A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

The Mall Cops

By Jimmy Johnson

I like “The Mall Cops,” a series that ran ten years ago. I thought it was clever, and if you hang around here much, you know that’s high praise for me coming from myself. Let me set the stage: you will remember that in the winter of 2009, we were at the beginning of The Great Recession. Home foreclosures and store closings were a common thing. Everyone was nervous and uncertain, even those among us lucky enough to not be directly affected. One thing we could do for the nation, we were told, was to “go shopping.” Enter, the mall cops! This is the beginning of a six-day sequence, but I’m not going to post the others here. However, you don’t have to miss a thing: follow this link, and you can binge read all six comic strips right now.

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16 responses to “The Mall Cops”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    I rank it right up there with Doctor Johnny Fever’s “Phone Cops!”

    1. Bob Avatar

      … or triplets… or more??

  2. Ghost Avatar

    Mall…mall…mall? Oh, yeah. That’s the big place with all the stores where you go to try on and look at stuff before you order it online.

  3. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I did not recognize the series by the first strip, but the strips with the mall cops, I do. We had an aspiring cartoonist in my class at Purdue who kind of copied the style of Doonesbury. We had heard that the Purdue Police were using video surveillance at football games and this cartoonist was directly behind my roommate and I as we narrated what the cops might be seeing if they saw us. The next week his cartoon’s were our conversation nearly verbatim. We were kind of honored as much of the campus loved that week’s strips. However he could have drawn my roommate and I a little better as we came off as doofuses. I guess he was going for satire…I hope!

    1. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

      I meant to add that the Mall Cops were drawn very much like the Purdue Cops.

    2. Sideburns Avatar

      It sounds to me like your roommate did that to keep you from being identified.

  4. Ghost Avatar

    I usually can come up with an at least somewhat reasonable theory as to the origin of obscure or archaic words or phrases, but although I’ve heard it all my life, one for “none of your beeswax” for “none of your business” escapes me. Ideas? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

    1. TruckerRon Avatar

      I found this in Wikipedia:
      Under the subheading, “20th Century” it explains:
      “In the 1930s, a slang version rendered the saying as “Mind your own beeswax”. It is meant to soften the force of the retort. Folk etymology has it that this idiom was used in the colonial period when women would sit by the fireplace making wax candles together, though there are many other theories.”

  5. emb Avatar

    Long-eared Owl on its nest, live. Don’t know when they lay, if they build a nest or “borrow”, or if, as in Great Horned, only the female incubates.



  6. emb Avatar

    Webcam wandered around the branches, total of 4 owls. Don’t know if 2 would likely be last year’s young. Need to look up. Peace,

  7. joedon Avatar

    Won’t binge watch. Like to see new ones each day.

    1. Judy in Conroe Avatar
      Judy in Conroe

      Good guess emb! My take was much more pessimistic