I’m sorry to be late with this classic A&J, but I’m a little busy helping send out T shirts! As I remember, I was supposed to be something of a figurehead and a quality-control type, but there’s been some serious mission creep, it would appear. At least you’ll know whom to blame!

Vertically Challenged
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
99 responses to “Vertically Challenged”
I’ll probably get a different digit from sandcastler™.
Mindy from Indy, here are simple instructions for making beaded candy cane ornaments. Considering your color scheme, I would suggest using white pipe cleaners and clear beads.
GR6, this one is for you.
I like this one. Makes me think of Debbe for some reason. 😉
Actually a busy day at the ranch. Had to play network engineer. Moving printers, installing a new one, and then updating drivers on all the assorted devices. Then installed an NFL stadium size monitor in the Loon’s office. Also baking bread and making vegetarian veal bean soup. Someone is watching Netflix on her tablet. The cats have all either fallen asleep or been sucked to the ground by the Issac Newton effect.
Mir vsem i vsemu dobroy nochi
Letter? I am doing well if I get cards out to my brothers and sisters, and there are only 5 of them.
Mark and Ghost:
“When you can’t talk, can’t open a beer bottle, and have been fixed, what else are you going to do?” Lovely. Thanks for jogging my memory.
Peace, emb
‘Marzipan or her companion Wicket.’ Pretty sure it began w-short ‘i’, started through the consonants and there it was. Friend in SE Mpls. has a good ear for cat names. Peace,
You’re welcome, emb. Thank you for getting the whole quote, Ghost. I knew there was a third part, but just could not remember it.
Your comments about the creation of Christmas as we know it today rang a bell. Several of the pastors whose churches I have attended as I moved around have also talked about how Jesus was likely around 3 years old when the Magi came to visit. And that in the dead of winter, the shepherds would not have been sleeping in the fields with their flocks, indicating another time of year was more appropriate.
And for those who believe the Bible and science are incompatible, think of this. The first mention of human cloning would seem to be in Genesis, where God took a rib from Adam and created Eve. That fits the most basic description of cloning I can think of.
Those are the beads I was trying to describe.
c x-p
I am more a paragraph writer – by hand – to a few people.
The rest are lucky to get a card at all.
The ones that mater get e-mail and the ones that mater most get
phone calls. Remember telephones that were just telephones?
I just realized why I like our rotary dial phone so much – the handset
is so ergonomically correct – it feels right.
Help me out here with the time but
The Chinese Astronomers saw a Super Nova about 6(?) AD.
Others think there was a planetary conjunction about then by retrograding
planets in their orbits.
The shows will be repeating soon.
Debbe 😉 More Hippie Chick music…and about the other Alice.
While listening to the on-cable Christmas music with my mom last night, an interesting factoid I’d not known came up on the screen: “In the 1700s, German Christmas trees were actually large decorated tree limbs hanging from ceilings.”
I wonder if that made it any harder for cats to climb them.
And since it’s officially December 10th now, I’ll post another fact likely unknown to anyone here other than Ruth Anne…today is Dewey Decimal System Day.
Good morning Debbe. Couldn’t sleep. I usually can’t wake up in the morning. The above reminds me of a good book about a library cat named Dewey Readmore. Has anyone else read it?
Good morning Villagers….
…back at ya, Jerry, did you get a chance to watch those videos? I love the close up of Elvis at the end of ‘Elvis’s first Christmas” video….he was just a kitten.
Jean, glad you enjoyed the video…..
Well, it is over, the massacre…and the cleaning begins….but not for me. I am going to the other hen house and help Marlene pack eggs…..pays to be 62 this time. Just can’t pull that stuff off any more. Plus, I remember the first time I cleaned about 4 years ago, It was in November and cold, but I toughed it out then.
Thanks Sand for the encouragement…..
GR 😉 good for you, trying to get back in the spirit of Christmas, setting up a tree for your Mother and all. This is going to be a rough one on us 4 girls, Mom will not be there, in spirit she will be though. Loved the peace symbol that made you think of me….funny, but true 🙂
OK…CPA said ACA owes me $95 according to IRS 🙂 I’ll take it!!!!
Ya’ll have a blessed day….
GR 😉 let’s take a walk down memory lane…
Yes I did Debbe. Thanks.
Debbe, have you ever heqrd the slow version of For Your Love?. I forget at the moment who recorded it. Maybe Jimmy Clanton.
…..I don’t think so, it would feel creepy to pet this breed of cat, but I do love her collar 🙂
Apparently not him although Just a Dream isn’t a bad song either. I do have the slow version on a cd somewhere.
Jerry, no I have not…..I Wiki’d ‘The Yardbirds’, and the only ones that stood out over the years, is Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton…and I can’t remember the other one. Wiki them, that may help.
Jerry, wonder if you would put that name on the U Tube Search engine, and see what comes up….
Only Just a Dream. That cat reminds me of why I hope that I never lose my hair. I lost a little when I began taking thyroid meds, but I started taking Biotin and it came back.
I found it-Ed Townsend. No wonder I couldn’t remember. A one hit wonder for him I think.