I know it has been a week since my last post, but it has not been in vain. We’re in our fifth day of record-warm temperatures around here; it has been unusually spring-like, and we’ve been taking advantage of it to do some serious work at the parsonage. Remember the parsonage? Others and I have been rebuilding a rotten porch from the ground up, and I’ve not forgotten how so many of you made it possible. I will try to update more frequently this week, though. A lot is going to happen this year; the future is going to be interesting.

Where Most Accidents Happen
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
128 responses to “Where Most Accidents Happen”
Old Bear, your playful parenthetical punctuation created an inline, spotted in the wild winky face ‘.)
Very coy.
Sand, I am intrigued. Need to go look up Yaroslavskiy railway. I have John le Carré shades skulking in my mind. Though I sense your reference may not be literary. If so, do the brass one’s clang when you run?
Jackie, the aluminum does make it tricky and expensive. Sight unseen, I doubt it is worth it. But internet advice sucks. [mine not OB’s] I just would point out that AL welding is a skill in high demand. Your nearest trade school would love a real world project.
Sand, it pleased me that I correctly recalled your reference location, if not actual incident.
But the surprises of linkages in our small world abound.
Zev Yaroslavskiy is a recently retired Los Angeles politician of note. Including involvement in the investigation of RFK’s assasination, discussed here at other times. Just one part of a long career.
clipped from Patt Morrison in the Los Angeles Times, 4 SEP 2010, via Wikipedia:
Explaining his arts advocacy, Yaroslavsky told the Los Angeles Times:
“Even if you don’t like ballet or classical music or opera, it’s an economic engine, it puts people to work, and it pays well.”
(source link supplied in article referenced)
Fair point, sir. Wish more agreed.
Had never heard of Zev until your mention. Sounds like an interesting gentleman.
My reference was to, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Yaroslavskaya_railway_station
, which I miss spelt. Never claimed my Russian was good, do think it improves with alcohol consumption.
I don’t think that this year will be interesting.
I think it will be frightening.
Sand, many things improve with vodka, some things get worse.
Wiki didn’t blink at the spelling either. It was fixed in my next post where Patt had spelled it correctly. Not knowing the man, I’m hopping Patt spells his that way on purpose. Maybe to remind people that Morrison has two r’s. Wile the family emigrating from Russia is told, and much is made of his religion. I did not see if he had direct relation to the historical Soviet, who was not a friend to religion. Could be like Smith and Jones, or Lee and Kelly.
Rick, interesting times are usually frightening. But we as a country, and a people, have weathered far more interesting times than this. All will be well. If we need assurances there are many other countries who can tell us of truly terrifying times for a bedtime story.
I’m hoping for Patt. Still don’t know him well enough for hopping.
or where the ‘h’ in while went?
time to hang it up
Being sufficiently shamed by our resident soul I went 25 miles south to my wellness center tonight. Got down to find my membership had been cancelled on general assumption I might not be among the living. I had to rejoin but they were sweet and resigned me..
So I did 30 minutes on elliptical machine and now having bottle of water and a kale chopped salad.
Thank you Ghost.
You are most welcome, Jackie.
And “Atta girl.”
Tonight’s bra is no shapeless exercise mash down but a beautiful European sheer embroidered underline with lift, size 42FF. Color of a presumptuous dry red from a sunny slope in France, Merlot. Good nose and remains on palate.
Worth working for. Like all good vintages.
Feel good for exercising.
Underwire, Hal. He keeps refusing to type it. Surly.
If it serves to emphasize, “underline” might be fitting….
Let’s just say everything remains in place where it is supposed to be so long as the support system remains. No bouncing or jiggling and no padding of payload. Honest packaging.
Don’t blame me for the ‘Winky’ face (it is too much trouble to so italics).
Blame Lynn Truss – (A true dash not a hyphen) is her responsibility as well.
Just because I am reading her book does not mean I will remember any of it next week.
Lynn writes with humor so it helps some knowledge stick.
I did not consider tech school – but a good place to check.
Another option is put a steel box on back from salvage yard.
Good on you for getting back to exercise. You do know many insurance
co.s will pay for memberships?
Old Bear, the truck was more for looks than function except it did carry my luggage and boats in style. I have owned a pickup for many years and have never seen myself as a minivan person, despite owning a number of those too.
My late husband quit with the Cadillac sedans finally when I dug my heels in. I owned big vans when they were not fashionable. I hated being categorized by vehicles. It has moved from minivans to SUVS for moms and old ladies it seems.
Will check to see if insurance pays on wellness center. Mine is hospital owned and operated. Beautiful facility. Tons of classes but I like the pool and use machines because I should.
Just don’t do it enough. No company. Few around here exercise. I was a charter member when dues for seniors were $35 a month. I tried to get neighbors to go for the company, I would drive them free. No one was interested.
Keep up the good work
You know the dues are so reasonable, I think $45 a month now with unlimited use of facility, two pools, padded track, dozens of classes and trainers.
Compared to costs of smoking, drinking, bad diet and the costs of the treatment of what results, that’s no cost at all.
Not only will our January thaw occur in January this yr., looks like a week of highs above 32 coming up, with even two lows of 32F. Believe this is first yr. we’ve had such since we came in ’58. Had a crazy warm spell in ’73, but don’t think it last a whole wk.
Lots of snow on ground now, more than I think will melt completely, but it w/b messy. Hope people drive wisely.
Gene Cernan was a fellow Boilermaker. We were always proud that the first and last men on the moon were Purdue Graduates. I had meant to watch and finally did last night on Netflix “Last Man on the Moon” that was a documentary on Gene that he cooperated on. All my heroes are in their 80’s. BTW Old Bear, I have agreed with your comment for 50 years. The space program has helped us all.
Dennis, historically you are correct about not buying a vehicle in its 1st year of production. We have done a much better job and many vehicles are seeing fewer issues. Better to buy a vehicle late in the model year when the glitches go away. Aluminum bodies and stop and go are there for better fuel economy. I was working on stop and go technology for at least 15 years with Ford. They meant to implement it back then but fuel stabilized and they were concerned about consumer acceptance. With the aggressive CAFÉ targets, they more common. I think that they have the bugs out on that one.
As far as turning around after walking 13.1 miles, if it were that easy, I would have done it! LOL. Weather looks like 45° this weekend but rain. As long as it is not windy I should be out there. I can always go inside to the mall. My Doctor just says Keep Moving.
Wow! I am ALMOST ashamed to give the weather we are having in Baton Rouge, LA. Yesterday, tied a record from 1980’s @ 81 F. Summer like weather for a couple of weeks now since the “big freeze” of 2017. Low got into the lower 20’s. Maybe it will be warm for Mardi Gras this year!
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Damage to Trigger appears to be more to fender/bumper/right rear of cab than to box. Also to parts of exhaust system. So transplant of bed not likely to fix. If Ford shop has declared the truck unrepairable, well, they should know, as certified on that new body.
Sorry for the loss Jackie. And especially for the insurance company who is supposed to protect you leaving you in the lurch like this. Good luck in being made as whole as possible.