To commemorate being completely skunked by overcast skies during Sunday’s lunar eclipse, I give you this Sunday from last year. I don’t think there’s been a regularly scheduled celestial event in years that hasn’t been obscured by clouds where I live. It’s been a frustrating run. I plan to be in the path of the total eclipse of the sun as it traverses the central United States in 2017. At least I know that if it’s cloudy that day, it will still get creepy dark!

And, of course, pisces…
By Jimmy Johnson
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270 responses to “And, of course, pisces…”
Once upon a time no one would play trivia with me. Now I pay little attention so it’s safe. Or Scrabble or similar vocabulary games or cross word puzzles which I don’t play but often know words.
Like Ghosts Tonight shoe Top Ten list. This is the family content one, right? Expunged? Love, anon (love that word, reminds me of Shakespeare )
Show, no shoes needed.
Trivia Question: The phrase “the old man noise” is from what TV show?
I am discovering just how peaceful life was on the road, working 14-hr days, up to 70 per week (according to my logbook
) where the end of a driving day was just that! No taking kids to doctor’s appointments, no running errands, just a long, hard day followed by the mandatory 10-hr shutdown for food, shower, and sleep. Yes, I’d log onto the internet and catch up on things, but my time was my own.
I had foolishly thought retirement would be much the same, but my wife keeps coming up with things to do, programs at the library, etc., etc., etc. My free time isn’t free. Or mine.
Ghost, Cheers? You know I dislike tv. I liked movies once!
Hey, where’s the hurricane report? Ruth told me to go home and I agreed, I walked through lobby and it is going to class 4 and a straight trajectory for Chesapeake Bay and Washington. That was not weather channel but hurricane center.
Crying uncle and evacuating. There are electronic signs on I-40 saying both lanes shut down from Friday thru Monday east and west which is what Texas does for counterflow evacuations.
Trucker: There are worse situations. Peace, emb
Worse situations? Of course. Just frustrating and disillusioning. I had to vent somewhere after sitting down with her and going over the calendar for the next week and learning that I won’t be going to the gym at my usual time even once during the week. So much for staying motivated and enthused about something I’ve only recently began to enjoy.
Trucker Ron, can you have a sensible chat with your wife and point out your preferences? Being married doesn’t mean you need to do everything together. Each of you deserves to have a life of your own.
Trivia Hint: The phrase “the old man noise” is from the same TV show as the phrase “Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” as well as the word “spongeworthy”.
I’ve watched very little TV in recent years, so that means it was a ways back in the past.
Unlike most of the others in my Mood playlist, I guess you’d have to call this C&W.
Classic C&W here.
Charlotte, perhaps I’m feeling a little guilt for the years that she managed the home front while I was gone for weeks at a time. Even though I’ve been off the road 6 years since my cardiac arrest (the paramedics revived me but my driving career was DOA!), as my health continues to improve she’s expecting me to do more. And I do want to be helpful and involved with our family.
I just need to take a stand on some details and set a few limits. I do NOT want to end up in the hospital again. Nor do I want to have the device in my chest to have to intervene. That would be shocking, to say the least.
No one needs for me to tell them about Joaquin I’m sure. It is predicted to strengthen and hit somewhere on the east coast. Good luck!
Ghost – Friends
Jerry – But you are less prone to Tom Cruise worthy over-reacting than Cantore. Succinct and on point, you have great value as a weatherman.
TruckerRon – Free time is a myth created by salesmen to sell condos and Ferraris.
Good morning Villagers….
Mark, thanks for the video and helping out Emb…classic movie. Sorry, but I don’t watch zombie movies, so I flunked that one….but I did catch Jerry’s sort of reference to an old movie “badges, we don’t need no stinking badges”…..
Mindy, I cheated, Seinfeld….I never watched either one, Friends or Seinfeld, so I flunked that one too. Great quote on ‘free time’. My free time is now. Husband’s asleep, Goldee, the cat, is asleep on my lap….and the BIL is gone…..yeah!!!!!
TR, as I said above the BIL is gone, Ian moved out, and for the first time in our 16 years of marriage, my husband and I are alone. So I work
And he keeps the house running. And does a pretty good job at it…I like Miss Charlotte’s advice too.
good top ten list to go by, and it could also apply to women.
John, I’ve seen Orion’s Belt out here far from the city lights….the stars out here in the country are a spectacular show. When I leave for work in the morning, the two brightest stars are still shining, one is Mars and I think the other is Jupiter….if I remember correctly from news links for star gazing.
One of the top brass from The Corp. came out yesterday to take samples of fresh meat for analysis…so three hens were sacrificed. This means we’re getting close to ‘purging’ the building. It was funny, he was standing on the front deck, and looked at the door from the hen house into the packing room, now this door also has a glass window in it, he said “you can see through that glass window….most places I go, you can’t even see through the window….that tells me this place stays pretty clean”….I said ‘thank you’ and strutted off
ya’ll have a blessed day
just couldn’t help myself, first time I heard this was on the “Bob and Tom” radio show out of Indianapolis….
…one way to look at growing older
Debbe, The Return of the Living Dead and its sequel are both comedy-horror, and pretty funny.
I went to this via Google, but found no way there to get info / the title or the artist. emb
“When I leave for work in the morning, the two brightest stars are still shining, one is Mars and I think the other is Jupiter….if I remember correctly from news links for star gazing.”
What time [= how long before sunup] do you leave for work in the morning?
Peace, emb
emb found it titled Rose Queen. Nothing else except artist is George Dunlop Leslie
You might enjoy this website. Shows a great number of works by George Dunlap Leslie.
emb: Leslie George Dunlop’s specialty seemed to be portraits of females wearing way too much clothing.
A “selfie” of the artist…
sand: Thanks.
Ghost: Yeah, they get tiresome. Mostly members of Veblen’s “Leisure Class.” I much prefer the “Country mouse” to the city one. Dunlop’s landscapes are nice.
Peace, emb