I’m sorry about yesterday! This site was down for much of Saturday, and when it seemed evident it wouldn’t return on its own, I grimaced and called my web host, EarthLink. After I’d gone through the preliminary rigamarole (“What was the favorite toy of the third pet you ever had?”), the nice fellow on the other end typed in the address of my web site and said something like, “Yes, I see it,” to which I replied, “You do?!” I looked on my computer, and sure enough there it was. It turned out, certain sites built with WordPress were not functioning properly on EarthLink that day. The corrections apparently were finalized about the time I was trying to think of my third pet’s favorite toy. That was the easiest call that young man took all day, although it was a while before I could get off the phone, because he was obligated to try and sell me stuff. I will say, I pay a bit every month for EarthLink, but it’s served me well for years.

Storied Past IV
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
56 responses to “Storied Past IV”
..and another grin for Monday:
GR..had never heard that joke before…funny 🙂
Cud-chewing Greater Kudu, I think.
TIP blogspot, better than most.
Usually, I don’t celebrate a death. It’s sad for someone. There are exceptions,and one has just happened. Charles Manson is dead. The chaos and destruction he wreaked and caused to be done was horrific.
I was in Los Angeles the day the Manson murders occurred. He did not die soon enough.
At cancer center in exam room. Evacuated out for fire alarm with Swat team and fire truck. Gonna be a long day!
When my sister and I heard the news last night, we both cheered. He was a waste of space and resources, and I hope he’s buried in an unmarked grave, so that idiots can’t make a shrine out of it.
At least the fire alarm didn’t sound while Jackie was in the infusion lab and all hooked up, as she is now. She has been pre-medicated and is about to start receiving the actual anti-cancer drug. We are hoping this will be as uneventful as her first treatment three weeks ago.
cremated and scattered to the four winds so no one can ever find a trace of him. should never have been kept alive at taxpayers expense.
Ghost and I agree with y’all on that point. Truly a monster killer and mad as a hatter.
…and another thing…he received medical aid without being billed…oh, we taxpayers paid for it, but I agree that he was a deviant, controlling madman….and the rest are just as guilty. I pray that Leslie Van…..is not released and dies in prison. I don’t care how much religion she ‘prayed’ upon…let God and the devil toss the dice.
Have any of you noticed the the sentencing for murder is like 20 years with parole in so many years….we’ve become immune to murder…..
I’m outta here before I bite my tongue
Well, the main reason that bunch of losers is getting to die of natural causes is the Warren Supreme Court which declared the death penalty unconstitutional for criminals. And with that observation, I’m gone for now too.
Debbie, just because prisoners are eligible to request parole doesn’t mean that they’ll get it. Didin’t Manson get something like eleven parole hearings?
+Sideburns…yup he did and got turned down by the parole board…but Parole Board gave favor to Leslie….as they once did before…but in the end…the Governor turn it downl too bad, so sad!
now where was I….oh, yeah
..dang it, hate that when that happens….
good night, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite 😉
Speaking of Manson …
The caretaker was William Garretson, and he was the only one to survive. They didn’t know he was in his separate quarters. Due to the acoustics of the terrain, he did not hear anything happening inside the house.
The police first thought that he was the perpetrator, and they took him through the house, telling him “You did this,” “You killed her,” and more. They showed him everything before taking him into custody. He was later released.
It badly affected him. The last time I saw him in 1973, he was still deeply disturbed.
Bill went to my high school. He didn’t explain how he came to be the caretaker there, and I didn’t ask.
I don’t know where he is now.
We are back at the hotel after a very long day…got to clinic a bit after 8:00 am, left a bit after 4:00 pm. After stops to eat and pick up some things we needed, we just got back to hotel about 7:00 pm. We had already decided to stay over tonight as well, which turned out to be a good call.
Jackie is of course a bit tired, but otherwise seems to be doing well. We saw her medical oncologist this morning before the chemo treatment, and he seems frankly amazed she had made it to her second treatment with so few physical problems. (As an example, we had a very nice meal this evening, actually our first of the day, which she not only handled with no problems, but greatly enjoyed as well.) We will pray for that to continue after today’s treatment.
As I have said, I have been unfortunate enough to personally know a number of killers or their victims. Most were affluent and from good fsmilies. It came down to money and sex usually or outcome of abusive relationships.
No one heard voices of God telling them to kill someone. Some were angry.
Most either got away with it, even if tried. Some were never tried it even arrested.
Four were women who killed, three killed husbands, one killed the wife of her boss in hopes he’d marry her.
Six were men, mostly wives and a mother in law, but one killed husband, girl friend, roommate and himself. Some sat on death row, some were tried in civil court and found guilty.
Some became notorious with books, magazine articles, television shows and lots of news paper articles.
Will try to find links when I feel better. I was reading about Ed Post murder today because there is a new book out that came up in my news today. Ed was murderer of his wife Julie Post. There are two books on that one, fascinating if you like detective shows based on autopsy, forensics and a.c. Investigation.
Google Ed Post murder. That’s all it takes.
Scientific investigation.
I babysit my grandson on Saturday. He just recovered from the Norovirus which consisted of throwing up Etc. His mom got it on Thursday and my son got on Friday night/ Saturday morning. At first I thought it was psychosomatic but I started to feel a little rough this morning. I decided to drive home from work as I’m off Tuesday and Wednesday. Sure enough I started visiting the porcelain throne several times this afternoon.
It made me think of those who had to suffer what from AIDS or from chemotherapy. To me it’s one of most uncomfortable feelings in the world. And I only had to do it for one day! My heart and prayers are with those who have to suffer that on a daily basis.
Very sad. Very, very sad.
Thank you for letting me know.
This is quite a shock.
Probably the most prolific serial killer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._H._Holmes
There was a book on him called The Torture Doctor