This old cartoon is from this very date, May 26, in 2009. I’ve loved a good tuna-salad sandwich since I was a kid. Mama made the best “tuna-fish salad,” but, like most of her recipes, her tuna salad was very simple. Mayonnaise, a little pickle relish and canned tuna. I know: it doesn’t get much more generic than that, but she had a real knack for mixing it all together. There’s nothing more dispiriting than anticipating a good tuna-salad sandwich and opening a can to find a watery mess that looks like the bottom of a chum bucket. As Arlo discovers, even buying the more expensive “chunk” variety is no guarantee of satisfaction.

A Mournful Tuna
By Jimmy Johnson
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244 responses to “A Mournful Tuna”
Houston has had some nasty weather recently. I flew into Bush International a few years ago and they had 6″ of snow…and 3 de-icers.
Happy Birthday, Galliglo!
Huh? I personally am finding this week’s strip about Janis and her long ago apparent office spouse Vince more than a little bit disconcerting. But it rings true that people have many different types of relationships. And your significant others don’t always know the extent of it. Harmless or harmful? So I tuned in to read the villagers’ comments. But other than occasional reunion-type chatter, people are talking about totally unrelated stuff. Did I miss something? I’m perplexed.
Ironically, just last night I reconnected with a long-lost work friend on Facebook. Hadn’t seen her in over 30 years. At that time we were just out of college and unattached, but had more of a brother/sister relationship, so there were no sparks. I’m looking forward to finding out how life has been treating her. No thoughts or regrets about “what might have been”- I’m still passionately in love with my frau of 33 years.
Bonnie, I think most people here just don’t quite know what to make of Janis’s current behavior. I guess we just have to trust Jimmy’s judgement on this one and see how it plays out.
No relationships at work other than one where I became object of work place sexual harassment from boss and I quit. Everyone could see it and offered to testify if I filed suit. I just quit and left. I respected female owner of company and wouldn’t sue her. I am a terrible flirt, so invited it I suppose.
Anyway, few men I ever worked with would have appealed to me. I was married to the Most Interesting Man in the World who was movie star good looking to boot. Found his secret life only after he died. Too late to kill him so I settled for still loving him as I did in life and settled for accepting it was his problem and not my fault. I was faithful.
Is that sufficient comment?
I keep up with several people I went to college with, but when I graduated from high school I left for good, and good riddance. Would I want to reconnect with anyone from college? As friends, maybe yes. Anything else? No.
Mark, I’ll see your Mediæval Bæbes and raise you Sirena, though I’m sure Ghost will enjoy this, too. 🙂
Nonny Mouse, flirting is never an invitation for harassment, so no, his boorishness was not your fault. And as for your other comment, I will admit to being overly curious, but it’s not my business to ask.
There’s no way around it…betrayal hurts. That’s one reason, after consecutive experiences with Bad Mindy and Bat-Guano Crazy Lady, I’ve put “Romance” on hiatus for a while.
Yes. Me.
Ghost, I suspect Jimmy thought long and hard about this week’s strip. Intimate office relationships that don’t progress past the platonic are quite common in all probability. People spend almost as many waking hours at work as they do at home. Interesting that Jimmy chose Janis to have the other relationship, rather than Arlo. Do we really ever “know” someone? Anonymous’ heartrending post says a lot. We’ll just have to see what next week brings……if anything.
All we know about Janis/office is that she engaged in a mutually-agreeable smooch at a farewell gathering, and that there was also a hug involved [seen in the flashback]. Seems OK to me; I don’t read anything more into her history with what’s-his-face.
Over time I have had thoughts about some coworkers. But thoughts is all, because I had seen others have such behavior blow up on them.
I think Arlo is very trusting and content with their relationship. Note the earlier strips where he comments negatively on relationship questionnaires in the women’s magazines that Janis tries to get him to answer. And his reaction when Janis described her idea of a fantasy relationship to him. Where he once fantasized about a boat, we don’t really know what he fantasizes about anymore, other than his sports teams winning once in a while.
I always thought Bad Mindy was part of the Village, like Mindy From Indy. My Bad.
So, I suppose I will never get to meet the Ghost, especially if he joins a monastic order? I promise I am as southern mama as they get except as the tee shirts say, “I love Jesus but I cuss a little.”
And have those three cards declaring me a nudist. Which isn’t like being a communist or anything, since there is no politics involved.
Many decades ago was a program where the Devil tempted a woman with
a million dollars if it were alright if “a person she she did not know” died.
The crux was the person she did not know was her husband that left her
a million dollar life insurance.
We are going to our annual get together of college friends – about 39 years now.
The only romantic attachment from college is my sweetie of 49 years – 47 married.
GM Debbe
Hey! How does “hiatus” = “monastery”?
Jackie, I guarantee we could have a ball together, without “Romance” ever rearing its head. Unless you insisted. 😉
Who knows? I may drive up to your house some day (not unannounced, of course)…just in time to take you to a doctor’s appointment and then have some Vietnamese. 🙂
Happy Birthday, Gal!
For the benefit of us non-FaceBookers, is that today?
Ghost, that’s what FB told me, and why I mentioned it here for those who don’t visit over there.
I think I wished Galliglo happy birthday on wrong day. Happy birthday if this is right one and if not, a very merry unbirthday to you.
Ghost, I am last person in world looking for permanent, haven’t even paid my lawyers bill yet from undoing last one. Have to do that when I get home. I did sign all the paper work on a trip to Tulsa between trips.
Gee, what a fun concept: fun! I am at IGA buying more beer and water and snacks for boat crew.
Nonny, if you wish to know how to view your old photo, just ask and I’ll relay the very brief method.
Jackie’s HS photo? Wow!
“Living well is the best revenge.” – George Herbert
Lord knows what I looked like? In some fit I joined Classmates where I am remembered as cute, friendly, smiling, intelligent, pretty and similar words.
Then I hit the wrong key on computer and posted a quote from Dr. King, but they knew I was different even back then.
Yes, it IS my birthday! Thank you for the best wishes.
Has been a busy week. I worked 44 hrs last week and 48 this week, thru today… and I shall be working tomorrow AM and on Monday! Gee… my hours are worse than Lady Mindy’s! But… the annual budget MUST be done by Tuesday morning.
But my daughter took me out to eat tonight, and I shall be going to my high school alumni dinner tomorrow evening, so it is not all work and no play.
I have been following with interest the conversations this week about old friends. Tomorrow evening should be interesting… one guy that will probably attend WAS an old boyfriend – twice! 1st time was in HS – I had a huge crush on him. He gave me my first REAL kiss. When I came back to Ohio, I was single – he was single. We had a thing going for awhile. But, as Ghost said, people are not the same after several years. I am glad that relationship did not work out He has since remarried, I wish him the best.
Happy Birthday, Gal!!
I am trying to find and destroy all pictures of me from kindergarten to high school. They are horrible, and I shudder at the thought that they are still Out There somewhere.