What th’ heck! Let’s have a Halloween cartoon on the first full day of summer. This one has run on this site before, but it was handy, and I am away from my desk today and tomorrow. If it makes you feel any better, I’m on cartoon business. I am not being coy with you, but we will turn back to The Project and Kickstarter toward the end of the week. Behind the scenes, work continues in that direction, and I think things will go live before the week is out. And I did say earlier, “Next week,” didn’t I?

Without a Hitch
By Jimmy Johnson
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86 responses to “Without a Hitch”
Am I really the first? Wooo!! I get Alfred Hitchcock, but I can’t see the last frame so I don’t know the punch line.
This one is from October 31, 2003.
A word of advice, Arlo…the Past is often a fun place to visit, but trying to live there is just frustrating.
I am late as always. Missed my hair last night, missed it this morning, not my regular stylist. They are annoyed and making me wait. I am an extraordinary tipper. Do I take it out on them?
Now waiting to see if can get nails done fast. I am so vain.
What I really wish I had was a shower and tub partner but that needs completion of the new garden bath and it hasn’t begun yet, just demolished carport. Of course we seldom get what we wish for on life, even garden baths.
Debbe, when my mom did that we thought insurance company would step in. She took out wall at the bank. They didn’t. But you can have his doctors call in state troopers or insurance company can too and they will take away his license.
I can say that as a car salesman we were not allowed to sell cars to impaired drivers because liability extends if they kill someone. My own mother almost got me, she went to hit brakes and hit accelerator, backing up like a bullet.
Today’s cartoon revisits a frequent A&J nocturnal theme. Janis’ flimsy see-thru nighty and Arlo being Arlo. He’s still got game. Gotta love it.
Re 21 June ’16 A&J: I hadn’t noticed that it was sheer. But the length is delightful. Hers that length didn’t have panties. Once, for Mothers’ Day or her birthday [in July], I bought her a thing [not sheer] from the Sears catalog called a ‘dormitory shirt.’ About that length, and it unbuttoned down the front. Peace,
The flimsy garment and back-lighting combination is a winner in my book, also. And not just at bedtime.
For emb: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opera/what-to-see/glyndebourne-opera-rossini-the-barber-of-seville-live-stream/
Trying to decide if I want to stay in a retro Route 66 restored motel when I go see Llee tonight or a restored la Quinta from the Joplin tornado. I FINALLY am going to take off in a while after,I run truck through car wash and go home and get clothes and dog. If it were an emergency I would leave with a dirty truck and no clothes but not without dog.
Jackie, are you going through the car wash with no clothes on? I guess that is a way to multitask….
Steve, I think that would only work with a convertible, or if you were in the open bed of the pickup.
The photos alone are worth reading this story: http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2016/06/firefighters_rescue_alabama_te.html#incart_river_home
I’ve been saying for years that Barney should be banned.
Maybe she can borrow Jerry’s convertible. Or Arlo’s Cobra.
JAckie, Joplin would mean backtracking. True, not a long way but stilll…. Local Motel 6 (8?) takes pets. Boots probably does- they’re working hard to woo customers with the remodel and are doing great (I hear). And you could stay with me, Dickens is welcome. Just saying 🙂
Dave posted this on FB. I shared it along with a note to Mindy from Indy. It’s too good not to share here. What do you think of it, Galliglo?
Llee, LaQ doesn’t charge her a pet rate, so they are her motel of choice. Dickens is a very cute, well-behaved little dog. I think they ought to stay with you. But since I’m not on this trip, I don’t get a vote.
Thanks, Mark!
Mark: Thanks. emb
Hi, yes, I get fantastic rates, pay a senior citizen best available single rate and usually get suites. Dickens is a LQ dog, very sophisticated about elevators, luggage carts, all the things that go with hotels. He has spent his entire six years in them traveling, when it gets to be check in time he starts acting ready for bed and climbs onto my arm disgruntled.
Thanks Mark for saying how sweet he is. The really weird thing is that portrait of Emily Dickenson holding two IDENTICAL Dickens wearing golden bell collars. Twilight Zone?
Jackie! If you are still online…. and reached the motel why not stop for the night? Rest and come along tomorrow?
Rats, probably missed you again. Oh well!
Llee, she just got to the motel about 7pm. And you are welcome.
And so are you, emb. The Telegraph periodically has links to live opera and other theater on their website. Maybe some of the American papers and opera companies ought to try it. It might improve audience levels for both.
Dickens is settled on sofa and I am thinking I will pickup a salad from restaurant and eat in room later. Go exercise or soak in pool. This property has an on site chef doing breakfast. Not common at LQ but they have a full restaurant that unfortunately doesn’t deliver. Pooh!
I used to like coming to Joplin before the tornado but have not been here much recently. Most evidence of storm seems gone as far as I have been.
Going to see Lora in morning
Here in big words is what us oldtimers have known all along
(certainly suspected)
Now they just have to relearn rote learning has it’s place too.