of carbs that I have been sleepy all day…but only managed to nap during the afternoon. I cannot say why I could not snooze in the morning right after eating – no coffee involved. [My type II tends to do that.] That was from just half the portion; the rest will become my evening meal when I again feel hungry.
We postponed our planned trip to a steakhouse until tomorrow; just wasn’t hungry enough to do it justice. Our 10% off coupon will still be valid.
Unless someone else beats this in, this will be comment #6, a 50% increase over the previous total. Didn’t that datum just make your evening?
Happy birthday, and I hope you wake up tomorrow full of pep. Thinking of breakfast, do you remember when Pep was a breakfast cereal? 1939 ish — it was the same as Wheaties, from Kellogg. Wheaties won out, and Pep disappeared. The flakes might be a better choice, wouldn’t make you snooze.
The Breakfast of Champions, that is.
Thanks, Charlotte. I think I remember Pep cereal, but such would not have been in ’39, as I was not yet born then. Dad was partial to Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, but the occasional other type appeared as well. Shredded Wheat was one. My memories date to the early-ish ’40s.
Just to beef up the number of comments, I will share a thought that has been running through my mind lately. I’ve noticed that some of the pages (older ones) have “Comments closed” at the bottom of the page. More recent ones say “Leave a comment” at the bottom of the page. I am curious – when does the latter change to the former?
My priority for learning this information is low, because I think if I wait long enough I will figure it out. Or maybe someone who has been paying more attention lately will clue me in.
I’m also a Type II, and I’ve recently lowered my HbA1C to 6.1, but in the process I’ve apparently eaten too many sodium-laden snacks (beef sticks in particular) and how have hypertension… All that’s left is to start snacking on (shudder) veggies. They taste OK, it’s the prep time that I dread.
I’m LADA, and I’ve been having trouble getting my Metformin shipped out before I ran out for a few months. My most recent A1c is 7.7, and my glucose is high, but I’ve been drinking lots of fluids to help my kidneys flush it out. I’ve just seen my Primary, and she’s told me to keep it up even though I’m back on the meds because it will take some time to clear things out. Keep up the good work!
My favorite cereal as a kid was one from Kellogg’s called Concentrate. It came in a small gold foil wrapped box with a big letter C. The flakes inside were small, but really tasty. And when you added milk they kind of clumped together and made it seem more substantial than most. It was unsweetened and high in protein. That’s the one cereal I would like to see them bring back.
Tulsa and the rest of Oklahoma got really hammered yesterday, weatherwise. There was lots of flash flooding, roads turned to rivers, lightning and so on. Here in Tulsa one person had the misfortune to hydroplane off the highway into a creek which had about 20 feet of water in it. They found the car and driver today washed downstream around a mile from where it went into the creek.
Wiki says Pep died in the ’70s. Wheaties tasted better, & still does. Mostly I now eat Our Family bran flakes, or hot cereal bought in bulk at the Harmony Coop, “Bemidji’s Down Town Grocery:” rye flakes, wheat flakes, barley flakes, or yellow cornmeal. Oat flakes too, but they contain hulls. Red seedless grapes on the OF bran flakes, raisins or dried cranberries in the hot cereals. Microwave the hot cereal with skim milk, not water, and top it with skim milk. No sugar [the fruit is already sweet]. Actually, often have a banana and a Clif bar with a cup of tea, 2nd cup of tea later. Kenya explore.org sites seem to be down, but S Afr. sites are ok. It’s 1330 there now.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pep_(cereal) Peace,
Today is a bit of a surreal day. After 16 1/2 years, I am about to give me notice. In all of years of working, I only did that twice and both were very short term situations. I have to admit to being apprehensive, but once I give my notice, I hope to be able to relax
At 62+ years of age, I really did not think that there was a job market, but I was fortunate to find one 3.5 miles from my house. Considering my commute ONE way is 32 miles, the gasoline savings will be substantial. However more precious than gas will be TIME. I will basically be doing much of the same work that I am now, but my boss will not be Japanese. I also will not have 7:00 PM conference calls. No job is perfect. I will be giving up the convenience of a much better health care plan. An who knows what situation that I will inherit, but after 16 years, my voice is becoming more and more ignored.
Two of my HS classmates announced on Facebook that they are retiring. My HR manager said that there is a lot to be said for working past 62. Not just financially, but staying healthy. I also figured out that the extra hour to hour & 1/2 in the car computes to about 6 months of my life. I did listen to the entire Bible on about 70 cds one summer, but that is a lot of wasted time.
If I prep the vegetables soon after purchase, I can “grab and go” later and am more apt to eat them. Otherwise, dry cereal makes a dandy snack. Not as good as beef sticks, or something sweet, and salty, and maybe chocolatey, but……
We got hammered by the storms, too. Had a clear space, but looks like more on the way.
Birthday! ๐
Change is scary, but that sounds like a good one.
Debbe- don’t go away again.
I attended a wonderful exhibit of Degas paintings and drawings at the MFA in Boston a few years ago. Many ballerinas and women bathing were to be seen. One of his paintings is among my very favorite artworks: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Degas_tub.jpg
To clarify, the “ballerinas and women bathing” were in the paintings, not in attendance.
I just read the comic. ๐ That Meg is a business lady! And a egg plate? Super, Jimmy!
(I thought this posted earlier…trying AGAIN)
Llee, your comment made me think of something. There is a breakfast/lunch chain of restaurants here called Jimmy’s Egg. Your combination of the egg plate and Jimmy brought it to mind.
Good afternoon Villagers……
Don’t worry Llee..not going anywhere…soon. Need to get Dad’s house ready for yard sales (lot of of railroad memorabilia and antiquities, he worked his entire life for the Chessie System, B&O), plus cats and a one day old litter of three kittens (the Calico, Colors
is her name ). She “sexcaped” during the coldest days in January!! And not one of them is a Calico! I’ve had three outside cats ‘fixed, and can’t catch the others…
Sisters are refusing to pay for them to get fixed…but, ohhhh, but they can donate $300 to the Human Society to take the inside ones (6), but I’ve not seen one of them leave yet!!
Steve…good for you!!!! You will never believe the things that await you I miss my job at the chickens house. When I get home, my husband is going to get me a hen house equipped with hens…..and a rooster!!!
Thanks. It took a while to meet with HR as he got called away, but he couldn’t have been nicer. He was truly happy for me….Maybe a bit too happy ๐ Oh well, maybe I did overstay my welcome. But I will never burn a bridge.
I hope you get your hen house and hubby can be your rooster. Whoops! You know what I mean!
GR….you never cease to amaze me to jump right in there in there with the right comment! Hug Jackie for me…please!
Emb…I found this and thought I’d share….so sad the greed of people:
For those now familiar with the Chessie System……..i.t’s a cat
I think I got it this time…you know, I’m surprised that Dad had never named and of his cats ‘Chessie’!