This is my first ever post from a phone! A borrowed phone at that. I am unexpectedly incommunicado. I will be back early next week when we will discuss progress of the book. Which there is. Progress, I mean. Meanwhile, this post will keep the lights on.

“Ah’ll be bahk.”
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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154 responses to ““Ah’ll be bahk.””
Word trickling in from Florida friends. Most ok, some boats sunk and lost, some survived. Seems most had trees and limbs down and no bad flooding.
I suspect those with severe damage and flooding have not been heard from but we can hope. I am buoyed by the fact so many are reporting in with minor damage and cosmetic clean up.
I got to see the Space Station twice in one night. The first time I was not sure but by the time that it had passed, I knew what to look for. We had an usually clear night and even with the light pollution, it was very visible.
One of my most unexpected viewing pleasures was when I went to my son’s running camp at Burt Lake in Northern Michigan. The night was SO clear that we literally could see the milky way. As I sat on the beach spellbound, I started seeing shooting stars and tracked a satellite.
CEP, I saw that play. The team was well behind Miss St. and was about to score to make the score more respectable. I really wanted to know what happened next. One of the wildest plays that I have ever seen that was not at the end of the game.
La Tech came back with a 21 yd run. Still had 76 yards to go! Mississippi State won.
1st and Goal at MSST 6
(15:00 – 4th) Boston Scott run for no gain to the MisSt 6
2nd and Goal at MSST 6
(15:00 – 4th) TEAM run for no gain to the LaTch 7 TEAM fumbled,
3rd and Goal at LT 7
(15:00 – 4th) Boston Scott run for 21 yds to the LaTch 28
4th and Goal at LT 28
(15:00 – 4th) Brady Farlow punt for 37 yds, downed at the MisSt 35
My brother, who is a Major in the Salvation Army, stationed in FL northeast of Tampa survived in good shape, and is trying to get his first response team together. When I heard about 3 hours ago it was still difficult to find open roads. Go youngster, go, praying for you and yours. (youngster for me is he is in early 50’s)
The Salvation Army and animal rescue will get my donations for Irma.
The information I am getting on Keys in particular is the bridge road in, just the one 123 miles long narrow road is debris laden and damaged.
Days occupied: 16 years, 9 months, 23 days; (25 August 2017)
People also search for
….in case you’re station//
First World problem:
Sunday 3 Sept. there was an UMCOR* envelope for hurricane relief in our bulletins at BUMC. 100% of the money donated goes to whatever UMCOR project. Good reliable charity outlet, and BUMC has a year-end record for tax purposes. There will likely be info in the monthly newsletter for those not present that Sunday. *United Meth. Comm. on Relief.
Cassini will plunge into Saturn’s upper clouds Friday, a deliberate move to see that any microbes from here don’t contaminate any of Saturn’s moons that might have native life [notably Titan and Enceladus]. We’ve learned lots from Cassini. RIP.
My cousin got out of Marathon just ahead of the storm, ran out of gas on 75 and thinks his house is ok but won’t be able to go back for awhile. We had gusts of 35 mph, but very little rain. A 12 foot dead tree from the property next door fell over against a pine on my side of the property line. I picked it up and threw it back in the woods. The power never blinked which was a surprise. My generator won’t crank, but it will be ready for the next one. My son is fine in Orlando. My good luck continues with the sum total of damage being that the door blew off my mailbox during Ivan. I found it and put it back on. I’m not bragging. I know how lucky I’ve been.
BTW, I agree with the insanity of having someone trying to stand out in the wind with water at least up to their knees. “Please don’t do what I’m doing.”
My friend from coastal SC is safe and dry. Usually, she and husband go inland to, say, Athens or Augusta GA to flee storms, but in Irma’s case, that’d have placed them nearer the center. Indeed, they fled Irma all the way to St. Louis, where an offspring resides with family. I hear their island has no power, and residents will not be permitted back until there is power. No doubt, other conditions apply, too.
Good that Jerry did so well.
Most of my Florida friends fared well but not sure of family in Port Meyers. Cousins kids. No one has heard from Key West much so hope friend is ok.
South Carolina got high storm surge of ten feet. A friend posted photos from his waterfront home. Ditto coastal Georgia.
I am tired from worrying about everyone! It does however keep me from focusing on my cancer diagnosis. I feel so insignificant and guilty to have things so good compared to others.
That is a sincere remark.
Sandcastle, were you in Cinco Ranch where you flooded?
One of my Oklahoma friends and his church is helping gut homes in Cinco Ranch this week. He posted photos, referring to it as a gated community of large, upscale homes.
Of course, being from Houston I knew that but some may think the flooding affected poorer subdivisions that were not well built. The rains fell equally on upscale and downscale homes unfortunately, true equality.
Saw that “all” the Hemingway cats survived and that a caretaker stayed with them inside the house. Said that the cats all just came inside, that they seemed to know a storm was brewing and shelter was needed.
Actually the estate director, the house manager and seven employees was in house! They all were inside with cats.
I wish they’d taken in a few roosters from the gypsy chickens. Well hens and chicks too.
Good morning Villager….
And what Jackie posted is true:
That is what I call job dedication….I would.
Jerry and Ruth, glad you came out unscathed. Amen.
Going to try and reach my Aunt Dottie who lives in Carrolton, GA, a little SW of Atlanta. She stayed with us a lot while we little ‘darlings under the age of 10.
Got lots to do today. As Jackie….fire up the Chinese laundry.
later gators……
I was also going to ask if you can pat your head and rub your belly at the same time????
I can 🙂
Ok, now, you guys have to watch these pics….the first and third are great:
Debbe. That chzbrgr made me laugh. I had a cat that would sleep on her head. Not quite that position but close. I was glad the Hemingway cats and their caretakers were safe from Irma.
All: FYI.
Aren’t there laws requiring that help be offered in life-threatening situations?
This might be one of the nicest times of the year. In a few weeks the leaves will turn, but it is in the mid-seventies, so you can still walk outside. As I leave my house at 7:00 AM it is dawn, which does get me a little depressed, but at least it is not dark the entire commute.
I agree with Arlo about letting Gene take care of him. I have noticed that both of my kids enjoy giving back to us and I like to let them.
Happy birthday Gary! What are you doing special today? Wish Ghost and I were traveling up there, we’d take you out!