I ran across this old strip in the archives, and in light of recent events it brought back a memory. I’ve told you this before, but it’s been a while. I gave the original of this strip to a friend in Pass Christian, Mississippi, prior to Katrina. She was something of a painter herself, so I thought she might appreciate it. Apparently she did. She had it framed and hung it in her den. However, her bungalow was flooded to the ceiling during the storm, and the cartoon, along with most of her things, was lost. I had spread several cartoons among friends and neighbors in that town, and all were ruined in the hurricane except one, which was found in fair condition a couple of blocks away from where it originally had been hung. (If you squint closely at the last panel—and I know some of you will—you can see in the broken outline of the bathing woman’s breast the hint of a nipple. Not an easy thing to get away with in the newspaper comics!)

Antidiluvian Art
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
105 responses to “Antidiluvian Art”
Didn’t realize Jaques was from Aitken. That’s close to my older son’s home and UMC in Deerwood. Bucket list.
In contrast to Jaques [pron. JAY-queez], there are lots of sites showing his work, including this Wiki:
Fuertes is big / the Ornithology Dept. at Cornell.
More elephants.
Since Debbe is MIA this morning: http://cheezburger.com/3448581/top-15-cat-memes-this-week-cheezburger-users-edition-15
And an example of what Eisner got away with in newspaper comics in 1946. http://www.littlestuffedbull.com/images/comics/fnf/pgell/pgell1.jpg
He came up with something new in newspaper comics. Instead of a single comic strip, his studio created a sort of comic book that appeared in Sunday papers. The Spirit was the main character and there were stories with other characters and artists.
Anyone else in/near N. IL. having a current surfeit of flies? Pharaoh had nothing on me – dozens buzzed around in here, and we do not have open windows, doors, etc. I managed to get 8 of them night before last, and another 8 or 9 last night. There are more. Wife, in her gentleness, tries to shoo them towards and onto a window, then opens the window. When any go out to the outer screen, she opens that to free ’em. Wife also uses the door that way. I hear that no others enter during these actions, and I want to believe that. Maybe, when the temperatures drop to normal, the flies will leave/die/sleep and not drive me batty.
Here we are on the 3rd full day of fall, and some of our roads are closed by snow:
That generally doesn’t happen in Utah until mid-October. And it’s weird to have rain falling so constantly in this desert state!
curmudgeonly: https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/21761722_1637034593030883_1878998720204392200_n.jpg?oh=ca685a90e7f4e4b5e918258e2f5650dc&oe=5A535F7B
If they are not entering from outside, they must be hatching inside.
You’re welcome. 🙂
We are in the 90*s the last few days
You can have some of the heat TR
Right, ghost, and we have considered that. You’d think something deceased would have come to our attention in another way, though, and nothing like that has occurred.
Jimmy: Thanks for the mention in Sunday’s strip! The reaction by Arlo reminds me a a favorite All in the Family episode when Archie pantomimes hanging himself with a noose while Edith is talking. My wife and I recreate it in our playful moods.
Back at you Mark 🙂
..and a big good morning Old Bear…..
Jackie and GR….Amens
Cormorants, B.C.
any clues as to what breed this puff of fluff is:
Greetings to Debbe and to Old Bear; also to Jackie, Ghost, and emb. Thanks for the pages of paintings; love them. Mark in TT I enjoyed the drawings you sent links to. Gee, today’s bunch of thoughts and information is remarkable; can’t get much better than this!
No flies down here in Central Ohio, either.
I also noticed that I have not seen one ladybug this year. That has never happened before.
anonymous, now that you mention it, I haven’t seen any ladybugs here in Tulsa either. But I’m new enough here not to know if that is normal or not. Might be due to being in an apartment complex without enough habitat to support them.
Trucker: That’s astronomic winter. May-Sep. have been more moist than usual, making rain and early snow more likely. It’s already winter on the tundra. Also, it’s been unusually moist near the Gulf, drastically so.
Debbe: House.
c x-p: House, and many places, they are most common in Sep. When we arr. in Sep. ’58, there was still mild hazing of frosh at BSC [now BSU]. Classes [then] started the M after Labor Day. You could see them going from class to class in their green beanies, each carrying a jar and a flyswatter.
Those BC cormorants, / the big Peterson’s, were most likely Brandt’s. Peace,
Debbe my guess would be bengal or lynxx but when I began checking I see there are a lot of new breeds of these designer cats.
I have not done cat shows since Hawaii in 1970. I belonged to Cat Fancy but did not show, just helped put on shows and went to meetings.
We have made it to motel. Totally exhausted of course. Getting ready to do presurgery disinfecting. When did it become DIY surgery?
Love all of you and thank you for love and good wishes.
Jackie, you’ll come through this with flying colors, especially with the aid of Casper (your friendly ghost).
Just finished wiping down Jackie’s entire body with disinfectant cloths. Not as much fun for either of us as one might think…she says her skin feels sticky and yucky, and I smell like I’ve used the world’s most malodorous cologne. Plus, I get to repeat that in the morning before going to the hospital.