The beautiful spring from hell continues around here. It’s a gorgeous morning, but intense storms tore through Monday and Tuesday evening. Both were of similar strength and came through right before dark; they were so similar it’s difficult to remember which storm did exactly what. On Monday straight line winds of nearly 70 mph toppled trees and knocked out power over several counties, and on Tuesday a storm only slightly weaker knocked out power and cable (i.e., internet) again. At my abode, lightning fried digital clocks, LED light bulbs, the dishwasher, two ceiling fans and two surge protectors. Thank you, surge protectors! You gave your all. I could not update the morning following either storm. Did I mention it’s a beautiful day today?

The Sound of Speed
By Jimmy Johnson
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246 responses to “The Sound of Speed”
Re 5-6-21 retro cartoon: For years, I have tried to assuage the fears of those who are frightened by the sound of thunder by telling them, “If you hear the thunder, the lightening has already missed you.” For some reason, that never seems to comfort them.
Beat me to it, Ghost. Truth, though.
Lightning is not a one-time event though. Just because one bolt missed you, it doesn’t mean another won’t get you. Be safe.
During the 1970 football season, 17 high school & college players were struck by lightening on the practice or playing field. 16 died (including the brother of a friend from the next town over).
Number 17 was my teammate.
After seeing him before and after – I mean, he was destroyed, both physically & mentally – you’d better freakin’ believe my buttocks are under cover at the first hint of thunder or lightening, and remain there until I’m dern good and sure it’s gone!
I am headed down to Seymour IN to compete in a marathon. Temperatures were forecasted to be in the lower 70’s, but fortunately as I neared the race date, the forecast has improved to 62°. I really feel great and my legs have felt fresh over the past couple of days. I plan to see my chiropractor tomorrow morning before I leave. I used to walk it in about 7 & 1/2 hours, but I am hoping to finish under 6:45. I kinda run each mile, but because of my hip replacement, I don’t want to run too much.
I have been trying eliminate lactose and gluten from my diet, as well as including less sugar. It will be a process. I scheduled a colonoscopy even though the Dr. had given me 10 years when I had my last one 8 years ago. I hoping to discuss diet with the doctor as well.
Good luck in the marathon! I’m all admiration.
Since I’m sensitive to both dairy and grains, I’ve been trying to eliminate them from my diet for many years, but it’s very hard! Good luck with that, too.
On the advice of my allergist, I’ve mostly eliminated my postnasal drip that was making life miserable by trying the FODMAPS diet and eliminating a lot of things… then after it obviously worked, I’ve cautiously reintroduced several favorite foods. But lactose isn’t coming back! Also grains with gluten.
If you don’t have celiac disease, eliminating gluten is unhealthy.
That is true. I need to experiment with foods that bother me, so I intend to try something like what Ron has done and figure it out. I have had several allergy tests over the years, so it may be time to return.
I am having excellent lab results for my cancer and cancer treatment with Lbrance and Fosladex. My leg is healing beautifully.
Thank you to all who have sent prayer and concern. I am grateful.
Thunder, lightning, wind all frighten me. Ghost holds Dickens during storms, he shakes and is terrified.
Jimmy I worried about you. I am glad house and you and family survived, even damaged. Much love
Marcia’s dog Sadie is badly frightened by thunder, although a thunder-shirt helps. Leo, my cat, doesn’t mind it at all, although it sometimes startles him. Mostly, he just looks around to see where it’s coming from.
Love the good news about your health! Glad you are doing so well.
Outstanding news Jackie! Extremely glad to hear it!
Rusty do you still want the Wooden Duck Kiwi Racer? I am trying to clear out boats again and we have that warehouse open enough to reach it. I know where mazts and boom are and I hope sails and lines are with mast! We are going to hopefully have a boat and tool sale after I clean boat shop.
No rush unless you want to play with it now.
Your friends miss you on Eufaula, a good little town! That was a great Facebook page you started! Helen
Good to hear on the labs and healing!
YAYAYAYAY for the results, Jackie!!!!
PS: I haven’t heard anything about anyone being anyone else lately; do we think that’s fixed? (Or is saying that going to be bad karma??!!)
Suddenly I am NOBODY after being faithfully and correctly Jackie Monies for days. It just happened tonight after last post?
Let’s see who I turn into.
Ghost and I hope Jimmy is taking part in Pantless Friday tomorrow. I will find out at midnight tonight when A and J posts.
Ghost was going to post about it. It is right in Jimmy’s style and plots.
Not to scare you but if you think you need test – get it done.
My brother wanted a test in less time than the DR. said. But waited,
then the DR did not contact him for 4-5 Months while he was in Brazil.
It cost him a section of bowel and nearly his life. So if you think you need a test,
any test, (unless you are a hypochondriac) push for it.
Nancy you hexed it – I am now TruckerRon – never was Trucker before-
he did not post today yet even 🙂
I have an appointment for next Wednesday. I honestly have had worse episodes than the prep for the lower GI, so even though I got 10 years, I don’t mind going sooner.
Spring storms are rough. When I still owned the printing company I had lighting hit nearby. It took out a 5000 dollar Mac, The only computer not on double or triple surge arresters. It took out the motor electronics of my Heidelberg. That was about 12 grand. Thank goodness for not skimping on insurance Along with hail damage from spring storms that have required 3 roofs on the home here and beat the crap out of my truck in its first year. I have been lucky otherwise. We had a tornado go by 2 blocks over. Could have been here.
Blacksmith Plover & Egyptian Goose. Peace,
Jackie, Arlo didn’t go for no pants in that 2015 strip that ran today. And even though I haven’t posted here for a couple of days, I’m still me. (subject to change without notice)
Well, sadly, Jimmy missed the opportunity to show us No Pants Arlo (meh); No Pants Janis (!); and No Pants Ludwig (oh, wait…).
Rats! I did hex it–for both Jackie and Old Bear, at least. Who knew I was so powerful!!!
And now as I got ready to submit this–MY name is gone!! Eek!!
There’s an old joke: “I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out!” This was supposed to be an official game by pros!
Posted as me two seconds ago and turned into TruckerRon.
Rusty do you still want the Wooden Duck Kiwi Racer? I am trying to clear out boats again and we have that warehouse open enough to reach it. I know where mazts and boom are and I hope sails and lines are with mast! We are going to hopefully have a boat and tool sale after I clean boat shop.
No rush unless you want to play with it now.
Would be interested to see your “sale”!
Jackie is the only person I’ve ever known who has actual boats in her “garage sales”. 🙂
Nice storm clouds, Jimmy. Looks so ominous in the distance.
This is Jackie and I am Ruth Anne today! Hey ya’ll!
Anyone else experiencing the changes in identity? Ghost says it is just me but it is still on my phone and tablet.
Jackie, I followed your Eufaula page on Facebook religiously! That was such a good idea and now is no more. You’re missed! Helen
Lately I’ve either been myself or no one at all.
Ruth Anne is back again. I am Jackie Monies!
I’m still just myself. Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
Tonight I am no one, depressing thought!
This is Jackie. I tried to organize five outfits to wear this week to Tulsa and south to McAlester for physical therapy. Naturally weather isn’t same on every day plus physical therapy I have to wear pants for leg exercises, very short or no sleeves for arm therapy and walking shoes for walking therapy.
I can go up and down on a curb now with my basic walker, in and out of doorways and walk several hundred feet with walker. I can’t climb stairs or do inclines or declines. I walked gravel for a few feet Saturday in restaurant parking lot. Shifting surfaces are hard.
Made my goal weight loss this week. Yea, me! Am now keeping my blood sugar at normal (90-115) with NO insulin. Yea, me!
Broken leg is back as my “Good Leg” and unrepaired right leg is “bad leg” again. It is much worse now of course. Looking forward to knee surgery!
I wonder how bad a cook this mom is?
And here I am as Ruth Anne again after a night as no one. Love, Jackie