A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

That’s Only 12 Dozen

By Jimmy Johnson

(Cartoonist’s note: I feel I probably should emphasize what appears below. I looked it up again this morning, and the internet lists two meanings for “yard ape,” one being an unruly child. The other, it seems, is black people. Having spent my life in the deep south, I had never heard of the latter. I certainly meant the former.)

Several have asked about the term “yard ape.” To me, it always meant children, as in “rug rats.” Apparently, according to Google, it has connotations even more tasteless. To reiterate, I meant children. I think context will bear this out as the plot unfolds. I was not aware of other meanings until now.

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41 responses to “That’s Only 12 Dozen”

  1. emb Avatar

    Rick in …, and Steve:

    Right. Skin color, religious affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, education level, all continue to win and lose elections. Many people vote against perceived outgroups, especially those who feel insecure about their status in an ingroup that permits them to treat others as inferior, to have someone to despise.

    I thought I was the only Villager who kept track. The earliest sunrise was 14 June. It’s all Kepler’s fault. When we all revolved in perfect Copernican circles it was not a problem. Then there’s that meddlesome Fibonacci! What was wrong with I, II, III, IV, etc.?


  2. emb Avatar

    Today’s One Big Happy is neat. Actually, I’d never thought of Peter Piper as a device for learning what a peck was, just as a tongue twister. Where is the combo, “A bushel and a peck” from? A musical?

    Hadn’t heard of Libby Lockner before, just her spinster cousin, Libby Locknees. Peace,


  3. TruckerRon Avatar

    As an amateur astronomer I’m very aware of the times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset. And my antipathy for DST has grown since my work schedule changed from working afternoons (I could stay up later and sleep in) to working mornings.

    I’m now limited to about an hour of viewing on clear nights providing I do it from home with city lights. Driving to decently dark spots takes at least 30 minutes each way. πŸ™

    And the closest such area is inaccessible now because of a wildfire in that canyon. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  4. TruckerRon Avatar

    And here’s some bad news for those who buy from online sources that weren’t collecting sales tax:


    I side with the smaller sellers who can’t afford to track the 50,000+ taxing authorities (states, counties, cities) and issue quarterly checks to each one whenever someone living there buys something. There should be at most a single tax calculated and paid to each state.

  5. emb Avatar

    Trucker: One of the many reasons some of us chose not to go into retail businesses, but are grateful to many [not all] who do run shops. Peace,

  6. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    I’m on the other side, TR. I do pay the taxes on my purchases and have to determine whether or not sales tax was collected on each purchase. That can be a task, given the MBH’s affinity for Amazon. I would much rather pay as I go [to the seller] and not need to go through all the records each year for my state tax return. In IL, the form has a line for taxes on such purchases and they emphasize “Do not leave this line blank!”. Of course, IL also tells how to compute said tax.

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    Some days I’m tempted to move to Montana or Oregon and be done with sales taxes altogether. Utah has only, a few years ago, reduced the sales tax collected on groceries, and so far doesn’t collect it on pharmaceuticals. The tax on virtually everything else has gone up, typically “only” 1/8% at a time.

  8. TruckerRon Avatar

    Also Utah has, for at least the last 20 years, demanded that we pay the difference between any lesser sales tax paid or not paid at all on items bought in other states for use in Utah. So, technically, if I buy my grandkids a present while traveling in another state, I should keep track of the receipt and be prepared to calculate and pay that.

    I guess that would be a “souvenir tax”?

  9. Ghost Avatar

    While shopping at Wally World, the sight of a mother and young son in the store led me to think of Li’l Arlo’s remark “Mom! You’re beautiful!” It also led me to wonder how, were I ten years old, I would regard my mom wearing short, tight cut-off jeans; a bare-midriff top; a belly-button ring; and displaying tattoos on both upper arms and ankles.

    When I was actually ten, I mean; not in present times. Today it doesn’t even seem to be remarkable.

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Any Calvin and Hobbes fans in the Village?


  11. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost, when you were ten, that sight would have probably had you wondering if the circus was in town.

  12. Ghost Avatar

    I don’t doubt it, Mark. Of course, at fifteen it would likely have made me wonder about some entirely different things. πŸ˜‰

  13. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I wonder how some of these people would pass the metal detector at an airport or public building? And like a post sent on FB said, lip piercings make you look like a fish that got away!