I came out to my studio on a cool and gloomy Saturday morning and began monkeying with the Web site again, so I decided I might as well post something. Something was said yesterday about an issue when posting comments; those of you who comment regularly, is everything OK from where you sit?
33 responses to “Saturday Morning Cartoons”
I just found the “Save my name, etc.” box at the bottom. Let’s see if it works!
Well, the Name and Website were saved. But not the Email.
Nesting comments has its pluses and minuses. Doesn’t bother me whichever way you choose to go. I enjoy the comics either way. Thanks for your efforts.
Now it’s saving all 3! Are you working on this as I type?
The links all seem to work. The search box apparently looks for text in your daily comment and pulls the first occurrence. “Ludwig” returned the thing about “The Best of” (which certainly isn’t).
This is a test. This is only a test to determine if this will be posted.
If this were a true posting emergency, you would be directed to contact Vint Cerf.
I may have mentioned this before, but in case not, a friend of mine, Milt Stevens, went to high school with Vint Cerf. Alas, Milt died about two years ago. Such is life.
I don’ recall you mentioning it before. Nice bit of trivia – thanks for sharing.
Cant wait to see the full redesign. Any chance on making the images bigger? They seem a bit small to my aging eyes. Thanks!
If you are using Chrome, right click on the strip. When the menu comes up, click on open image in new tab. In the new tab it will be larger with a black background, making it easier to see.
I enlarged Chrome’s screen to 175%, and it looks great on my 13-inch laptop’s screen.
Either is good with me, Jimmy. I appreciate the extra time you put in to make contact with your readers over and above the daily strips. Thank you.
And the save worked for my name and email as well. I don’t enter a website because I don’t have one.
Looks good to me, now that I’ve spotted that check box and don’t need to enter my name, etc. for every post.
Here’s my test before I’m off to try a new cookie recipe. I can enlarge the view easily on my tablet. I’ll need to experiment on the desktop since we don’t use Chrome.
Name and email were retained.
Testing 3 2 1
Looks good so far 🙂
Kept what I saved and did not ask for more.
Please Sir may I have some more?
More A&J is OK though.
Looks like one of our gifts to ourselves this year will be a new stand mixer. The one I inherited from my mom went haywire (as she would have said) about halfway through a batch of cookies today. Can’t really complain – it outlived her by 32 years and a day and she had had it for 14 or 15 years.
No need to enlarge on the desktop thanks to the larger screen but the zoom feature is available if I change my mind.
Also a mere test.
Und, zweimal….
Hmm, the other day I had an avatar…
Oh, I still do. Hmmmm.
This will take some getting used to.
Will this show my screen name?
Apparently not. Why?
I’ve been thinking the same as Mark noted above, Jimmy. I’m very grateful that you are taking time from your “day job” to do something nice for the Village. Heck, for that matter, I’m still grateful you took the time to create the Village over ten years ago.
As I told you some years ago when I learned you had auctioned some of your original work to raise money for Hurricane Katrina relief (something I didn’t know at the time, possibility due to no longer having a house at that point), you do both good work and good works.
Thanks again,
I created a WordPress log-on for Gravatar, then created and attached an avatar. Believe me, if I could do that, anyone can.
Just occurred to me…Jimmy could *draw* his own avatar. Which makes me wonder if he’s ever done a caricature of himself. If not, now would be the time. 🙂
I checked the “Save my name” checkbox Friday. Came back very early Sunday to find the data missing. I’ll try again.
This is interesting.
The “Save my name” box was already checked for me, and all data was present. The data is still present, as of this post.
I’m using Firefox, along with Ghostery and Adblock Plus, and everything is still here.
Which browser do you use? Have you checked its settings?
On the old comment page I could click to read Today’s A&J right after reading the comments. Easier than going back to top of page.