Today’s old A&J is from 1989. It’s going to be a short work week around here, but I’m OK with that. It’s the week of Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. I like Thanksgiving, because it’s a difficult occasion to mess up. I know, I know. The big retail chains are trying, and they make inroads every year, but I’m not launching into that rant now. Besides, it is possible to ignore all that. Just stay home—or go to the home of family or friends—and whip up some comfort food; make it as lavish or simple as you like. Enjoy, pausing occasionally to remind yourself how good you have it. That’s it! What could be better?

There’s the rub, and there’s the rub.
By Jimmy Johnson
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86 responses to “There’s the rub, and there’s the rub.”
Close to a foot of snow around Boston on Wednesday, followed by single-digit temperatures for the weekend, will make ‘staying home and taking it easy’ much, much easier!
Amen, Amen, A Amen
We have it very good!
Amend indeed!
So nice that we are all mostly the homey kind of people, isn’t it?
And yes, we all have things to be grateful for. Even if it isn’t all perfectly what we would prefer, even I have my 93 year old mom with me, Mike is still alive and has a chance of survival, I have two daughters, two son in laws and two grandchildren with a third on way. Family to be appreciated.
Jimmy, I am disappointed that we don’t have Arlo cooking this week or Mary Lou and Gene. I was sure you’d do some “family time” strips with the holiday and the extended family!
Love, Jackie
I left a short essay earlier this morning on the “male bonding” page regarding the Ferguson violence. I’d like to discuss civilly if anyone is interested.
This a link to the full transcript of the grand jury testimony in the Michael Brown case…
It might be wise for anyone who feels compelled to express an opinion on this case to first read it.
I was watching the Food Network and Bobby Flay was saying that Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday (Giving thanks, being with family, good food) but also his most stressful (being with Family, MAKING good food at the correct time). He did not exactly say this, but I have added to it.
Of course another important part of Thanksgiving is football….which causes it’s own brand of stress.
Taking this week off to put new flooring in the dining room and kitchen. Dining room has beautiful hardwoods under the subfloor and got that done yesterday. Just started on the kitchen and there is a hodgepodge of flooring under the sub-floor. The sub-floor is nailed and not stapled down, so I have decided to save my body and just put new sub-floors is the dining room and lay Pergo over both. I was hoping to yank all of the sub-floor off and make it closer to the same level as the Living Room, but physically I just cannot do it. Maybe some day I will hire someone to do a gut job and do the whole kitchen. Just don’t have the money for that now.
David, I totally agree with all you said. I did reply over on that day’s comments, I am last in line! We switched to here.
I grew up in deep South, Mississippi Delta cotton farm. While I have lived many places since, even in the Delta I was a minority.
In fact, here in Oklahoma I am a minority, Caucasians are surrounded by Native Americans, we are the smaller group. It is sobering to realize you are indeed a minority if you think about it.
There have been many acts of violence in past but I doubt anything positive ever resulted from them. I like to think that real change has occurred when there were small acts of individual courage that broke down the old walls. I would like to believe I was part of that change by things I did personally that so far as I know never caused harm or damage to anyone.
Yesterday and day before while Ferguson was seething I spent reading the first Federal census following the Civil War in 1870.
This was in my home parish, Tensas, Louisiana. A truly sobering and elucidating document. My parish has always been predominately black but in 1870 white residents were out numbered by about 10:1 or more. There were almost no white males except some categories like farm worker or a trade.
I mentioned this to Mike and he said, “They were all killed in the war.” Which is true.
So, luckily I spent a large part of my life elsewhere which taught me even more about living with people who are of a different ethnicity.
What Ferguson says to me is that all the things I did to change the South and Jim Crow may have been wasted. Which is an awful realization.
Hope this is civil enough!
Love, Jackie
Jackie said: “So nice that we are all mostly the homey kind of people, isn’t it?” My first read was way off the mark, I stumbled on homey. 😉
I had to think long before posting this, usually not a subject I speak out on.
The Tragedy of Ferguson; narrow minded people on all sides who are being pandered to by self serving media interests.
Well gr6 I guess I won’t get through all 4800 pages.
Started reading and decided it was so long I would never finish.
Sand, there is no “e” in the other word.
I have major travel plans this week – about 26 miles to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving feast. This year I am in charge of the turkey (fried), cream and fruit pies (chocolate silk and apple) and breads/rolls. I may make up a small batch of tamales just because I like them. And red chili. And whipped cream (but not to go with the chili!). Easy and relaxing.
We ignore the football (I know, a sacrilege) as well as the shopping madness. When the nearest major retailer is a 60 minute drive it’s easy to pay it no nevermind. Although I may do a tad of on-line shopping.
This is a time to count our blessings, not our calories! Mine mostly revolve around the fact that I’m still kicking!
As always, I won’t be home for Thanksgiving. My sister and I will be at the LAX Marriot all weekend because of LosCon 41. I will be running Handicapped Services, a minor department of the convention. Marcia, and her Co-Chair Robbie Bourget, will be promoting LosCon 42, which will be held at the same venue next year. Don’t worry, the hotel has WiFi and it’s free for guests who are members of the convention, so I’ll be staying in touch. Hope you all have as much fun this weekend as we’ll be having.
Re Ferguson, the saddest part is that probably very few have bothered learning the facts gathered by the grand jury. I watched the news conference and as soon as they mentioned that no charges would be filed, CBS quit broadcasting the news conference, just as he was starting to explain some of their findings that came out in the investigation. Apparently that didn’t interest CBS; they were more interested in showing the people outside starting to become agitated and running down the streets.
I understand why the grand jury kept the investigation to themselves, but at this point, the people protesting have decided on their own what “facts” they want to believe. (As my dad used to say “I’ve already made up my mind. Don’t confuse me with facts!)
WOW sideburns! JMS is going to be there? Sounds like y’all are going to have a lot of fun. 🙂 Glad for you. Enjoy.
Yeah; back when B5 was on, he came every year, and it was one of the biggest events. He also came out to the clubhouse a few times and showed (among other things) bloopers from the show.
Thanks you for the list, Debbe–I’m going to copy it into my commenplace book.
OK, I am either too old or too something, but who the heck are you whippersnapper kids talking about?
Yeah, Bonnie, that was kind of my point. The ones who most need to read the testimony are the ones least likely to do so. But I doubt that most people who get their information exclusively from social media and TV talking heads with vested interests would be swayed by the evidentiary information, anyway. Sad.
No, Jackie, it’s not your age so much as an apparent lack of geekiness on your part. 🙂
Jackie, the “e” could be used in a spelling by a creative type. Creativity might be nice once and awhile. 😉
I will still have to take IV antibiotics for three more weeks, but at home after dialysis. Ghost, thanks for the link. I intend to read the transcript, but I only made it through the weekend CSI testimony. I was interrupted by the pleasant business of leaving the hospital. Now that I’m home I feel a nap coming on.