I’m working on the new book, tentatively entitled “Arlo & Janis after Dark,” and here I am giving away the merchandise. Yes, production of the new book is behind schedule, but I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. And yes, it’s mostly old material, but if you’re worried that you’ve seen a lot of it already, think how I feel.
‘Oft Go Awry’
By Jimmy Johnson
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387 responses to “‘Oft Go Awry’”
Two days ago the long term forecast for Sunday was a high of 39F and a low of -12F. Welcome to Canada. That has changed and today they are forecasting a high of 20F and a low of -5F. That is still a pretty large swing but only about half of the original forecast.
It is currently -4F, going down to -13F today with a wind chill of -28F. I may have to switch to long pants soon.
I don’t view it as a sin. And haven’t consumed in a long time. But is your target range ammunition taxed? Or is that a write-off expense?
Sorry to co-post Gary. I hadn’t been following our best friends of the Great White North. But you are sharing your weather with some family I have in Steve’s area, this week. They don’t mind the blessings later in the season. But didn’t feel ready for it after such a warm autumn.
Mark, interesting solution. There has been a weevil, I think, maybe a blight of some kind, that tried at one time. But I do fear man-made solutions. See the dingo fence in Australia, and other examples.
Jackie, Washington state has… I’d have to look it up, more than a dozen less than a gross- reservations where tribes sold to whites back in the day, and made a killing at it. But as Mark predicted above, the crack down came eventually. I think these days it is enforced at access road ‘border’ crossings that in my time didn’t exist. They cannot restrict the free trade. But if you did not pay the higher non-tribal rate, and cannot prove it, you will be fined in a way that made the whole exercise pointless. Still worth it though for the better flavor. I think they have a fresher product due to higher turnover.
The point though wasn’t the morality of revenue. But the criminal attitude applied to a legal activity. And then in contrast to the permissive attitude to the still federally prohibited product marijuana. Mental exercise: WA, OR, even D.C. may claim their ‘legal’ marijuana arrived there by boat. How does landlocked Colorado claim to have obtained seeds that would have to have been transported across state’s borders, thereby subject to federal seizure?
In Oklahoma large numbers of our Native people have COPY, lung cancer, heart disease and other ills that smoking contributes to. As does the rest of population here.
If not first hand, second hand smoke kills much of our citizens. We lead the nation in all things bad.
obvious answer:
with a wink and a nod
Sorry for the co-post. Not defending the health benefits of tobacco. Remember, I quit myself. Questioning the legal status. And public shame applied to what would otherwise be described as victims of addiction.
Difference btw. punishment, if any, for white-collar crime vs. lower class crime? Big Tobacco = predation on the poor for the benefit of the owners with major lobbying, many legislators in their pockets. Hard to outlaw a profitable product w/ a long history of legitimacy [400+ yr.?], entrenched in the economy of many states [incl. CT, where they grow cigar tabac under cheesecloth]. They’ve been called coffin nails from at least the ’20s, but were not officially declared a major health hazard until Pres. Johnson’s committees report in the early ’60s., which was viciously attacked by Big T. Anti-science is still alive and well in other areas.
‘. . . unlikely Feds will outlaw tobacco. They are as addicted to the taxes collected as the smokers are to the tobacco. Same for states.’ The tax benefits to ‘gubmint’ probably are exceeded by public health costs and multiple other costs to the public sector as well as society as a whole. And, for many people, tobacco is so strongly addictive that they are unable to quit. Others are under social pressure to continue. Bemidji has major reservations to the W, N, and E. Went to a funeral, perhaps not tobacco related, of a BSU employee [accidental CO poisoning from a defective heater], and her friends and relations were outside the funeral home puffing away.
This could get, or may already be, political.
My childhood bed had to have its wooden rails bolted to the frame as well. Constructed more like a daybed, there was enough room underneath to play under, and having hair-trigger boards dropping springs and mattress on growing skulls was deemed “unsafe.”
Addiction? Legal starting selling time for alchol in Indiana is 7am. Heaven help me of my register’s time is off, because at 7:00:01am, some one NEEDS a beer and the liquor store down the street doesn’t open until 10am. Cigarettes annoy me, but I will cheerfully take a smoker (wacky or standard issue) over meth, heroin, cocaine, or alcohol any day. (Or lottery addicts. A special kind of hell – we are under no legal obligation to cut someone off, and encouraged to push more instead. I refuse.)
Marie might get to home early! From death’s door to amazing progress. They are going to bring her home next Thursday to do a mobility walk through to see what areas need work. Wonderful news.
… which is the best news I have as I have another friend on a ventilator and a feeding tube. She was collapsed, unresponsive, on a floor for eight and a half hours before help came. That was Tuesday. No change since.
My late husband’s best friend in his fraternity at college was a short go getter named Wendell Gauthier. Wendell worked his way through college and law school. He was labeled the King of Tort when he appeared on either Time or Newsweek cover.
Wendell did all the work on the infamous cigarette manufacturers class action suits, holding them liable. I think he died before he could finish the suits but they went on to be tried by others who won millions. Sadly Wendell died very young of cancer. I will Google him and see what wiki says.
The nation owes Wendell a lot.
Excuse me, others won hundreds of billions on Wendell’s discovery of internal memos from cigarette companies proving consumer fraud of hiding medical evidence, making cigarettes even more addictive deliberately and other deceptive actions.
This is the article from the New York Times when Wendell died of liver cancer at 58. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2001/12/12/us/wendell-gauthier-58-dies-lawyer-in-big-damage-suits.html
Not bad for a poor boy who worked his way through college and night school for a law degree.
Mindy, great news. And valid observations from the front lines.
Jackie, you continue to amaze with your 6° of separations. Wendell played a huge roll in the ongoing hopes of cleaning our society’s missteps in keeping our neighbors healthy.
But emb, you continue to give government’s motives a pass. If there were clean hands, then absolutely blame everything on those bastards at Big Tobacco. But there is not. Any more and I would repeat sections of above.
You yourself point out the term coffin nails predates the surgeon general’s warnings by more than a generation. If everybody knew, then how was Big Tobacco fooling anyone? They certainly didn’t fool me. And I really do not think I am all that special. Even if my massive inferiority complex doesn’t come through in print. (;
left bracket, cause I look at things backwards.
Make of this what you will, in light of the current topic of discussion. In any case, this is not your usual obituary. I wonder if Symply knew him.
emb, I was going to pass on your white/blue collar false contrast, but what the hey….
I believe there is a parallel because:
1 the end victim is demographically ( I included ) lower class
2 whether you speak drug war era Colombian Lords, or
2a modern era headshop millionaires soon to be billionaires, they are
3 Of a substantially higher means than the end user described as victim above, and
4 the functional equivalent of duhn, duhn, duuuuhhhn, Big Tobacco
RESPECT, Mr. Connors. As one who dared not go peacefully. And to his friends, who will apparently remember him the same way.
Morphy, I could tell you so many Wendell stories. He was as outrageous and wonderful when we were young as he was legendary in older age. I suppose I do have a number of those 6 degrees of separation with people over the years. More than you all know to be honest.
They are just people.
Note to Ghost, Trigger is in Oxford, Mississippi now should you be anywhere near. You could visit him for me. It is still not certain he can be repaired
Ironically, tomorrow is a travel day for me. But I will not be passing anywhere near Oxford. If I were, Bullet and I would pay our respects.
As I recall, Trigger was rear-ended. I suppose it will depend on how much frame damage there was in addition to the sheet-metal damage.
I assume Allstate was somehow able to finally find its corporate arse by using both its corporate hands.
Debbe 😉 I won’t be, but I hope others are.
After my sweet cousin who is still working for litigation firm on mostly BP lawsuits in Gulf area (and is my guardian trustee) got involved and took over. They still have not gotten a copy of accident report nor done anything beyond sending me three form letters saying my case is being investigated. He got my truck released and made Allstate pay charges. I was being robbed by sweet Southern wrecker owner apparently who wanted my wrecked truck. No one could do aluminum work that was certified and vice versa.
We do not know if there is frame damage yet and aluminum umbrella body parts are in short supply. I am driving Honda van.
I feel I am being repaid for general hubris in buying truck and flaunting an in your face attitude toward someone who told me not to get it because Americans had a big truck attitude toward rest of world. He didn’t say women, just Americans in general, but I am sure women must have ranked as least able to justify driving pickups. I love trucks more than cars and drove my last F-150 for 15 years. Nor did I go buy an egarious F-350 in defiance, just another F-150 almost same as last one, just as I had always intended.
Loved that truck.
GR6, Jackie may correct me, but I had pictured a T-bone event, that accounted for injuries. Am I confused?
Jackie, I did not mean to provoke a bout of modesty. There are fair and equitable people, but not ‘just’ in the minimize sense. The least among us, and all that. You have been blessed with meeting more than the average number of exceptional people, the ability to recognize notable people on sight, or the ability to recall these experiences easier than others. Probably all three.
I fear I’ve derailed flow this evening. But I think we kept it civil.
If my white/blue comment was political, let me balance with: The U.S. government’s hands remain dirty in that realm also. ‘Both sides’. Let me throw out the non-exhaustive list of Contra rebels, Noriega, Fast and Furious, and on….
It is late, I must seal my last move, and withdraw. Tomorrow will show if it was an adjournment or a forfeit.
Delete umbrella above.
bad timing, slink away