A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Throwing in the Towel

By Jimmy Johnson

A little bathroom humor from 2008, for a Friday morning. This is why I like 100% cotton tees.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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182 responses to “Throwing in the Towel”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    Testing for Debbe from another computer…

  2. Debbe Avatar

    Apparently Debbe’s problem is specific to her computer and not to her Name or Mail address. Anyone know if she might have a virus on board her computer that makes her comments appear as spam on Jimmy’s end?

    She says her comments do not appear after she clicks “Submit Comment”, but if she clicks it a second time, she gets the “Looks like you’ve already said that” message. So it seems the comment is received but being blocked on the other end.

  3. Ghost Avatar

    That seems rather strange. Don’t know much about spam viruses, but I too wonder if that might not be the problem. Any of our resident experts have any ideas?


    Interesting thought. Could Debbe have a majorly infected computer that the blog computer is blocking?

    When I sent messages signed in as Debbe from my phone I am on it posted in about 10 seconds so it isn’t her name or computer I’D setting it off.

    When I had Yahoo blogs I ran it could be activated by posts from email ID or even user names but not computers as far as I know. And we humans set blocks, not machines. Machines then intercepted them.

  5. Ghost Avatar

    I would tell Janis what I tell all my friends who are afraid of thunderstorms:

    “Hearing thunder is a good thing. When you do, it means the lightning has already missed you.”

    And that would probably do as much good to allay her fears as it does those of all those friends.

    I don’t belittle people who are afraid of thunder. My mom had a life-long fear of it. She came by it “honestly”…when she was small, her mother would gather her up during bad weather, along with her three older siblings; get into bed with them and pull the covers over their heads; and cry hysterically until the storm was over. My mom had no idea why her mother did that.

  6. Morphy Avatar

    Jackie/Debbe, I recognize I’m not the voice wanted, but trying to help. Also know others may be closer to expert.

    a) I noticed one of your messages Jackie, had a duplicate earlier.
    b) Recently, when I thought my post to Mark was simply too long, there was a return message with a long number attached, like a tracking ticket. I’m reading you to mean the second attempt was like that, but not the first? I think it mentioned WordPress, but I did not take note and memory could be wrong.
    c) I remember Domaucan1 having problems that read like Debbe. He did report that my general advice to clear things and restart did not help. But I do not recall if he identified what did help him reconnect.
    d) If other devices have the same problem at the same location, consider the modem/router as well.

    No solution in there, but four additional pieces of information to consider in troubleshoot. Hope you are able to return soon, Debbe.

  7. Ghost Avatar

    I, and apparently others here, have occasionally had comments that would not post, for no obvious reason. But in all those cases, I’ve gotten a (meaningless to me) error message. And nothing in the message mentions it being placed in “moderation”. That’s why I wonder if they may be being swallowed by whatever spam filter is on the other end.

  8. Morphy Avatar

    Crossed in posting. I cannot say that Debbe’s computer is clean, use your favorite checker for that. But I really doubt an infection there would stop WordPress(?) from accepting a straight forward text string. It could not contain anything considered dangerous.

  9. TruckerRon Avatar

    Does anyone else remember why WordPress got hung up on certain innocent words and put those messages into moderation? Like Saturday? Also if you had too many nonEnglish words?

  10. Ghost Avatar

    Morphy/Trucker: It’s a mystery to me. As a software expert, I’m a pretty decent aircraft pilot. But somehow, the A&J blog posting problem seems to be specific to Debbe’s machine.

  11. Ghost Avatar

    I know one can Google Search photos now, but without doing so I doubt very many would recognize this handsome young chap from 1918. I didn’t.


  12. Morphy Avatar

    Ghost, I agree. But the twinge that hurts is the empathy that that does not help Debbe from where she sits. And the feeling of being unhelpful, from a distance, on a blog she cannot respond to.

    On your skill set, had a laugh on Frazz’s page at GoComics. The comic itself is par for Mallett. but a contributor below offered one I had not heard, paraphrased:

    On smaller aircraft, that big spinney thing up front is just a cooling fan; if it stops, that’s when the real sweating begins.

  13. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    When I got the message about being already posted I added an ellipses …
    Or changed a word and it worked.

    I think Ian has been messing with the computer.

    GA Debbe

  14. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dearest Ghost, My only guess is Ernest Hemingway. The link didn’t have a name with it — who is it really?

  15. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    You can google photos? How?

  16. Ghost Avatar

    Bingo, Sweet Charlotte. You’re amazing. In 1918, he would have been either 18 or 19, and the photo must have been made not long before he was wounded and evacuated back home.

  17. Ghost Avatar

    If you are using Google as your browser, you can left-click on a photo, and it will give you an option to “Search Google for image”. Right-click on that, and Google will find “similar” (and often the same) images in other sites.

  18. Ghost Avatar

    The main reason pilots tend to be cautious in their flying is that they are usually the first to arrive at the scene of a crash.

  19. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Sent you an Easter Card that you have not viewed – maybe it was an old address.
    Next year 😉

  20. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    The combined weight of all the ants in the world is about
    the same weight as all the humans.

    Could we have a group photo of the weigh in? ROTFL


    Hemingway was actually a hunk! By the 1950s he was ubiquitous with photos everywhere like Look or Life, the magazines, newspapers, newsreel.

    But he was a craggy old man and looked the worse for wear. Yet he was far, far younger then than I am now. He was a celebrity but no hunk.


    Old Bear I agree Ian has messed with Debbe omputer. I can post as Debbe on my computer and did, two trial posts. So did her sister. It is specific to that computer.

    If she will keep Ian’s hands off it, a tablet is answer.

  23. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    You can post as Anonymous, but you have to have a valid email address in the box below your name or it won’t take. Maybe WP doesn’t like her address?

  24.  Avatar

    This was posted with neither a name nor an address. Maybe Debbe should try posting with just the Name block filled in only.

  25. Ghost Avatar

    Hemingway was about three weeks shy of his 62nd birthday when he took his life. He did not age well, in more than one respect.