This is my first ever post from a phone! A borrowed phone at that. I am unexpectedly incommunicado. I will be back early next week when we will discuss progress of the book. Which there is. Progress, I mean. Meanwhile, this post will keep the lights on.

“Ah’ll be bahk.”
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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154 responses to ““Ah’ll be bahk.””
I tell ya, life ain’t easy for a boy named Har$#!+.
(I had to change that one a bit; the Moderation Monster ate the first version. And that is an actual name.)
Limbaugh’s comments are proof that you can say something that’s 100% factually correct and still be lied about endlessly by people who assign motives to you that aren’t true. He’s not telling people to stay home and doubt the hurricane trackers, but he is trying to quell the panic that has people fighting over bottled water when they could be filling up bottles at home.
Those of you in the northern tier of states with clear skies tonight should be on the lookout for the Aurora Borealis.
It looks like Arlo and Janis’ new place may not happen.
BUt they could stay on the boat, right? 🙂
Grant’s gazelle, guenons. Peace,
I bet it happens because if there are jokes and plot lines about throwing money $$$$$$ endlessly into a hole in the water (boat) there are even MORE about throwing money $$$$$$ into a swamp building a house.
Remember The Money Pit? Remember Green Acres? Remember Beetle Juice?
And what how about “Mr…….Builds a House” I forget the title character’s name but not Cary Grant ……
doesn’t really matter, does it
Good day Villagers….
…and then an earthquake in Mexico with a tsunami warning. I pray for the people in these areas, so much destruction, loss of lives, May God be with them.
Praying for Sandcastler and Loon that they may be able to return to their home soon.
Having a new furnace and air conditioner put in yesterday and today. Going to have to smack Dad’s hands when it comes to the new thermostat control. Still confuses me, but then I confuse easy.
Jerry and Ruth, are you planning to stay put in your homes?
Enough of Downer Debbe…..Ian also calls me Negative Nancy. I just worry a lot about the people I love and my virtual friends and just human life… is precious and it is a gift.
Wikipedia knows all!
“Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) is an American comedy film directed by H. C. Potter and starring Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, and Melvyn Douglas.”
grin #1
grin #2 for posting #1
Debbe: Yes, we are planning to stay put. At last check, the projections were that what we’ll get will be about the same as Charley in 2004; that (along with Donna that we experienced as children) has become our standard of what we/our house can tolerate. Our neighborhood lost a lot of big trees back then (most would have been lost to old age soon after anyway) but the up side to that is that we don’t yet have a lot of big, old trees to worry about now. Besides, I think being on the road before and after a storm is likely more dangerous than sitting it out, at least, where we live – folks along the coast need to leave!
Ruth, watching that traffic crawl up north, inching along, my fear would be running out of gas, getting caught in the storm surge because of the slow traffic. But I heard they would be opening all six lanes after fuel trucks come in.
Stay safe hon, let us know you are doing….please!
finally some sage advice:
Hey, they could get a houseboat. Get tired of “The Bog”, go cruising along the Gulf.
Debbe, a laugh for you:
Go Southwest:
A world record that sandcastler™ approves of.
Ladies, a little history and some eye candy……
….with each slide I could here his voice…enjoy, I did 🙂
It’s on Sam Elliott, and each slide has a new pic. Jean, I know you’ll enjoy this!!!!
Still remember him playing in the movie “Mask” with Cher….good movie.
Mark, I’ve gone back a few times to look at your pic post…sorry, hon, you’re going to have to help me remember why. Just can’t seem to pull it out of the crevices of my memory.
Peter Pan
Right now it is possible that we will not even get any wind or rain or we could get a cat 5 right over us. The people on TWC have been saying for days that it is about to turn north and eventually it will. We just don’t know when. We have a generator if we lost power and we have plenty of food and water. We have 200 acres and a strong house in Alabama if we decide to leave. You don’t want to be on I-10 heading west right now. It’s a parking lot.
RIP Don Williams and the Gentry half of Montgomery-Gentry.