Obviously, summer hours have gone into effect here. However, the door is open, and the lights are one. Help yourself to whatever’s in the fridge. You long-time visitors take care of the newcomers. By the way, today’s classic strip is from way back in 1993 and probably was born from the frustrations of being a humorist, especially an oblique one.
Thank You, Animal Planet
By Jimmy Johnson
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240 responses to “Thank You, Animal Planet”
Elaine once showed up at bedtime wearing something for me to take off: a necklace of those big round, variously colored plastic pop-together kids’ beads. Only that. Talk about arousal!
I’ve mentioned before another nightwear, a Sears [Wards?] ‘dormitory shirt’ that unbuttoned down the front. It wore out.
She never showed up as a Bunny, Playboy or other.
Dang. Jackie stepped on my post. I was going to say, “I see your body paint and raise you glitter boobs.”
(CNN) After 50 years, Disney plans to remove the “Wench Auction” section from its fan-favorite “Pirates of the Caribbean'” ride at its parks, a Disney spokeswoman told CNN on Friday.
The scene, featuring animatronic characters, showed a line of women tied together under a sign that read, “Auction — Take a Wench for a Bride.”
Yo ho ho, and it’s a politically correct pirate’s life for me. Removing evidence of something doesn’t mean it never happened. The next thing you know, they’ll be removing Confederate monuments so people can forget there were those who fought against the Union. And what’s next…eliminating the bachelor’s auctions much beloved by the funds-raising chairwomen of Junior Auxiliary clubs everywhere?*
*In the interest of full disclosure, I was once auctioned off in one of those auctions and purchased by Millionaire Widow Lady, leading to eight years of sexual degradation. And by “sexual degradation” I mean “fun”, of course.
And had I been there Ghost I would have outbid her to purchase you. Of course I was married at the time but that wouldn’t have been a problem, right? No real slavery or sex being sold, right?
179 comments and I step into EMB’s comment on what his better half wears, or was it wore? And Ghost’s comments on being PC. Interesting. And yes Ghost I think political correctness goes way too far, way too often. History, good, bad or evil will never be undone no matter how you try and rewrite the script. Yes a few things need to change for the future good, but rewriting history is an abomination and disservice to our young ‘uns.
I meant change now for the future good.
ursen, Orwell nailed it: http://www.azquotes.com/public/picture_quotes/5e/b0/5eb015e5e14a535c752324aae4aeb73d/george-orwell-442479.jpg
Darn, I forgot what I was posting. A photo of two classic beauties from 1950s or 60s, courtesy of a photographer friend of mine in California.
Wore, once only. We really know little or nothing about the Hereafter, if there is one. [If this sort of speculation makes you uncomfortable, I love you anyway; please just scroll down.] We don’t even know if it there is a Hereafter, or if it would be a good idea. Only Elohím knows. If it would be a good idea and is w/in God’s power, there likely is one. I doubt there is a separate Hell: eternal torment and all that. Since Elohím is the only transcendent creator, and is thus responsible for everything that is, both physical and transcendent, I think it diminishes God to believe there is a Hell. In the Hereafter, I expect we will all need to atone for one thing and another; for instance, I don’t love and forgive as much as I ought. But then I think we get to poke around and get acquainted with things no longer accessible to us here. I don’t know what Elaine has been up to since 28 Dec. ’10, but expect I will find it acceptable, and expect we’ll be able to dally again. I doubt the legendary clouds, thrones, haloes, wings, and nightshirts. I expect Elaine has spent some time w/ Jane Austen by now, and hope she’ll be willing to join me in learning more about the therapsid to mammal transition in Permo-Triassic times. Be nice if Gilbert & Sullivan have learned to get along. Also, I see no reason to believe that, “In Himmel, es gibt kein Bier.” Peace
Jackie, to get images from FB to here, first click on the image, then right click and when you get the box, choose “copy image address”. Then paste that address here and you’re good.
At least that’s how it works with a PC running Chrome. I have no idea about doing it from an Android phone/tablet. Maybe somebody else out there knows about that.
Ghost says he has been too busy schlepping me from appointment to appointment and forced labor supervising the short shorts team to work on computers.
Better spending time with fun people than computer.
There’s a convention covering several groups of folks coming up here in about 3 weeks and I plan to go. It’s called Tokyo in Tulsa and my interest is in the gaming end of it. I hope to make contact with some people I can start meeting with to play boardgames.
That would be great Mark if you could locate folks with similar interests
As you can see from their website, there are a wide range of interests represented here.
For quite a few years here in Central Ohio, I’ve noticed that the population of lightning bugs (fireflies) has decreased considerably.
Is that happening in your areas, too?
It is so rare to see lightening bugs they startle me with the little flickering lights and I ask what it is.
Alabama still had plenty last year. I haven’t noticed any here in Tulsa, but then I haven’t been outdoors to sit since moving here.
Various: I don’t get to see fireflies often in this ‘development.’ I have noticed a marked decrease in housefinches [do not confuse w/ house sparrows] last yr. & this, w/ no increase in their native eastern cousins, purple finches.
“You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.”?Erma Bombeck [email from a friend]
From the interwebnet:
Comment: I happen to agree w/ Kaepernick, but note that he is not criticizing the song, but his country’s hypocrisy. As to the song, I handle that impossibly high note at the end by dropping an octave on ‘free’. Think ‘America the Beautiful’ would be a better anthem, ALL verses. Peace,
Heard in a local market, the strangest thing I’ve heard this week…
Large, heavily tattooed, middle age woman to large, heavily tattooed, young woman (likely her daughter): “Stay right here while I go ask, ah, ah, ah, what’s my husband’s name?”
Not sure what she was smoking or ingesting, but as Slick, a friend of mine, used to say, “If just enough is good, too much must be better.”
Jackie asked me about the prevalence of fireflies in my area of the Deep South. Oddly, I had not noticed any for perhaps twenty years, until a number of them appeared late last summer and into the early fall. Of course, we call them “lightin’ bugs” down there.
We used to have so many fireflies that it looked like a Christmas tree. Each year there have been fewer and fewer.
emb: Have to agree with “ALL verses”, especially
“America, America,
God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law”
I came across this essay, written in 2011, while checking the wording of the above – http://www.visionandvalues.org/2011/06/this-fourth-of-july-confirm-thy-soul-in-self-control/
Today was eye-candy day. Terrie the Leggy Housekeeper was wearing very short shorts when she showed up at the house this morning. Then Marie (aka Hot Legs), the Vietnamese waitress at the Vietnamese restaurant, was wearing even shorter ones, and with a see-through blouse and pushup bra, to boot. In between, at Jackie’s PT, the therapists were observing Red, White and Blue Day prior to Independence Day by wearing blue jeans and something else red and white. Her therapist* filled her stretch jeans out very nicely, as did her intern, a very cute and tiny, yet busty, young thing. (Personally, I think the winner was the therapist wearing a red mesh blouse with a white bra under it.)
Hanging with Jackie is never dull.
*Ashley is a gorgeous and extremely fit and shapely former college soccer player with near movie star good looks, even with minimal makeup. In fact, she looks very much like a young Reese Witherspoon.