This old cartoon is from this very date, May 26, in 2009. I’ve loved a good tuna-salad sandwich since I was a kid. Mama made the best “tuna-fish salad,” but, like most of her recipes, her tuna salad was very simple. Mayonnaise, a little pickle relish and canned tuna. I know: it doesn’t get much more generic than that, but she had a real knack for mixing it all together. There’s nothing more dispiriting than anticipating a good tuna-salad sandwich and opening a can to find a watery mess that looks like the bottom of a chum bucket. As Arlo discovers, even buying the more expensive “chunk” variety is no guarantee of satisfaction.

A Mournful Tuna
By Jimmy Johnson
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244 responses to “A Mournful Tuna”
Most of us w/b pleased at this site, which was at the bottom of a Gocomics page, itself featuring Red [and Rover] saluting.
Peace, we hope. emb
I am taking my friends out to brunch, small compensation for all the dirt and sweat they have endured for me.
One is driving home directly and two enroute to church. I need to get up and dress.
Ghost, thank you for caring. Yes, I probably push it daily but hearing people, both men and women, expressing admiration not for how I look but how I act, live, think and do is addictive. I want to be ageless. I know I am not but it is such a great feeling probably because I know the truth, we are only as old as we act.
It’s a two way street or road and you can take detours.
I will admit I do get irritated at the people who seem to think Memorial Day is just for picnics and sales at the local Maul. But then, I was raised in a military family and tend to look at things differently.
And since I do look at things a bit differently, I see this last week as Janis taking a look at what had been a mild infatuation when she was dealing with the stress of marriage, a young child, and a job and knowing she was right not to have acted on that feeling.
Debbe 😉 “Skittles and the Flies” reminds me of once when we were having our semi-annual plague of “love bugs” around these parts. I commented to my all-female staff that men could learn much from contemplating how female love bugs were able to lead around the males. (If you’re familiar with love bugs, you’ll get that.)
The scary thing was that they all agreed.
Ghost Sweetie, where were you, indeed, and would we have been wise enough back then to understand what we could have had? It would have been fun though!
And one thing we don’t know about Vince is whether he also was married during the first run of strips or the current one. We can’t excuse Arlo either, since he had his office crush, Faye. People do think about what it might be like to be with others they are in constant contact with, but wise people also do no more than think about it. If you truly want to be with another, be honest enough to legally let go of your current spouse first.
And Jackie, I agree with Ghost. You are too nice a person to wear yourself out yet. Go with your feelings about how you live, but take care of yourself so you have much more time to enjoy that life. And so that others can enjoy having in their lives also.
I think Mark hit it here. It is not that we might not be attracted to someone, it is in whether we act on it or not, and also I always liked President Carter who admitted it was a sin. The other Presidents didn’t see it the same.
Because I am Southern, I hug and kiss everyone, no matter your sex or sexual preferences. It is like shaking hands except with more padding. I especially love beards but while I may have kissed a woman or two with facial hair, it was harmless, just like the men. My point here is intent. It’s hello, goodbye, the intent has no sex in it. I have not had anyone of either sex respond otherwise. That is a little odd I suppose.
But maybe I give off clear signals?
Mama used to keep me appraised of an old boyfriends news and I always replied I would have been wife number 2 or 3 out of four depending on how you counted since he married one twice.
All of my all-female staff are huggers, which of course makes me the hugee. HR would likely have a duck if they knew, but I am never the instigator; there is not the slightest sexual element involved; and it’s mutually enjoyed and appreciated for what it is.
And even if I didn’t have a strict personal policy regarding “where I get my paycheck”, I learned long ago that any male manager of an all-female staff that does *anything* that could be perceived as favoritism toward one staff member does so at his mortal peril. (And I suspect that applies equally to female managers.)
Observations from The Boob Tube earlier today…
Giada appears to be remarkably less pneumatic than she did a year or so ago. (No opinion as to how that happened.)
Maria LaRosa on TWC currently does the best “weather dance” in front of the surface maps. Her penchant for wearing snugly-fitted dresses certainly enhances her performance. (She’d have been a great hit in the USAF giving weather briefings.)
An observation from A&J today…
Sometimes being a grownup is hard.
Mark in TTown:
You’re welcome, and thank you in turn.
The link: Quite a memory kick with that one. I bought the LP when it was first released and the original cover. It is now a collector’s item, and I gave it to my son about a year ago.
And, of course, being a literature teacher, I love Poe. (I even have a raven necktie and a Poe coffee cup that I bought at the Poe museum in Richmond, VA. I also visited the Poe house in Philadelphia, the one that Virginia and he lived in until she passed.)
Funny, neither Can tore nor Mike or any weather channel guys ever appealed to me. Is there actually a weather girl equivalent for women?
As for the cooking show guys, I find John Besh appealing but as much for that disarming boyish charm that still oozes Southern manly hunter, outdoorsman and all around good guy military veteran. Sorry, no one else does that.
BOBBY Flay is too much like Howdy Doodie and somewhat annoying. Seems like there was another I liked who was a Carolina boy. You realize good Southern men are always still Southern boys their entire life?
Going off to seek phone repair before I go off toward Texas monsoons. Had a delicious remoulade shrimp salad, lots of greens, little dressing and no key lime pie. Good Jackie is returning to food and exercise.
Rick, I’ve read and loved both Poe and Lovecraft. None of today’s “horror” is in the same league as what they wrote because it’s all slash and gore. Lovecraft, at least, understood that the longer he held off telling you just what the monsters were, the more powerful the impact when you finally found out. (Jerry Pournelle, btw, hates that. He can’t stand not knowing what’s really happening and all of the hinting just drives him up the wall.)
How is Dr. Pournelle doing since his stroke, Sideburns?
Jackie, I’ve heard some positive remarks from females about this guy from TWC. (I believe one of them may have been from Lady Mindy.) I think that was him they had out in the field doing their typical “OMG, The Sky Is Falling” tropical coverage this morning, while wearing a compression t-shirt. If so, he looks pretty fit for his age.×551.jpg
Stud Muffin pic of above.
I know that one too. I had forgotten him, since he was a new hire about time I quit watching. The suit is nice, the stud muffin didn’t come up. Permission denied.
If I were really rich enough, Id hire John Besh to cook for me. He could wear anything he liked.
Jerry’s at LASFS almost every week, Ghost, and working on several books again. He can’t really get up to his main office any more because there’s a turn in the staircase, but the stairs to the Monk’s Cell in the back where he does most of his writing are straight and he can manage them. He uses a walker, now, but he’s still getting around, even if not as fast or as far.
I’ve been pondering how to express my reaction to this week’s A&J arc. Trapper Jean hit on part of it. The line between feeling secure in a relationship and taking it for granted can get a little thin at times, plus it’s a rare ego that doesn’t need a boost now and then. Sometimes the latter may prompt a little soul-searching and serve as a reminder that the relationship (and the people in it) may not be perfect, but they’re perfect for each other.
Sideburns and Rick, try Charles Stross Laundry series. It is sort of a hybridization of Lovecraft and John LeCarre, with the tiniest bit of Pratchett-style humor thrown in.
Simon Green is doing an occult-style take on the James Bond type of novel with his Shaman Bond series. I like it, but the later ones are getting somewhat repetitive.
Sideburns, perhaps Mr. Pournell should look into one of these:
Remember those old pneumatic message tubes you saw in large department stores?
Same principle.
Gretchen definitely looks better, but unfortunately sounds the same. I’ll stick with the woody, wagon that is. Have returned from possibly my last trip removing stuff from mother’s house. I got teary eyed going through photos and realizing all of those young, good looking, loving people are all dead. I have sold my interest in the house to my brother, and other than some remaining insurance business and the estate sale that will be about it. I am always slow to react to these things and I dreamed about my grandfather for years after he died so I am getting more down as time goes on.
Mark, my father always said that people in the future would travel by such means and I think that some form of train or subway travel should be possible. After all, we do have our moving sidewalks and jetpacks now.
That looks like a great idea, Mark, especially when you consider that he’s already considering something like that. Why don’t you send him a link? His email address is on his website, and he reads all of his email personally.
Mark, you might also like the Dark Victorian series by Elizabeth Watasin. They’re steampunk, with magic thrown in and take place in and around London in about 1880. You can find all of her works (and a few that aren’t hers) at, and I’d start off with Dark Victorian: Bones and Dark Victorian Risen in that order, then read whichever other ones you want. I haven’t tried the Charm School series as yet, but probably will. (This was done as a separate post to avoid moderation by putting the two URLs in different posts.)