A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

‘Oft Go Awry’

By Jimmy Johnson

I’m working on the new book, tentatively entitled “Arlo & Janis after Dark,” and here I am giving away the merchandise. Yes, production of the new book is behind schedule, but I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. And yes, it’s mostly old material, but if you’re worried that you’ve seen a lot of it already, think how I feel.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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387 responses to “‘Oft Go Awry’”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    Thanks Ruth Ann, and I am definitely packing my toothbrushes….smiling after eating black licorice is not an appealing sight. I smoke menthol cigarettes, and if I run out and someone offers me a non-menthol, I decline….I’ve said it more than once, I’m more addicted to the menthol, maybe I’ll pick up some menthol life savors…yeah that sounds like a better plan.

  2. emb Avatar

    -4° F, pred. hi 8°, 40%. Happy Beethoven’s birthday [Schroeder and Lucy may remind us]; also Jane Austen’s, and the day Camille Saint-Saëns died in 1921, at 86, remembered best for a composition he would not allow to be played in public during his lifetime. Wrote about that Jan. 2000, in a column re G&S. Starts out thus:
    ‘What do A.A. Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh”, Maurice Ravel’s “Bolero”, Camille Saint-Saëns’s “Carnival of the Animals”, George Enescu’s “Romanian Rhapsody No. 1”, and Arthur Sullivan’s “The Mikado” have in common? Each regretted that this was his best-known work. Milne hated being remembered mainly as a children’s author, Saint-Saëns allowed no public orchestral performances of Carnival of the Animals during his lifetime, and Enescu said “Please don’t love me, at least not for this when there are so many other things I have written!” Ravel complained that Bolero contained no music, and Sullivan considered himself a “serious” composer, not just a collaborator with William S. Gilbert in creating light opera.
    Gilbert & Sullivan operas are actually the product of the stormy partnership of three men: Gilbert, Sullivan, and their impresario Rupert D’Oyly Carte. The partnership lasted from 1871-1896. Gilbert was a leading Victorian writer and playwright, and Sullivan a noted composer (when Britain was not known for first-rate classical composers), but their biggest success was as the team known as Gilbert & Sullivan (G&S).’ Peace,

  3. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Wow. All this cat talk makes me want to talk about my favorite cat,Beauty. She has beengone for six years now, but I still miss her. I raisedher from a kitten, and she was the only cat I ever had who would ride on my shoulders as I walked. When she was tiny kitten I set her on my shoulder. I thought that she would jump down, but she stayed. I started walking with her sitting there. S he stayed. I got a kick out of it, and so did everyone who saw it. In the seven years of her existence, she never clawed me. I’ lucky she was always a small cat.

  4. Debbe Avatar

    Laura, my husband’s favorite cat, Bobbee, was like that too. She was a rescued kitteh. When I took her away from an abusive boy, I took her straight to the vets. He said she was a he. So we called ‘him’ Bob (remember ‘What About Bob’)…anyhoo, when I got home I released in the front yard and went inside as husband was working in front yard.

    I went back out to check on ‘him’, ‘he’ was digging and covering up his…well we know what cats do to their doodoo. But I also noticed ‘he’ was prolasping…I quickly got my husband and he told me to get some ice to shrink the intestines, when I came back out there stood my husband with a vinyl glove he uses to AI the cattle we had at the time. Good grief, I thought, he’s just a kitteh. Long story short, my husband was successful….come to find out, he was a she….didn’t get a chance to have ‘him’ spayed before she had kittens. Thus the name Bobbee.

    She would follow husband around when he’d go mushroom hunting, returning with her on and around the back of his shoulders and neck. She gave us 12 wonderful years and is buried in my back yard with a marker.

    Laura, do you have any more cats?

  5. emb Avatar

    We had two dogs, some cats, and an unplugged BSU freezer full of large [raccoon, eagle, and smaller] wild critters buried in our old garden, and one cat and a porcupine buried out at a lakeside cabin. Also a rabid[?] raccoon that an animal control officer shot in our yard. Saved him the gas and trouble of taking it to his usual spot out of town. Lotsa good fertilizer. Peace,

  6. Smigz Avatar

    Mindy, that is such heartening news about Marie! Prayers for her continued improvement and for your friend and her family.

    Debbe, I can’t possibly add to the wise words posted here about quitting smoking. But I do want to say that I admire all who have, and all who have tried, and I truly admire you for doing this. Steve’s story of his MIL and her sister remind me that we’re all in this together.

    Gary, your temps make mine feel positively balmy! The warm fall we had in Michigan has delayed the onset of my winter cold tolerance this year. I’m rooting for the continued functioning of your snowblower. Our snow forecast is only six inches…but it looks like it will be an icy, heavy six. The eleven we had recently was the fluffy, light stuff.

    I just looked up Huntsman spiders, Rusty. Yikes, indeed! I will never complain about the “big” spiders I find in the bathroom again. They are probably the size of the Huntsman’s babies.

  7. emb Avatar

    P.S. No markers.

  8. Rusty Avatar

    They tell me that the bite isn’t too serious, but that they look so scary (and can move so fast) that you tend to hurt yourself gettng away… 🙂

    A friend told me she discovered ne in her car, while driving down the highway. We no lnger leave the windows down in the garage.

  9. emb Avatar

    Melcher is naughty today: http://thatispriceless.blogspot.com/

    Grimsley is neither naughty nor political, but I promised not to post her again.


  10. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    When my 17 year old cat died a few weeks ago, I asked my brother-in-law what he did with his cat and he buried under his deck. The ground was still not frozen, but frankly I could not bear to do the deed, so I spent the money to have him cremated. Of course I was was offered the deluxe package, which included an urn to carry his remains in. I spent enough for the communal cremation!

    We get pretty attached to our pets.

  11. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    My yard is full of cats and dogs, alive and deceased. When my daughter bought her historic home in Illinois the previous owners exuded all their many pets and moved to their new house except for one they never found.

  12. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, I think you meant exhumed. Hal strikes again. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exude

  13. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Debbe, I have had many cats over the years,but right now I have just one . S he is way too big and fat to sit on anyone’s shoulder even if she wanted to.

  14. emb Avatar

    The de Blass painting = ‘Two Venetian women,’ nothing about foot perversions. Peace,

  15. Morphy Avatar

    Thanks, Mark for the additional description of poor Trigger. Cleared up my mistake.

    Rusty, a common thread, over on TerminalLance’s blog, under ask an Australian, had been different versions of ‘Australia is trying to kill you’. As a meme that the geography, flora, fauna, water and even the sunlight is trying to reduce the headcount. People are as nice as Canadians, but the continent wants you gone. A dry kind of humor I enjoy.

    I like reading about places I haven’t made the opportunity to see myself.

  16. Morphy Avatar

    emb, I’ve read your later response. And I apologize, I did not read your earlier post as a reversal of your original pillorying of tobacco growers and sellers. Nor did it seem to me that you gave government an equal place alongside them for encouraging their activity. It appeared you quoted Mark and his doubts on prohibition, even refuting there was a net revenue benefit. I might have confused handles.

    You tell me you meant you had. I accept you at your word. And more explicitly, I apologize for not recognizing your intent. Sorry you had to repeat yourself. My effort at amends will take the form of recognizing that what I see as one thing, may be another.

    I do hope you regret presupposing a third misunderstanding, before giving me a chance to even read your words. You then declared exhaustion, and attempted last word. I had promised to rejoin and re-engage today, if you still have interest.

    I felt it was important to post this much. But I must chew on your unrelated remarks before saying more.


  17. emb Avatar

    Thanks, but please don’t bother. Let’s drop it. Bye.

  18. Morphy Avatar

    emb: Agreed, yesterday’s subject closed.

    But you continue today to claim the conflict you feel is best blamed on Rheta’s words, or Ghost’s declaration of ‘A Good Thing’. Several have posted opinions of all kinds since then. They have said interesting things, speaking as themselves, without claiming to be peaceful afterward. That is honest expression without begging any questions.

    It has been quite a year, and while I was away for much of it because my free-time was dedicated elsewhere, I have engaged with you from different angles. And I have not changed your presentation one iota. Fine. I was stuck for a time on how I should view our interactions.

    In recent times, a Southern Belle, debutante to matron, felt the freedom to say vile things as long as it was followed by, “Bless her heart.” This was near universally recognized as false piety by more than just my generation. When I observe a Northern Elder make a pot-stirring post, using the same technique to introduce a divisive subject under the cover of, “peace”; I have the same reaction. I call the cast-iron pot black, at risk of being the kettle.

    Last attempt, it is not your opinion that causes my displeasure. It is the invocation of an elitist wish for peace, without acting peaceful.

    If others view this as false equivalency — may I say I disagree without having to endlessly repeat respectfully, can it simply be assumed? No? Fine — I respectfully disagree.

    [PGDN] and scroll function will be re-engaged. I feel a lost opportunity, but it was my own making. I hope to continue enjoying the village, and will while others respond to my thoughts

    You did give me humor, and will take what I can get. Seeing an elephant in your pajamas is funny. “How he got into my pajamas, I’ll never know!” — Groucho Marx, a plebeian moving picture star.

  19. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Nancy/AZ: A former grad student with me mentions [Christmas newsletter] that an October visit to KU revealed that Stouffer Place has been entirely torn down! I wonder where the married students now reside on campus, if, indeed, they live on campus.
    I wonder how long it’ll be before Google maps will notice….

  20. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Out buying gingerbread house kits for my grandson. Called to say I had four and did I need more? His mom said he was anal about putting them together and they had to beat exactly as pictured, no changes allowed or deviations.

    I said in other words he was going to be an engineer, not a decorator? We always did all these free wheeling wild gingerbread houses, a do it yourself individual foray into candy decor.

  21. Morphy Avatar

    I prefer my gingerbread taken orally.

    tastes better

  22. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Is there some discontent in the Village? Well let’s see if I can help. If you were listening today you may have heard the first shots of the civil war being fired in North Carolina. As for pet burials my choice is silicon gluing a plastic cooler and include toys, blanket etc. Bury in an area of the property not likely to ever be disturbed. My former neighbor, a ramrod former army officer who survived having his chopper blown out from under him in Nam, buried his dog in his backyard, put in a permanent marker, and erected a flagpole.

  23. Morphy Avatar

    Sounds like a shared devotion. I hope another person gave him the support he’d lost.

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    In bed a few minutes before 9 p.my. with just devoted dog with a foot fetishist licking my soles and toes. I thought about that with that painting this morning with gossiping women. I drove 50 miles each way for cookie gift boxes and gingerbread houses for my daughter and grandson. Bought lots of cake mixes and cookie mixes for Jack and I to bake to make cupcakes and cookies to give to neighbors.

    And this year he assured me we are making real cookies, not play dough cookies. He is very excited. He did make real cookies last year but his mom told him they were play dough so he’d not eat them. So he warned neighbors not to eat them either!