The cartoons this week are from 1994, the first year of A&J digitalization, 20 years ago. I’ve been using this “new” method of storing and transferring my artwork for well over half the time I’ve been drawing the strip. My, my. I intended to skip the above strip, to move this little beach narrative along, but I decided to rerun it for you, as this year is also another significant anniversary. More than a handful of readers might actually get this one this time around.

Tourist Invasion
By Jimmy Johnson
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188 responses to “Tourist Invasion”
Make that movies to show at the hospital. I said shows but somehow Siri change that to sounds.
Do not take orally. Thanks Trucker. Will we have an Arthur II? No.
Jackie – I was right between Nov. and Mar.
When I googled silver-tongued devil, I got hits on Janis Joplin, not Kristopherson. Only fitting.
Lt. Tawny Madison of Galaxy Quest, doing what she does best.
I think we should start a movement to get Galaxy Quest back on the air.
For about two minutes there, I sat and thought “Isn’t it weird so many of us like the same things? Movies, music, humor?”
Nah! It isn’t strange at all. We reflect what Jimmy puts in his world because we are all here as part of that.
Thanks for finding the Ludwig licking Arlo joke, I wasn’t far enough back. I had made it from 2014 to 2006 I think? Of course, I ended up reading ALL the strips, not just the range Mindy suggested.
Lying in bed last night, I realized that JJ has to draw and write a strip a day for 365 days per year. For 25 years that is roughly 9,125 strips of humor. How many of us could be funny consistently for even one week or month?
There are simply awesome strips in the archives. And because I think A & J reflects a lot of JJ’s personality you learn a lot about him when you do that.
For instance, Arlo and Janis went on a date to hear a Kris Kristofferson concert before they were married. So, I was probably right that the Ludwig strip was a reference to Kris and “The Silver Tongued Devil” (a great song, by the way)
Read a great article/blog by a writer who talked about Kris Kristofferson vs. Jimmy Buffet fighting it out in his mind all his life.
Great thinking, both fabulous lyricists and talented musicians, Kris an actor, Jimmy a writer.
Love, Jackie Monies
This is for eMb; while looking up another word, I noticed “patter: to talk fast … from pater, to mumble prayers fast … from Paternoster.” From the liturgy to Gilbert and Sullivan. Well, music itself began in the church and see where it’s ended up now!
TrapperJean, it’s funny you should have mentioned black leotards. Turned on the tv this afternoon and Rock Around the Clock was on. Had one dance scene where the female lead was practicing wearing black leotards. Cue Arte Johnson, Vedddy interesting!
to… Trouble In River City!! (
And you’re going to be confused because my first comment is In Moderation, probably because there are two links to videos. Ah well. Such is life.
Mark in TTown, because dancers!
Good morning Villagers…
……short night, slept well…love these cool nights, good for sleeping.
I think it’s Monday…right…loosing track of days. Thirteen straight days and counting.
Ya’ll have a blessed day
GR 😉
Kept telling my kids that there was a great fireworks show that you could see from our yard that was always the day AFTER the holiday. Started hearing booms, kids began to believe me and went out, decided to drive down the street to end and lake.
Came back to report that there were hundreds of cars and hundreds of boats at our neighborhood beach and a professional fireworks display being shot 300 yards off beach. And I never could find any mention in newspaper of this event!
This has been going on for years and I still have no idea who puts it on or funds it. It seems to be word of mouth publicity?
I need a golf cart to travel in. Everyone else in neighborhood has one, even the young and agile drive them.
Good morning!
Love, Jackie Monies
Debbe, when I was a florist, one of my employees described what a holiday was like for a florist to someone and I overheard her.
She said, “The days keep getting longer and the nights keep getting shorter and then pretty soon we don’t go home at all.”
Sounds like a good country and western song line to me. Or a chicken farmer’s lament.
Love, Jackie Monies