First things first. This not-so-old A&J comic strip is from January, 2015. There’s a controversial subject I’ve been avoiding for a long time, but I might as well bring it up today: the weather. It hasn’t rained where I live since the middle of September. Not. A. Drop. We’re in what’s called an “exceptional drought,” as bad as it gets. The next reasonable chance for rain is a week from tomorrow, according to the Weather Channel website’s “10-day Outlook” which is notoriously unreliable beyond three days out. And it’s unseasonably warm with no frost yet. I am certain that, if not for the drought, we’d still be cutting the lawn a week from Thanksgiving. There. I said it.

Soap Dish
By Jimmy Johnson
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99 responses to “Soap Dish”
I have been running van ac alternating with none but no heat needed for me. The house, same thing. Off and on ac or none. We are way above normal.
Driving 90 miles each way to doctor I noticed fall foliage has begun to turn on mountains. Going back there tomorrow for cardiologist so I can leaf peep a little more.
Bought new Southern Slow Cooker cookbook and opened first page randomly. Blue crab corn chowder, a favorite of mine. Hhmmnn, that is also photo on cover. They must have the book bound to open to that.
And why do good Southern recipes all seem to have 25 ingredients? Why do I think Southern men who cook sexy? Even Southern men from continents on the Far Side of the World? Even when I can outlook them but don’t to save their feelings?
Have done this all my life, I still cook like I breath, it is just part of my DNA. Why don’t more people care passionately about what they eat and cook? I miss the South where if you weren’t cooking or eating you were talking about what you had eaten yesterday or what you planned to cook and the ones talking were more likely men than women.
I miss the South and Southern men. Oklahoma is Midwest and all that denotes.
Burns, you have someone to cut the grass and pull weeds for two more months. Be sure to wear a hat in the sun.
Well, I saw this strip coming with the tiny restaurant and home cooked meals. Jimmy you seem to know your restaurant business.
Jerry, we’ve got people here to mow the lawns, pull the weeds and trim the bushes, and they’ll be doing it all winter. And I don’t worry about the sun, because I’ve always been a hat person. Right now, my regular hat is a broad-brimmed fedora, based on the one Tom Baker wore as the Fourth Doctor.
Arlo helping with the dishes –
I have read several times that fellows who pull their fair share of household chores are rewarded far more frequently than those who view such things as “woman’s work.”
Thanks to La Nina, I don’t think we will be in a snow belt this year, either.
Good morning Villagers..
My day started with Social Security. I did not know I could draw on my husbands SSI, so I called them…wait time at 7:15 was 6 minutes. The lady was very helpful, changed my application from drawing on my earnings to drawing on husbands…..she said an agent would be in touch with me to verify all info. I asked if there would be a time dedicated to this phone call..yes, she said. So, are you ready, it’s December 15th at 1 o’clock….
Norm, that is an utterly ridiculous way of spending our hard earned tax money. So much money is wasted on the wasted….that’s all I’m going to say.
Jackie, like Smigz said, take it one at a time. And I’ll be free if you need a Nancy Nurse…and I’m serious too.
Well. two more days of 70 degree temp…and banging chicken poop.
Mark, was that one of Jackie’s cats you posted…beautiful markings.
Rich, thanks for reminding me of the link “Astronomy Pic of the day…..did you ever see the one titled “Eye of God”?
TIP BlogSpot, a favorite Melcher topic again. Peace,
GR 😉 thought of you…..
thought of you Jackie and your dieting…..
Normal Nov. weather coming.
Debbe, Will send some blind-copy groups this, which was just to the right of a kitteh thing. Thanks.
Emb…you are most graciously welcome. Loved the video, and the little fluttering of their tail feathers. Have you ever watched “March of the Penguins”? It is narrated by Morgan Freeman..excellent documentary that show the comings and goings of the males and females and their journeys back and forth to feed their young. The exchanging of the eggs is priceless, like handling gold.
Good morning. Go back to that post from me about how sexy men who cook are. That applies to how sexy men who cook and clean kitchens are. Rick is right.nothing goes unrewarded.
Debbe the gubmint can now tell you what backlogged pile your file is in. Thanks to computers. In my day we sent a retired Klinger from MASH around with a shopping cart full of files to locate YOUR file so you could be called and that often took more than a month. Especially when your caseworker had hidden file really well.
Like maybe you had P.O.ed him with last call. Gubmint workers are often people who tear body parts off insects.
Miss Ghost.
Debbe: Thanks. Already knew the details, and may have watched it earlier. Don’t have the spare hour now, but watched the trailer. Peace,
Rich, that’s a terrific site…thanks for sharing!
Sideburns, Tom Baker is my Doctor. Every Whovian has one. 😉
Debbe, I hope you’re wearing a mask for all that poop banging. Remember the pleurisy! My family used to raise and race pigeons, along with a few chickens. Large quantites of bird droppings have a very distinctive smell and take me right back. Another branch of the family raised rabbits on a commercial basis—smelled much worse. Other side of family had a dairy farm; cows smell like roses compared to rabbits.
Jimmy, the current storyline has me wishing I could peek at the strips ahead. Gene and his family are sort of living out the dreams of the ’60s and ’70s, and gee, I want to see what happens!
Gene and Mary Lou unfortunately are reminding me of what happens to small entrepreneurs when they run into bureaucracy. Ask me how I know.
Smigz: We raised rabbits for food for a decade or so. Didn’t find the smell that bad, and had a wonderful garden. Peace,
Ring, ring: Hello “This is a return call … with the info. that you requested, which you saw on TV, …”. Click.
I never watch TV. “… as we forgive those who …”. Poor woman has to make a living. Pfft.
I had two pet rabbits for my daughter’s who were housebroken to litter box.
The bunnies, not daughters.
Josh Groban is a beautiful song writer as well as singer and this song just came on my car audio. Think we in the Village needs to listen to the War At Home. I love the idea of hands, bruised and brown, hold on, one step forward, two steps back, you are not not alone, a million strong.
Smigz..Ian used the last dust mask today. Will have Jonathon check out the other hen house to see if they have any left over. Don’t need a repeat of the pleurisy. You are so sweet to worry about me….love you too and one day hope to meet you along with a few others. So glad you stopped ‘lurking’ and decided to join this merry little group.
Hey. Maybe we could have a ‘family reunion’ of some sorts..
Sister just called and the nursing home where Dad is, is having their annual Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow evening…so it’s just us 4 daughters with Dad. So looking forward to that.