I’m sorry to be late with this classic A&J, but I’m a little busy helping send out T shirts! As I remember, I was supposed to be something of a figurehead and a quality-control type, but there’s been some serious mission creep, it would appear. At least you’ll know whom to blame!

Vertically Challenged
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
99 responses to “Vertically Challenged”
The staph infection I had in my left index finger a year and a half or so ago (and left me with only about 50% of normal range of motion in that finger) was a MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) but fortunately it was sensitive to one of the newer antibiotics. Health-care acquired MRSA infections have become quite widespread and are cause for great concern. Last I heard, about 2% of the population is a MRSA “carrier”.
So, if one tests positive as a MRSA carrier, one is prevented from receiving healthcare in a hospital setting? There’d seem to me to be some rather serious moral and legal issues, affecting several million people, involved in such a prohibition.
Tote that barge (of tee-shirts), lift that bale (of tee-shirts).
OK, all caught up on Village News. Anyone else get that newspaper?
Started putting decorations on tree, all plastic. Left a pack of the cats inside. We will see.
My favorite minion is about to become a grandfather, a baby girl. I am off to shop for baby gifts. The rest of crew took off for Tulsa to support the mother.
In last two days they have located some amazing things I thought gone forever. Sometimes God sends angels to help us.
Left my resident deputy switching new doors to outside and rebuilding my breezeway. Another God sent angel, just six feet eight sounds unlikely to wear wings.
I’ve had two MRSA infections, and had to take Sulfa for both of them. Not fun, although a generic Prilisec kept my digestion under control while I was on it.
Debbe – Thunder is my outside kitty. She is the only one without a “home.” There are at least two or three other cats I feed because they are left outside without food or shelter. I had constructed a shelter for Thunder, but the cold snap created a fight for creature comforts. Thunder seems to have sprained her left front paw while defending her home. She limped progessively worse each day. I took a chance and set her up on the porch. Her limp is getting better, but she is still not up to par. Blacklight is not happy about the new boarder. I don’t expect them to make nice.
Oh yeah, 65 for the high on Saturday! People are out in shirt sleeves mowing their lawns. Rather surreal.
We’ve had low-to-mid 70s here in the Deep South all week, and AccuGuesser says it will be almost 80 by Saturday. The Extended Guess is for mid-60s on Christmas Eve and high-50s Christmas Day. Merchants love a really cold day or two the week prior to Christmas to get last-minute shoppers in the mood, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen here this year.
I was picking up a parcel at the Post Office a few days ago from my favorite clerk and mentioned I had missed her for a while. She told me she had taken some time off after Thanksgiving and had actually completed all her holiday chores. “Well,” I said, “you’ll be able to kick back from now until Christmas.”
“Other than the fact that I work at the Post Office,” she said with a smile.
“Yeah, there is that little detail,” I agreed.
Ghost, no they don’t refuse treatment, but you might be put in contact or respiratory isolation to keep you from spreading it to someone else. I don’t think they would stop the surgery altogether, but maybe delay it while giving Jackie a course of antibiotics and running tests after to see if they got rid of it. Of course they don’t want to chance having it spread after her surgery.
Infections and daytime high temperatures, all appears normal in our Village. Hit a high today of 80°. Rain coming for the weekend.
I noticed that the Village Square has been dressed in holiday lights. Many of the cottages are also dressed in holiday finery. It is sad to say a few remain undecorated. Those yet to get in the spirit can contact GR6, who it is my understanding, can arrange the decorating for a nominal donation to the Village Orphans Christmas Fund. All donations go to buy toys for the orphans. Rumor is, GR6 will again dress as Santa’s Helper and distribute the toys on Christmas Eve. This will be a busy evening for Ghost, as he always joins the hospital nurses on their caroling stroll. Stay warm Ghost Rider, keep everyone merry, and thanks for all the community services.
GR6: “I submit that you tell the donor’s mother and family exactly that. Do you not think that was exactly what they hoped and expected when they made it possible for you receive the gift of life from their loved one? Tell them. . . .”
Sir, all beautifully said.
Judith Martin, AKA Miss Manners, gave some advice on a different subject. I have never forgotten it. But it’s a little similar, too: Tell the person.
For this one person had written to MM, wondering about bringing up the subject of someone else’s dearly departed, but hesitated, not wishing to remind the one bereaved. Tell him, Miss Manners, advised, for you won’t be reminding him. Indeed, he never is forgetting about it. I know this to be true. I am always glad when someone brings up something important to me. It helps.
No comment.
Mimdy, girl I wanted to do a crystal and white tree but I was already deep into cookies and candy theme. Just left Big Lots and they had an awesomeinexpensive for your tree down here, stuff I have never seen and gorgeous. No candy canes. UT lots of tear drops and icicles.
DJJG, you are so right, and I bet most of the Villagers think so too. My late husband is in and out of my thoughts all day, and it makes me feel good when the children reminisce about him or re-tell his stories. Or if friends do the same.
Sandcastler, I love what you wrote about the decorations and lights in the Village, and about Ghost, and the toys for the Orphans. Very clever and sweet.
Now I’m remembering a really good idea; I read this somewhere and have made it my own. When someone dies and you need to write a note of sympathy, write some story about the person. Something nice and thoughtful he or she did for you, or for a friend, or even a funny story, to recall the person as they were. This helps at the funeral home too, when you say nice things to the bereaved family. Much better than platitudes, like the person is better off now and so on!
DJJG and Charlotte:
Amen. Anyone who reads my columns knows I think about late wife lots. Many of my close people in town are close because [or largely because] of her, and she comes up a lot.
Common cause of recollection is encountering something I should tell her about. Of course, she may know about it already. E.g., she’d be proud of Bemidji Community Theatre’s recent production of ‘Hello Dolly.’ [Best of the 3 productions of it I’ve seen.
Peace, emb
I write and read Christmas letters and enjoy both. Mine always seem to come out long and include lots of pictures.
Best of luck on the surgical front, Jackie. And David, big seconds to what others have said.
Home from dress rehearsal for our church Christmas concert. I sing in the chancel choir and tonight was subbing for the handbell director. Concert also includes children’s choir, youth choir, orchestra, and praise team. It’s always really nice.
Debbe 😉 Old song. Newer performance. They don’t screw it up.
I have said before-
There is nothing we eat – or any of our pets – or even ourselves that have not been
“genetically altered” It just took longer in the old days.
As for today’s offering –
Neither of our microwave ovens have anything other than a analog (twist) timer.
In fact could not find the old kind when MIL’s went out, luckily it was just a fuse.
(She could not operate push button style)
Oldest unit the timer does not work – so we have a timer from the dollar store
or look at our watch. Push button ON – push button OFF.
Simple tools for simple folks.
“animals die – plants die – but as long as we tell stories
our loved ones will never die”
Our loved ones are where they always were – in our hearts.
You cannot live with some one the number of years I did and not be reminded constantly of them.it does not mean you can’t or shouldn’t go on with life. A fact my children don’t get.
The tree progresses with plastic ornaments. I will have it finished before I go into hospital so it will be done when I come back. Candy and baking, cupcakes. And sweets, cookies. I had one lady following me around Big Lots. She said she could tell from what I bought I was a professional decorator, my cart was gorgeous and I had all the good stuff. Not true, I could have done a half dozen themes. Or more easily.
Funny thing, I love to buy at discount stores, was still buying pajamas. I mean I have to wear something if I’m going to have caregivers here. They had fleece Playboy Bunny pajamas. I know, buying fleece long pj’s goes against everything Hefner stood for but I bought a pair. For me to wear but I thought my cardiologist would get a laugh out of it. I will tell him I am wearing my Bunny suit. I already told him he could take all the photos he wanted, I would be unconscious on the operating table a long time. He laughed. The blood might disconcerting to people.
Good morning Villagers…..
David, you have been given some excellent advice above and also a second chance to live life to its fullest…do it.
Yesterday I went to pick up my packet at the CPA’s. I so badly wanted the wife to be there and she wasn’t….why? Because she and my Mom bowled together, but on different teams, and they were friends, I just wanted to talk to her and hear her say something about Mom.
Yesterday was also my Dad’s 84th birthday…..
I gotta go…….
My mother, age 90, refuses to leave her home. Fortunately she can afford a daytime care giver. Her mother died in that home and my mother probably will too. At this time in 2007 we were sitting in the hospital with my father who died on Dec. 14. I haven’t felt like decorating for Christmas since. His 82nd birthday would have been 5 days later.
Thanks to all for the excellent thoughts. The letter is written and the card with letter will go to the transplant agency today for delivery. As some of you stated, the memory of a departed one doesn’t leave, but perhaps there is hope in knowing that good still came of the loss.