To commemorate being completely skunked by overcast skies during Sunday’s lunar eclipse, I give you this Sunday from last year. I don’t think there’s been a regularly scheduled celestial event in years that hasn’t been obscured by clouds where I live. It’s been a frustrating run. I plan to be in the path of the total eclipse of the sun as it traverses the central United States in 2017. At least I know that if it’s cloudy that day, it will still get creepy dark!

And, of course, pisces…
By Jimmy Johnson
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270 responses to “And, of course, pisces…”
Good morning all, listening to Pandora radio and answering mail in a LA Quinta with the Adventure Dog. I have lived beyond the predictions of my high school and junior high yearbooks. I am going to buy myself a Dick Tracy two way radio watch, never to late for childhood.
Tupelo Honey by Roger Waters playing. I am smiling again.
Trucker, tell your wife how you feel. Not communicating is the worse sin in my opinion (well, maybe not) but it leads to worse.
She shouldn’t commit you to things without asking or assume you are willing and want to do them.
Don’t feel guilty, just talk. Love, anon
“George Dunlop Leslie.” So, Leslie’s, not Dunlop’s. emb
A little help with today’s (10/1) comic. I think that it went over my head.
A while back one of the Villagers mentioned being pleased with the results when he upgraded to Windows 10. Do you still feel that way after using it for several weeks? I’ve heard some complaints about it but many were from people whose tech savvy I question and/or who like to complain about anything MS does.
I’ve been having some issues with my tablet lately which I suspect may be related to a Windows 8.1 update that has failed to install (not an uncommon issue, I’ve learned). I’m wondering if it might be easier to go ahead and upgrade to 10 rather than trying to fix the 8.1 problem.
Dave, it only comes once, so make the most of it. That’s my interpretation. I remember sitting in a car as a kid with the radio going. And the disc jockey said today is 6/6/66 and that won’t happen again for 100 years so the secretaries should enjoy it while it lasted.(I think that is how he said it, I was only 11).
Dave, there are hoax postings going around the internet constantly about how a month with 5 Fridays won’t happen again for 823 years, etc etc etc, despite the fact that they happen ALL the time !
Today’s (10/1) comic appears to be a joke about that, and at first Janis falls for it, then she realizes that and slaps Arlo.
RA, I had intended to upgrade to Windows 10 by now, but first I got busy with other things, and then my DSL service got problematic (a/k/a sucky), and I’ve been hesitant to attempt a large download that will probably be interrupted several times by random drop-outs of my InterWebNet connection. (Same thing with the iOS 9 upgrade on my phone and tablet, plus the unwisdom of downloading a new OS before the initial glitches are fixed.) That said, I would also be interested in hearing of others’ experiences with Win10.
And yes, today’s cartoon does play off some people’s near obsession with “rare events”, even ones that are not really rare. Or really real.
Leslie George Dunlop? I guess I should have written “Leslie, George Dunlop”, even though it appears unlikely he was ever in the military. 🙂
I think the joke is simple, people obsess with particular things like our Super Moon recently. Of course, no date happens again in our lifetime, once gone., gone.
Hey I am in Kentucky on way to St. Louis. Stopping to see cathedral mosaics, listen to organ and who knows what wild antics?
Re Windows 10, I did some research on it both online and with Geek Squad tech support and came to the conclusion that I was better off not to change. Main points, big learning curve especially if I included Edge, and “if it ain’t broke,months fix it.” Among several others.
Ruth Anne;
It might have been me. Windows 8 was terrible and at first Windows 10 operated well. But it crash a few weeks ago and I have been SO busy trying to get my house ready for sale, I really have not had time to &^%$#! or at least try to fix it. I am thinking of taking it back to MicroCenter and have one of their experts work on it. I talked with my IT guys and they said that it tends to crash, but they found a work around and it works fine. He explained it to me, but it worked all the way around my head and I have no idea what he was talking about.
Regarding today’s strip, yes, i believe that it is a dig at all things seen on the internet. Here is a post a friend put out the other day:
Facebook will begin stealing your undergarments at midnight tonight if you don’t copy & paste this message in the next hour, forward it to everyone in your mailing list, print a hard copy for your grandmother & call your third grade teacher. This is real. I got the message first hand from Elvis who was having lunch with Bigfoot, while riding the Loch Ness monster. It was even on the inside back cover of every tabloid in the grocery store checkout line. Not only will Facebook start charging you tomorrow, they are also going to bill your credit card for the past 3 years of services. Luckily, each person who copies & pastes this status will receive a FREE unicorn in the mail tomorrow. However, if you don’t repost this status, Facebook code has been set up to automatically set your computer on fire & harm an innocent bunny in the forest! It’s all true, it was on the news! It’s official! Facebook users will believe anything their friends copy & paste into their status
I responded by writing: But what if you don’t wear underwear?….asking for a friend.
Anonymous, you really should see Mammoth Cave. Fantastic sights, and it’s never rained out! But Dickens would have to wait somewhere while you went in. Wouldn’t do to have him marking the stalagmites, would it?
Good one Steve. I have been getting the one about suck your brains out. They must know I don’t wear underwear. How do they know I have a brain? I am a natural blonde and went to Texas A and M.
emb – you are right about CH, so I guess I wish the Earth had been in a better spot for my viewing. Hey, if I’m going to wish, I might as well wish BIG, right? And who knows? Maybe the next time it comes around the essential me will have freedom to pick my spot.
Trucker – Sounds as though she wants to help you but does not see things from your point of view. You seem to know what she wants to do, but maybe she doesn’t know what you want to do. Also, there might be a problem if your two calendars are mutually exclusive, which actually has been the case for quite a while before you had to quit work. Maybe you should broach the subject at a time when you both have some slack time. “Honey, I think it’s important for my health that I start a regular exercise program and the doctor agrees. I was thinking the best time for me would be -” and lay it out. Just be willing to look at her side, too. She’s lived without you for many years and may feel you are trying to plan your life in a way to exclude her and her activities. Or she may fear you are depressed and is trying to schedule you out of it. Or she may have a lot of habits built up and is trying to include you in them. You’ll have to talk to each other to find out. Surely you can compromise and find some activities you can share and others you can each enjoy alone.
Well, Lucy’s given her 5 cents worth of ideas, so signing off now.
Steve, I saw Elvis and Meatloaf having lunch today while they planned their big comeback tour. Re the hurricane it is now a category 4 and by tomorrow morning will have 140 mph winds. NHC has no idea at all where it is going and whether it will gain more strength or weaken. I predict it will temporarily strengthen to 160 mph, but I will have to do a little research before I make a guess where it’s going.
Wow! The satellite picture is something. This storm is getting stronger as we speak. The easterly winds have completely backed off so I don’t see it hitting Florida directly. The temperatures have dropped in the northern part of the state where I am. The storm has been moving very slowly and the jet stream which is flowing north along the eastern states , but slowly moving to the east, will carry the storm to the north. It just depends on which moves the fastest, the Jetstream to the east or the hurricane to the west. The worst case scenario is a strong storm making landfall around North Carolina or slightly further north and moving up through NY, DC and New England with heavy rain and 50-60 mph winds. Place your bets and keep your powder dry.
Good advice from Judy in Conroe and from Jackie (roaming the Midwest). They are wise women.
Dearest Ghost, your post including “spongeworthy” brought great memories! Now, you may have noticed that I seldom watched TV shows my whole life. What I know about these shows, as my father used to say, “you could put in your eye and it wouldn’t irritate you any”. However, we were at daughter Marge’s and saw that episode of Seinfeld (wasn’t it?) on their TV. It was SO FUNNY — did I mention that we have seven children, mostly unplanned? But another memory is mixed up with it, Chris and I were at a fried clam place and he was trying to open a bunch of ketchup packets — his fingers didn’t work very well by then, I was trying to help, and I kept thinking of the TV story and laughing out loud, couldn’t stop!
I was just watching underground weather and saying their estimate of increased strength and strength at landfall was too low and the video changed as I watched. They were estimating wind speed at landfall as 85 mph, but they were not saying what their current estimate is, but I’m guessing at least 100 mph. Their projected maximum strength was 130 mph, but it is that now and will gain at least another 20 mph by tomorrow morning.
Charlotte, I watched video yesterday of the river that runs between Vermont and NH and what it did in 2011. I hope that there is not a repeat.
One more before I turn the HP over to MBH. Any chance of the hurricane curving harmlessly out to sea is totally shot. That eye is going in somewhere.
Thanks, Nancy and Steve, for the input re Win10. I have “reserved” the download, so I have no pressing need to install it right away. Also, I have a “main” laptop and an “emergency backup” laptop (as Dave Barry called his big dog and his little dog), so I may end up installing it on my secondary one and see how it goes.
Note to Mark Zuckerberg: I have competed my home-defense shotgun project, so good luck with stealing my underwear at midnight.
Charlotte, my dear, your response was correct (as well as thoroughly delightful). It was indeed the Seinfeld show. And yes, that was a funny episode. Since you were not a regular viewer, I’m glad you got to see that one.
Come to think of it, Seinfeld may have been one of the last TV series I watched on a regular basis. I found the series finale not funny and hugely disappointing.
Mark: “But Dickens would have to wait somewhere while you went in. Wouldn’t do to have him marking the stalagmites, would it?”
I’m in the outgroup again. [Speelczech doesn’t buy outgroup. Never took a soc. or psych class?] The only Dickens I’ve read = Christmas Carol, D. Copperfield, and Two Cities. Don’t recall any stalagmites.
Peace, emb
Within a very short period of time TWC has changed its predictions completely. Now they say the storm will go off to the northeast. Why? Well, the computer has changed its mind. And, oh yeah, it’s a very complex situation. I remember being told that Hurricane Opal was nothing for our area to worry about. I will stick with what I said until I see what’s happening tomorrow.