This old A&J from five years ago reminds me: I need to make an appointment with my dermatologist for a look/see. Which further reminds me, I need to get a dermatologist. I’m afraid of what I’ll hear; when I think of the hours I spent lying on a blanket in the broiling sun, I marvel I’m still around. Of course, for most of us guys the object was to drink beer all day and be around scantily clad women, who were the serious sun worshippers. Now, I get my vitamin D in reasonable doses, working in the garden, messing about with boats and always covering up responsibly—as do the women around me. I don’t drink beer all day anymore, either. *sigh*

The Golden Years
By Jimmy Johnson
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300 responses to “The Golden Years”
emb, about ten years ago, I attended a très élégant nuptial ceremony at the largest Baptist church in downtown Mobile. As the last of the six well-tanned bride’s maids in their sleeveless, strapless, near-backless gowns took her place at the front of the sanctuary, I heard a gentleman behind me commenting to another something to the effect of how rare it was to see that many young ladies of that age group without visible tattoos or other-than-ear piercings.
Just got home from hospital/rehab/nursing home trilogy facility.
Mike is doing better and actually got up and walked with aid of walker and young physical therapist. Good news!
Found him being implored by young speech and swallowing therapist to not go off the thickening gloop to prevent aspiration. He did anyway over her sincere pleas. I told her not to worry, I didn’t think he was going to be eating chicken fried steak and fried okra under any circumstances.
This is same facility that took care of his mom for months, so I know already the food is lousy and tastes awful, so I figure we will end up providing “safe” food like puddings, jellos, soft foods from home that are on his approved list and he will not aspirate hopefully.
This is becoming tiring fast and daughter has only been home in Illinois for a few days.
Love, Jackie Monies
Fast question, are our Indiana friends safe? I came home, looked at storms hitting Oklahoma and then saw an area south of Indianapolis had tornado today. Are Debbe and Mindy OK?
Love, Jackie Monies
About sunlight, there are certain hours I am not supposed to leave my house or go outside, whereas there are certain hours early in morning and late afternoon when suns rays hit at different angle that are a little better. Ditto months of year like winter are better and further north I go, the better I fare with sunlight diseases like lupus, also cooler climates. Rainy days are the best!
I do follow a Vitamin D rich diet as well as potassium but my doc said I’d have to eat a dump truck load of bananas to benefit! Some of my doctors have senses of humor. I asked about using large umbrella on riding mower to mow grass. He said I needed to wear an outfit with just slits for eyes that covered my hands and entire body to feet. I said if I wore that I’d be shot as a terrorist around here!
He then suggested a movable duck blind with the holes/slits for the gun barrels, said I could pick it up and move it with me as I moved! What I did for a long time was use those 12 foot square pop up shade tents and move them from spot to spot so I could still garden some.
Love, Jackie Monies
Oh, golly! What fun! Whee!
Ghost, I also get shocked at what people wear to churches and/or funeral services which are after all a holy ceremony. And weddings are sacred/holy as well.
I am not embarrassed by bodies but it does show a lack of respect.
The rest of you can disagree with me if you like but I have always found men to be attracted/find appealing beautiful women who wear refined clothing that covers a large percentage of flesh. The secret is to know where to show the flesh you show! And how.
Less is not more or more less. Well, you know what I mean!
Love, Jackie Monies
Yes, Jackie, your meaning is clear! I imagine our male villagers have plenty to say on this subject.
I am just amazed that you’ve been able to do so much vigorous activity in your life — the florist business, travelling, sailing — with the health problems you’ve described. You have immense courage!
Very glad your husband is improving at such a good pace. He must be one tough hombre!
That’s the spirit, Dearest Virgin!
Jackie – Present! (And yay for Mike!) All we had was a brief period of light rain yesterday. Hoping Debbe is okay too. I had the weather channel on all day, but I am ashamed to say, my knowledge of Sothern Indiana geography is wretched. Remind me to tell you all a story about that some time. Off to work.
Hope EVERYONE made it through the day okay.
Good morning Villagers…..
Ladies, I believe class acts (such as us) has gone by the wayside. I went to a visitation of a very young friend of mine and she was a beautician….my goodness, you’d thought they (the visitors paying their condolences) were dressing for a night out on the town.
Went into work yesterday…but NOT going in today…..gonna go see Mom.
The tornado that hit Indianapolis was on the north side is what I thought said. But we still haven’t heard from Indy Mindy.
I posted yesterday, but it was on the wrong retro…it was my usual afternoon jibberish.
I take a multivitamin for over fifty, when I remember. I also read that a vitamin B complex keeps mosquitoes away…..hmmm. I just keep telling myself, if I’d known I was going to live this long (22,228 days) I’d have taken better care of myself 🙂
Miss Charlotte…Jackie is a true inspiration, is she not? Good news about Mike, Jackie.
ya’ll have a blessed day
Hey, Indy Mindy,……good to see your post. Southern Indiana geography…..rolling hills, flat farm land, and I’m just a little north of Jasper and a little south of Loogootee. Out in the country… it. But the humidity is killing me. Are you in Kokomo?
today’s grin:
and to think I almost forgot
GR 😉 and everyone else…..
(This post has nothing in common with the other posts. Both Arlo and Janis use computers, though. I will consider that to be the port of valid entry.)
I have yet to upgrade my computer’s OS. I keep saying that, as soon as I have time, I will install Ubuntu.
Anyone else still running XP and not having any problems?
Me… son installed Ad Block and Firefox awhile back, before the XP end of life. My old Dell is probably 10 years old…the only problem I have is sometimes it takes awhile for it to connect to the internet….she is an oldie, but a goody.
Get a dermatologist!
David Bowie has been running through my head since I first read the headline for the retro. Thanks for nothing JJ! Just in case the rest of you haven’t had the pleasure of the earworm:
Apparently, Bowie reported later that he was high as a kite during this performance on Soul Train.
well, funerals are for the living, people aren’t showing off to the deceased, although I do agree about lessening of standards in restaurants and public in general. … … … .@Jackie Monies – I agree, I like a nicely dressed woman, the “here’s my rear end in your face” thing just doesn’t do it fo me; about getting tired fast – I’m staying home more with wife on chemo, she’s “OK” but just can’t do everything, I’m needing to make cancer nutritious meals do all house and yard work etc. ; but she was able to go with me when we found the one barbecue joint in Houston that had the Oklahoma Original Pie Shop pies – they’re big ! and in open loose wrappers, they must ship them down frozen to get fried up on the spot.
I wonder Symply why you come here sometimes(not asking or desiring you to leave), you are not too Fargone happy with our off topic posts yet your negativity shines throughout with your snippy retorts….you rarely comment about JJ or his work and seem to be happiest when you put someone down as not up to your level of commentary…I assume you are not stalking someone here, you do not seem to be friendly with anyone here(well maybe GR6)…you do make me giggle occasionally(sarcastically) but overall I wonder why you haunt people you do not seem to like or approve of, seems odd to this guy…jest wonderin’.
Jackie, good to hear that Mike is improving, but please remember to take care of yourself, too!
I’ve never been much of a sun worshiper, having very fair skin, and these days I go out even less because the humidity makes it hard for me to breathe. (Sidebar-I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis about 15 years ago, and on Prednisone for 12 years. Off the meds now, but some trace of the problem lingers, making it hard for me to breathe sometimes. High humidity doesn’t help.) I used to envy girls with lovely golden tans, but I see them now and their skin looks like leather and I’m glad I couldn’t lay out. I take vitamin D and drink lots of milk, and the sun does get his chance at my skin when I walk my dog, so it isn’t all bad.
David in Austin, Bowie wasn’t called the Thin White Duke for nothing.;-) By the way, did you know his real name is David Jones? He changed his last name to Bowie to avoid any confusion with Davey Jones of The Monkees.
Today’s strip certainly has got the flip phone/smart phone debate going. Currently I am using a rather battered flip phone that is several years old. It pulls 2 bars at my place when others get 0, but it is definitely wearing out physically. The provider that we have, I won’t say the name, but the initials are AT&T, only has 3 sub par flip phones to replace mine. I can get a free smartphone, refurb, but it would add $40 a month to our current plan. Then we get into the question Android or Iphone? Owning a Kindle Fire HDX which can do most things a smart phone can do muddies the waters further. I look forward to seeing this debate, flip phone or smart phone, continue today.
Charlotte, I ALWAYS joke that had I known I’d live so long I’d have taken better care of myself but one of my many specialists says he doesn’t think it would have mattered. Actually, I quit smoking at 22, quit drinking at 28 and never did drugs, so I guess I did as best I could! I have been on some kind of diet my entire life but that is another story.
Given that I was told I might not live to see 22 back in my teens, I am always amazed to have made it to really old age. I just never thought of myself as old along the way and just kept going.
Perhaps it is my ancestors. The women all seem to be really survivors and live to be 80-100? Mostly still going strong. My aunt that just passed away at 87 was still working part time in dental office for her son.
Long live survivors!
Love, Jackie Monies
Symply, I too noticed VM only snips and snaps. I started to say something but she might want to snap me for sure!
Our conversation levels are not sophisticated nor well thought out to her standards and we are just too darn sincere, not clever or witty.
Remember, I read and lurked for a couple years, and I remember.
Love, Jackie Monies
Today is National Vitiligo Day, which is a disease where the pigment of the skin changes. Michael Jackson, who died 4 years ago apparently had this disease too. A local TV reporter in Detroit, Lee Thomas. wears makeup to hide his, but did write a book about it a few years ago let Detroit see him without make up.
On way back to rehab center after I locate/don’t locate list of stuff Mike wants. I have to be truthful and say it hurts so badly to see him like this and I suspect anyone else who is going through something similar in this group feels the same.
Arlo and Janis and this group are like a life line to laughing and smiling and I thank you all including JJ for that.
Love, Jackie Monies
P.S. I have old cheapo flip phone and Mike and daughter have the expensive phones that do everything. If they KNOW how to do everything, that is! I drop phones a lot on hard floors and concrete and mine survive. Except when daughter’s dog bit through the cover and the ATT guys said “How BIG is that dog?”