A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Two Cats Walk in a Bar…

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Obviously, I’m limping along in June, but I appreciate you checking back. I know you did, or you wouldn’t be reading this. We haven’t had an old cat cartoon in a while, have we? I hear from a lot of Ludwig lovers that he is the most realistic cat in the funnies. I take pride in that. However, we all know he’s really a cartoon character and is allowed to stray. I think Ludwig earned his reputation, because the cat humor in the strip usually isn’t. Cat humor, I mean. He primarily serves as a foil for the humans; the best cat humor—in my opinion—is about how the humans perceive and relate to their feline pet, and that seems very real, because we all behave similarly.

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101 responses to “Two Cats Walk in a Bar…”

  1. John in Podunk Avatar
    John in Podunk

    Wow. 2009. How time flies. Look how thick Arlo’s laptop is.

  2. Symply Fargone Avatar

    I Symply love it when Luddie does nefarious Fargone undertakings

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Cue the cat lovers. 🙂

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I think Luddie is absolutely the BEST cat in any cartoon I have ever read and since I began reading cartoons at age 3 according to my mother, that makes 67 years of cat cartoon knowledge!

    Good cat story- I went to hospital/Tulsa this weekend to see Mike and left mom and cats in care of Bonnie and Wilma who work for me part time. Bonnie took night shift and went to sleep in back bedroom with three cats and small dog, who arranged themselves in their usual sleeping pattern on pillow, both sides of “body” and little dog leapt on her stomach.

    She said everyone kind of settled down and then cats started giving her bath in middle of night! The next night she moved into my daughter’s bed in living room!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  5. Bill in Paducah Avatar

    I too am “cat-sitting” for a few weeks while my daughter and her family move. Brought home a sack of red potatoes last night but didn’t fix them. Apparently one of the cats is a vegetarian:


  6. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Wow, profound commentary. Maybe the next book should not be cartoons but, ‘Wit and Wisdom of Jimmy Johnson; A Cartooning Essayist.’

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Sandcastler, I agree about JJ’s wisdom and use of words, anecdotes, essays. He is absolutely excellent in all respects and I wondered to myself why this skill is not apparent in all cartoonists?

    I knew Jeff Millar who wrote dialogue for Tank McNamara and his friend Bill Hinds drew it. Jeff was a columnist and writer, couldn’t draw but he was a superb columnist and wrote movie reviews.

    The talent to do both must be unique and I know JJ wrote for a newspaper before becoming a daily cartoonist. How common do we think it is to be both consistently (and complexly) funny and be able to draw humor?

    I don’t think it happens very often, personally. I would buy a book with essays, commentary and the occasional cartoon if JJ wrote it.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  8. Virgin Mindy Avatar
    Virgin Mindy

    Oh, boy! Twenty-eight percent so far!

  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Not regimented enough for you, Dearest Virgin? 🙂

  10. sideburns Avatar

    Jackie, it it’s hot where you live, the dog and cats may simply have been licking the salt off of your friend. And, I hope Mike is on the mend and will be home RSN.

  11.  Avatar

    JJ, you’re limping along because the joke is lame?

  12. Symply Fargone Avatar


    Symply tell us whether your percentage comments re our staying on Fargone topic are counted as on topic or off topic? So after you post whether anthropomorphically or not(still on topic see how I worked that in!?!!) does the percentage go up or down…….

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    The amusing thing is that, as best I recall, Dearest Virgin’s “on-topic” percentage is zero. 🙂

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    How many Air Force Combat Rescue PJs does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    None. Air Force Combat Rescue PJs aren’t afraid of the dark.

  15. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Isn’t PJs public domain for something cheaper?

  16. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    I looked at the Facebook pic of the potatoes, Bill — naughty cat (s). You could have salvaged some of them …. but nah, after the cats had worked them over you wouldn’t care to.

    A comment leapt quickly to my lips when I saw VM’s post, but luckily I swallowed it in time.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    You have to realize that being snarky is Virgin Mindy’s shtick, and that she really does love us.

  18. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Oh, really, Ghost? Well, I don’t care for snarky.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I see that much of The Dark Side was in fine sophomoric form today.

  20.  Avatar

    GR6: They do light-bulb maintenance in their PJs?

  21. Boise Ed Avatar
    Boise Ed

    Jackie Monies: James Thurber and Shel Silverstein come to mind, but it’s a small club that JJ belongs to.

  22. Virgin Mindy Avatar
    Virgin Mindy

    Methinks El Ghost is beginning to bristle and burp. I like the snarkly part!

  23. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Buy LED bulbs, they burn forever.

    I save lots of grief by viewing the daily A&J on a tablet, no comments. Would have to select desktop viewing to see the comments. I rather come over here to the Village for the more intelligent intercourse. Yes VM, we have intercourse.

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Ed, I LOVED James Thurber and Shel Silverstein also! I agree, JJ is in a small select group of cartoonists/writers.

    I miss the old New Yorker and their cartoonists. Well, their writers also.

    I try not to read the people on Go Comics by reading A & J on Yahoo comics. That is a chancy thing, as Yahoo isn’t always there! Then I go to Go Comics and try not to click on comments.

    Saw Mr. Ghost the day he said hold out for better wine. This group is far more interesting to talk to. Including Ghost, of course!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  25. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    This is not a rude insult (I Hope!) but why is Virgin Mindy a virgin in what? Is she a nun? Pure? I happen to have an ex-nun as a part time house keeper and care taker for mom and me. She dropped out before taking final vows and says it was a mistake.

    Of course I know why she says that. The orders give security, protection, a safe life. Sheltered and quiet and contemplative.

    It was something that made me wonder.

    Love, Jackie Monies