This is my first ever post from a phone! A borrowed phone at that. I am unexpectedly incommunicado. I will be back early next week when we will discuss progress of the book. Which there is. Progress, I mean. Meanwhile, this post will keep the lights on.

“Ah’ll be bahk.”
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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What’s old is old, again
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154 responses to ““Ah’ll be bahk.””
Hi everybody. This will probably my last post for a while. I’m going on vacation starting tomorrow morning and won’t be back till the 17th. Headed West, not East. Fortunate choice of directions made 2 months back. Take care and stay as safe as you can. I will be reading on a tablet, but don’t care to post from one unless I have to.
Have fun! bring back lots of stories ๐
Mark: Have fun. Be glad you’re not still in that other TTown – looks like they might get the edges of Irma.
Well, now I’ve been to a rodeo, a tractor pull, and a string quartet chamber music recital. We saw The Calidore String Quartet in Tulsa tonight. It was held in a large room at Harwelden, the English Tudor mansion built on South Main Street in Tulsa by oilman Earl Palmer Harwell and his wife Mary in the mid-1920s. We were literally sitting close enough to the cellist to touch her, and the other three were not much further away. Jackie and I talked with them for a few minutes after the recital, telling them among other things how much being so close to the performers enhanced the performance. They said that worked the same way for them, and that they much prefer to be close to their audiences rather than being isolated up on a stage in front of the lights.
Unlike the other two events, no one at this one was wearing cowboy hats or ball caps. I found it interesting to attend a function with a bunch of guys that are probably known as Chip and Trey and Pinch, who could likely buy and sell me several times over…and yet I was still the best-looking guy there…except for some of the gay ones, of course. ๐
He was and best dressed. Ghost is a wonderful date with beautiful manners.
This was a salon concert, as musicians would have performed long ago. You came an hour early and wines and a light buffet was served, just as if you were invited to a private home.
I loved literally being among the musicians, we were on first row at end by fireplace and we were just a foot from one, maybe two another. I sat noticing their scores and I could read them!
One of my sneezes could have brought a halt to the entire production.
Speaking of which, I thought that we had a mild earthquake last night about 9:15. It lasted 3-4 seconds. We had one, a milder one, in 1995.
Ghost & Jackie: Welcome to the fraternity. I’ve been in that enviable position sev. times, w/ various s. q’s. and other small ensembles, in recitals [some free], concerts, L.B. State Pk. lodge, and even the downtown offices of the F.N. Bank. Though a professional biologist, I often assert that the greatest invention of the 18th c. was the string quartet.
Went to the URL of the CSQ. Not sure they could yet ‘buy and sell [you] several times over.’ There are probably a dozen or more comparable young quartets making their way in the USA, all dazzlingly better than you or I could imagine being, and not really in the big bucks yet. Most of those I’ve seen in the above local sites have been such quartets. The only big time quartets Elaine and I have seen live [that come immediately to mind] were the Guarneri Q., in Mpls. and the Lindseys [sp.?] in Wigmore Hall in London.
I used the ‘surprise’ measures from the 3rd movement of the Beethoven s. q. op.18:5 as my intro ‘cart’ music for my Pro Musica program on BSU’s FM station for years. [Not the same as the movement in Haydn’s ‘Surprise’ Symphony, but an equal waker-upper.]
Oops. Misread Ghost’s post. “attend a function w/ a bunch of guys …” was about rich guys in the audience. Oh, well. Much less likely that we/I were in the co. of plutocrats at the performances I was thinking of. Richest were probably a few MD’s, lawyers, and local bankers. The Guarneri and Lindsay concerts probably were attended by some members of “the quality.” Peace,
Obit of Peter Cropper, 1st violin & founder of the Lindsay Q. It was scary to watch him play; you were sure he was stroking the strings so lightly that he’d miss. He didn’t.
Tulsa still has a lot of old oil money around. It is often evident in that neighborhood. Tulsa is a microcosm of culture in Oklahoma, little ever trickled out to the country. Oklahoma City remained cattle and country.
Tulsa dates to the 1920s and oil exploration. A lot of relatively new money but they used it to build mansions, buy art, support the arts. No other area did. The city and its’ cultural groups are less than a hundred years old, yet many are celebrating 90 years of continuous performances.
Not bad for a bunch of cowboys and indians.
Is everyone glued to the weather news?
I’ve heard a lot of the excuses people have used to validate their decision not to leave Key West ahead of Hurricane Irma despite all warnings…no car; no gas; no money for shelter (I understand the State of Florida supplied free shuttle buses to free shelters as long as it was safe to do so); it won’t really be that bad; I’ll be OK where I am; I don’t want to go/leave my stuff; and probably in the case of some of the burn-out cases living there, bless their hearts, “What storm?”…and I’ve yet to hear one that begins to justify a single human death. So for any police, fire/rescue and EMS folks who have elected to stay to provide emergency services as best they can, God bless you and good luck. For the others, vaya con Dios.
1. Vaudeville level.
2. Several panels lead up to this, but Brooke’s punchline speaks for itself. Both this and above are Sat. comics. If you first see them Sun. or later, back arrow to Sat.
Since some of you don’t do Facebook I will tell you what one friend posted. He is EMS and was at the ambulance staging area and took photos. Hundreds of them lined up and ready to go into Irma as soon as it passes. They are from all over, not just Florida.
I have friends who are professional disaster rescue and they have been stationed already. This is what Ghost is upset about, risking police, fire, EMS, search and rescue personnel. I agree.
A close personal friend has stayed in Keys because “They wanted an adventure.” Hundreds have begged they leave to no avail.
I just am upset the Hemingway House refused to evacuate the cats. It costs $14 to see house. They have over 100,000 people visit each year which is $1.4 million in tickets plus all the weddings and event rentals which are huge.
They could afford to save the cats and employees too.
What has happened to the aquifer that flows roughly SE under the Twin Cities, that the long-gone Curtis Hotel used to tap for the water supply to its rooms? [Last sentence in a rejected post.] Peace,
Search Pakistan population growth.
Jackie…that too really upsets me about Hemmingways’ cats…no, it makes me downright mad. The zoo’s have concrete let us get out there and rescue the imbibed who decided they could ride it out Hell, I’m even smarter than that….sometimes….
this made me smile though….
Good night, be safe and know that all are in our thoughts and prayers.
I woke up and decided to check on Irma.
I woke up and decided to check on the storm. The worse case for my area now is looking much more likely. It won’t do me any good to go to Alabama either. If I leave I probably won’t be able to get back, not to mention the problem of traffic and how do I go anyplace with four cats? They have changed the forecast so many times that it could wind up in Mexico. At the moment they show Jose making a big circle and coming back to where it is now. Sometime in the next 24 hours you will lose me when I lose power, but hopefully I will be back sometime. Hey, maybe the best thing would be to head east on I-10 and go south on 75. My son is in Orlando and says he will be fine. I survived Erin, Opal, Ivan and Dennis so here’s to Irma. (*)
Good morning Jerry…Sorry to read that you could be in the worst case scenario. When you had your house built (the one you’re living in now} did/were there building codes to install that your new house can/could withstand 200 winds?
There would be no way I could leave my fur babies behind. They would be going with me, all the time tolerating that incessant ‘meowing/cryin’
Right now the eye of Irma is over the Keys…..may the good Lord have mercy on all in Irma’s path, mercy on the firefighters, and the earthquake victims…….Amen
Debbe: Am sure they will be in the Joys and Concerns portion of the 1030 BUMC service. Phyllis Schafly, I believe, said ‘God does not hear the prayer of the Jew’ or words to that effect. Maybe it was what’s-her-name Bakker. Anyway, hope El hears the Irma prayer of a heterodox Methodist. Also, his prayer for his favorite Benedictine nun, who just celebrated her 60th jubilee, but also recently learned she has ALS. Have I already mentioned that? Peace,
Thank you, emb, for your reassurance and the prayers of many.
I don’t know what the code requires, but our home, when built, came in second in the Parade of Homes. A lot of people preferred ours, but politics is always involved. As for 200 mph winds that’s like a tornado and only a poured cement house will withstand that. It’s sunny and mild, but getting a little windy. I’ve cleared the front and side porches but I’m leaving the back porch for now.