A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Safety Tip

By Jimmy Johnson

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m like Congress. Or the French. August is a slow time around here. It isn’t all vacation, to be sure, but I do allow myself to work on other things, like Arlo in the above strip from June of last year. And, yes, the A&J comics that are running in newspapers and on GoComics this week are repeats from 2015, but I personally chose what I thought were worthy efforts and recolored them just for you. I’ll try to post more regularly beginning today, but it is August.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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27 responses to “Safety Tip”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    Normally August is a wonderful month for stargazing, especially with the Perseids putting on their show. Going up into the local mountains in the evenings is also a great way to escape the heat for a while. But not this August in my part of Utah. Too much smoke from wildfires! I saw only two of those meteors in the 3 hours of our star party back on the 11th. šŸ™

    I hope things were better wherever you happen to be!

  2. Chris Avatar

    Good for you; relax and enjoy yourself, that’s the way to do August.

  3. Ghost Avatar

    Well, if you think August is bad in the Deep South…


    I’d go with the “stay hydrated” suggestion, myself.

  4. Burns Avatar

    Usually I’m not a fan of comics that indicate that they know they are comics (e.g. “The Mailbag”). But I love this one that kind of makes fun of the drawing of itself.

  5. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    As a kid I enjoyed August, but after about the 3rd grade, our school started in the week before Labor Day so August was a period of anticipation….some of good and some bad. The carefree summer was about to come to an end.

    My sister just retired as an Art teacher. Her first day back would have been August 6th or 7th. So basically 8 or 9 weeks off. Times change.

  6. TruckerRon Avatar

    By statute, schools are in session here 180 days each school year. Back in the 1960s school started the Tuesday after Labor Day and ended before Memorial Day. Teachers had 3 whole months for 2nd jobs and/or continuing their own education.

    Times have changed with the insertion of some number of “professional development” days during the school year so that the school year starts in mid-August and sometimes extends past Memorial Day, especially if additional days were lost to snow days.

    Some changes are not for the better.

  7. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Back in the ’40s & ’50s in NYCity, school began the Monday after Labor Day and continued through the month of June. When I began college in ’57, I was happy to find it did not start until around September 20th. In my professional career, I saw the college starting date get moved up to around August 18th – yeccch!

  8. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Mark: Since you seem to have the knack for sharing Facebook posts, please check out the Oconee County Georgia Sheriffs Office post about dove hunting. I think I’m not the only Villager who would enjoy it.

  9. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    I’ve always liked how the French view the necessity of adequate vacations.

    I’ve also always liked the fact that we didn’t have to fight them twice for anything (and I am English by ancestry) and that they gave us the Statue of Liberty.

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ruth Anne: Dove season opens September 1. I say that to say this. If you aren’t from here, or you are from some big city like Chicago, New York, anywhere in New Jersey or Miami, it is going to remind you of home. People, known as “dove hunters” will gather in big packs and surround what we call a “dove field” Usually there will be some kind of critter cooking to feed the boys before they embark on their ultimate destination, which again is the “dove field”. A dove field is just a pasture that has hay bales placed at points around the field. Men armed with shotguns will attempt to hunt doves, which are small, impossible to hit targets that will remind you of those scenes of Iraqi anti-aircraft fire around Baghdad that were shown all over the world. Why is this important to you, our Yankee, big city neighbors? Don’t call us. Don’t call 911 to say someone is shooting…let it remind you of home, where gunfire blazing is just a background noise of every day living. We know they are shooting. In fact, most of my deputies will be on a “dove field” participating in the shooting. Mark on your calendars that September 1st at noon the sound of legal gunfire ripping through the air will remind you of home. Dove hunting is a rite of passage in the south, especially around Oconee County.
    Calling us won’t make it get any quieter.

  11. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Thanks Mark – I would have done that but cut-and-paste is a pain on my tablet.

  12. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I hear you there, Ruth Anne. I read on my tablet but I do everything else on my pc. 8 inch screen with virtual keyboard vs 32 inch and a real keyboard with a mouse? No comparison.

  13. TruckerRon Avatar

    Sardines aren’t my favorite snack, even when they’re free.


  14. TruckerRon Avatar

    This is a strange, strange video about a product I haven’t bought in years… but loved as a kid:


  15. Woodguydave (from Dearborn) Avatar
    Woodguydave (from Dearborn)

    As soon as I read today’s GoComics A&J, I knew I had seen it before (definite classic). Knowing that Jimmy is coloring the daily’s himself now, I couldn’t help but wonder to compare the coloring of the 2015 strip with today’s. Overall, I prefer Jimmy’s coloring better (especially Janis’ nighty), but Arlo’s eye’s in panels 2 & 3 seem like they’re missing their “whites”.

    Then I started wondering what other strips from 2015 the rest of the week might include. I’m hoping for the following:

    2015-06-27 “Perky is way overrated”
    2015-10-20 “You’re the only nude woman I ever see”
    2015-12-19 “Amazing how lifeless it all looks here”

  16. joedon Avatar

    Here in New England our grandkids start Wednesday after Labor day then a day off on Friday for Teacher Workshops. What a wasted few days to try and get them into school mode.

  17. emb Avatar

    Never did like chef b [they sell excess sauce to **zz* cut, right?], and favor “lightly smoked” sardines on Ezekiel 4:9 toast for breakfast. Chacun Ć  son gout. Peace,

  18. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, saw this and thought you might be interested: https://www.shopgoodwill.com/Item/56631993

  19. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    joedon: A short first week has some advantages, on the high school level anyway. The first couple of days include a lot of “housekeeping” – giving out/collecting paperwork, issuing textbooks, going over the code of conduct or other info the school or district requires, determining who needs a schedule change or what classes have too many or too few students (and fixing the problems), etc. At the school where I worked, they threw school pictures into the mix, which sounded crazy the first time, but it meant that on the fourth day everyone could get down to business with most of the major disruptions out of the way.

  20. TruckerRon Avatar

    We have had more rain and lightning during the past 30 hours here in Utah county than I had witnessed any time since I left truck driving 10 years ago. I just hope the rain is hitting our wildfires.

  21. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    You can check out, but you can never leave. Good one Jimmy

  22. John Kelly Avatar
    John Kelly

    I wonder if Janis saw this article. Apparently sun exposure is GOOD for people.


  23. sandcastlerā„¢ Avatar

    Rock on, Eagles!
    Best selling album in history.