I ran across this old strip in the archives, and in light of recent events it brought back a memory. I’ve told you this before, but it’s been a while. I gave the original of this strip to a friend in Pass Christian, Mississippi, prior to Katrina. She was something of a painter herself, so I thought she might appreciate it. Apparently she did. She had it framed and hung it in her den. However, her bungalow was flooded to the ceiling during the storm, and the cartoon, along with most of her things, was lost. I had spread several cartoons among friends and neighbors in that town, and all were ruined in the hurricane except one, which was found in fair condition a couple of blocks away from where it originally had been hung. (If you squint closely at the last panel—and I know some of you will—you can see in the broken outline of the bathing woman’s breast the hint of a nipple. Not an easy thing to get away with in the newspaper comics!)

Antidiluvian Art
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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105 responses to “Antidiluvian Art”
OK, here’s a challenge maestro. Go for frontal!
By the way, I am not as disturbed by losing a breast or reducing tbeir size, as I am the nipples.
I will lose my nipples forever and as I kept telling Ghost, I have awesome pokies. I am one of those women who has them perpetually, small but hard no matter the weather. I can lose several inches and several cup sizes and be fine.
But I am not going to LIKE tattoos for nipples.
It’s a slow day in the Village today! I’m catching up on things after several days camping (in the trailer) and fishing. Caught a few, enough to fry up a good batch of catfish fillets with some bluegills on the side. I’m not making much progress on my at home to-do list, though. Tired!
Ghost and I have gotten up and run all three of our “days off.” Today began with picking up Mustang from service in next town. We are on our way to Tulsa for a post mastectomy bra, a red wig and some Asian appetizers and sushi at one of the Asian fusion restaurants at Happy Hour from 3 to 6 p.m. MUCH reduced prices.
One of my friends said I turn the act of eating into an adventure. Why not?
Jackie A good friend of my wife is also an author and she posted on FB that the airline lost her bag. In the bag was her prosthetics. The main things that got her through the whole process was her faith and her sense of humor. It would be very easy to get really upset at the airline because in order for her to fly she has to pack them away. Instead, when they asked if there was anything that would help them identify her luggage, she told them “Well my left breast and my right breast!” She finally got them at 4:30 am and was able to attend a conference where she was a speaker. I told her that she now has a great story to tell at her future speeches!
Old Faithful is erupting now.
A drive around town shows that most of Texas is in Florida. As for the rest of you there was a hack into the tv cable system in California warning of impending doom. I see a whole crowd of people watching Old Faithful. Is there something I don’t know about? Reminds me of the movie “Truman”.
I meant “The Truman Show “.
One of my friends told the funniest story about her mama getting drunk and mad and throwing hers at people and losing them.
On a cruise!
We are reconstructing. I think I have to wear something until the second one gets cut down to match.
Sometimes they put in an expander, sort of a place holder to keep the skin from contracting till they are ready to do reconstruction. And sometimes they do the reconstruction immediately after the removal. Whichever they do, good luck and you have my prayers.
Reconstruction makes sense to me, but here’s another option -https://www.knittedknockers.org/
Jackie I hope you will be wearing “Something” ๐
Here’s hoping you can keep your pokies. Many decades ago I read that they reattached
the nipple or adjusted the skin so everything was centered.
I know you can get through this – you have all else.
Might as well dust off this story, as it seems to fit in with Jimmy’s and others’ posts. The most common form of nipple reconstruction seems to be by making a small incision at the site where the nipple will be made. The skin is formed into a nipple shape and small sutures are used to secure the form. This heals into the shape of a small mound, and the new nipple and surrounding areola can be tattooed about three months after surgery to give the appearance of an actual nipple and areola. This is the procedure Jackie’s surgeon plans to use.
Jackie has a younger male cousin whose wife had that procedure used on her following bilateral mastectomies and reconstructions. When it was time to tattoo them, the surgeon asked for their color preferences. The cousin told the doctor he’d like them to be florescent orange, so he could find them in the dark.
From what I can tell, pretty much her entire family is that way.
Among today’s errands was taking Jackie to a lingerie shop at Utica Square, an upscale shopping area in Tulsa. One of her breast surgeon’s staff had recommended it as a place to go for a post-mastectomy bra. She added that she bought her bras there, but when Jackie asked if she’d had mastectomy, she said, “No, they just have very nice lingerie there.” And indeed they did. Think Victoria’s Secret for classy (and well-heeled) middle aged women. A couple of the customers I immediately classified as what I call “Furiously-Fighting-Their-Forties Females”.
I stayed at the front of the shop while Jackie was being fitted, not because I was embarrassed to be there, but to prevent any of the female customers from feeling uncomfortable…which gave me a view of the sidewalk out front, with a lot of FFTFF’s foot traffic. Sometimes virtue is its own reward, and sometimes one gets rewarded with the view of a lot a nice looking ladies in shorts and sundresses.
Knitted knockers are something church groups could do. That hyphen above may make the URL unclickable, so:
Not necessarily gender-specific groups, though relatively few men knit. Some do; one is a quite hetero male I’ve not seen for years. Lives in AZ, moved there to escape a tiresome academic dean.
Workout tomorrow.
Ghost: Breast Impressions
Donates breast casting kits to
newly diagnosed women, to
make a memory prior to surgery.
4645 S Vandalia Ave – Tulsa
(918) 691.3874
First I’ve heard of this service.
Provides reliable, complete, and
current breast cancer information,
including: symptoms and
diagnosis materials, treatment
and side effects, day-to-day
matters, lowering risk, community
knowledge (blogs, chat rooms,
etc.) and a breast cancer coach.
Had anyone else noticed JJ’s misspelling of “Antediluvian”?
No, but as much as I dislike Chrysler products I’m thinking of renting a Grand Carvian for my next vacation.
Why not? I can’t even spell my name.
Jimmy, this retro cartoon is from your “Dark Period” when you were working with negative space and heavy inking. It is in itself truly art. I am sure your friend thought so too and hated losing it.
It is most effective in black and white, like an old classic movie. Question? Did the syndicate colorize it?
Trucker– don’t think it was a misspelling. Pretty sure it was intended to subtly project Janis’s disinterest in having a nautical/water themed painting.
One spelling is Fore the other Against.
I’ll shut up now ๐
GM Debbe & Mizz Charlotte
TIP blogspot: Melcher’s gone theological.
David and Old Bear, you nailed it. Jimmy is a master of succinct and subtle headlines and dialogue.
A trait I much admire.
Jimmy is never verbose, nor does he lecture.