I’m on the road this morning, sitting in a McDonald’s actually, drinking unsweetened ice tea and taking advantage of free WiFi. I wouldn’t want the place to close down just because I took a little time over the Fourth. I’ll be back at my desk tomorrow!

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranβs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
160 responses to “ArachniVac”
In addition to an absence of lightning bugs, I have noticed for the past too many years that I see fewer and fewer butterflies, especially monarchs.
Of course, the story about the monarchs is already well known.
JACKIE….this is where GR really comes in, handy π You know that ‘game’..let’s play find my ‘glasses’ π
Been wonder’n where’d you’d been at, glad you’ve let us known.
good night smigz…..
Oh, Ruth Anne, you are so sweet, will be checking out link in a bit…can’t remember, but clicked on (arrgghh, someone has fireworks left over…just had a boom), anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, I hit on a website of kittens in Iceland….a two story cat plex.
good night Smigs…again
….and may one sleep on this
Ruth Anne, on web site now…hope it’s A/C….kitteh napn tyme.
Speaking of losing my glasses, I finally made an appointment to see the Optician. I thought it had been 2, maybe 3 years, but unfortunately it was 4+ years. Last few times my eyesight had improved. This time though, there had been quite a change. When she got to the last “is 7 better or is 8”, she had me put my glasses on. Definitely a change. I told her that I had been watching TV without my glasses as the screens are so big. I guess there was a reason for that!
Didn’t Arlo wear glasses for a short while?
Steve, does this mean “stronger” glasses? I hope that you see an ophthalmologist every year or two, to check the health of your eyes — glaucoma, cataracts, and the other stuff. I go fairly regularly and recently got the news that it’s time to have cataracts removed! I didn’t want to believe it at first but they convinced me. Now I realise it can improve my vision a lot. Wednesday the 12th surgery is scheduled on one eye, the other will be done a week later, the 19th. I’m not worried; have been anxious enough about getting the prescription eyedrops, and the high price of the drops; filling in the LONG medical history online. My daughters will drive me — one at a time. We are not sure if someone needs to stay overnight with me after the surgery, but we can find out I guess.
Do any Villagers have helpful advice? Would love to hear from you if you do.
The nice people at “The Eye Guy’s” office (my son’s description) are arranging for generic drops. I have a real problem with drops, I can’t help blinking and then they don’t go in as they should.
Jackie thinks she hit the glasses under bed with the Swifter broom but pushed them further under bed! I will have help here tomorrow and Ghost will be back too. He had emergency at home in Mississippi.
I slept and did laundry all day. I keep finding laundry shoved somewhere out of sight. My goal is get it washed, get it put away or given away or thrown away! I found large baskets of towels, sheets, mattress pads. Thought that I had gotten caught up! Lots of quilts and comforters to do.
My Sunday project. Goodnight all.
Anyone besides me reading the retro Doonesbury? It is so funny, I had forgotten what they were like in the glory days. It is just as funny today as it was back in the 80s when he drew and wrote it.
Wish I could find glasses. Too blurry to read.
“Hey! You up there! Give those nymphs some hooters!”
Charlotte: Helpful advice? Suspect it depends in part on prior history. I was extremely nearsighted, both eyes, and cataracts had gotten bad enough to make night driving dangerous. Traffic lights and neon signs halated so badly that I’d not have seen a person in the street. I believe I had them done while Elaine was still alive [d. Dec. ’10], so no question of being alone at night. Don’t think that should be a problem anyway. Operations were 6 wks. apart. There are, of course, only graded strengths of replacement plastic inserts, so you will likely need new glasses for fine tuning and of course for astigmatism, if any. If you are nearsighted, you no longer will be unless you choose to have replacements that leave you so. I decided not to. Therefore, I lost the ability to examine something closely by simply taking off my glasses. Still start to do that, like reaching in my pocket for car key when I approach my locked car. You may have problems with reading and other details until you get fitted w/ new specs, but household tasks should be doable.
The operation itself is weird [at least mine were]. You’re under local anesthesia, with your head tightly strapped down so you cannot move, but MD may still be urging you not to move. He [in my case] kept a one-way conversation going the whole time; he is moving your eyeball around; when your crummy original lens is gone, nothing is in focus, you can make no sense of the lights, and there’s lots of fluid constantly keeping your eye wet and sterile. I suspect the surgery: removal + replacement, takes maybe 15 minutes, but who’s counting. Dr. S. does maybe 5 of these in a morning. I’m Family Waiting Volunteer at SHB surgery one day a week. If he does surgery on my shift, he’s gone by noon. No pain, various drops and no-noes, and then a whole new visual world to adjust to. Peace and good luck.
Charlotte, Don’t worry, it will be one of the best medical procedures you have ever had. I don’t have to wear glasses for most things, now just slightly nearsighted. Don’t worry about the drops you only need to get your eye just a little wet for the meds to work.
Jackie: I’m confused. You call it the ‘retro Doonesbury.’ Gocomics or whatever is current strips, no? All the strips that match my local & Mpls papers are current. The current run has current dates in one frame in each strip, but says copyright 1989 btw. the panels. I think he is now referring back to work his artist was doing for a younger Trump back when. And yes, he really has the guy nailed. Peace,
Since 2014 Garry Trudeau has only written and drawn new Sunday strips. Monday through Saturday strips are all reruns, the retro strips.
Those are the ones Gocomics runs although I read the ones in Washington Post.
Here is link from Wikipedia that explains. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doonesbury
Jackie: Thanks. Clueless / Doonesbury since I didn’t start following the strip until after the ’16 election. Trudeau was onto something before some of the rest of us. Peace,
Not sure the ‘toot-toot’ would have been acceptable a couple of generations back.
Trudeau was always on to something long before any of us!
Sorry Jimmy, I love you Noble Leader, but Trudeau is a @#$%^&$ genius at satire.
Emb there is a book too I believe based on thirty years of drawing and nailing The Man.
JJ, your social satire is easier to take and MUCH funnier. Trudeau is one-sided and repeats the lies told by that side about the other. The other has enough to be criticized about without the falsehoods.
Dr. said “Different”, not necessarily stronger. I have insurance, but I just lost track of time. Dr.’s office should send out an annual reminder to me as I tend to forget. Funny thing is that you really don’t realize that your sight is getting worse at the time.
Charlotte, I knew several people that had the cataract surgery in the 70’s and they would end up with the coke bottle glasses. Since they came up with the lens replacement, it has really revolutionized the way more experience people can get around. Both of my in-laws have had the surgery and while they continued to wear glasses, it was just force of habit as they were clear lens on top and readers on the bottom. My sister-in-law that recently passed away had issues with hers, but she had major health issues.
One thing that I have done for years is wear clip on sunglasses. My Doctor has told me that the sun can do a number on the lens and while a person might be predisposed to get cataracts, the sunglasses can delay them.
Jackie, I read Doonesbury in the early 1970’s and stopped when it stopped being entertaining. I agree with TruckerRon. Walt Kelly’s version of political satire was much better than Trudeau’s.
Too true!
Charlotte: emb described my husband’s experience perfectly, down to the taking off his glasses (pre-surgery) to read the fine print π Sounds like you’re better with drops than Bob however – just the thought and his eyelids lock shut. We managed to get enough in but it wasn’t easy.
Pogo’s statement, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” still stands as classic political satire. Walt Kelley nailed political satire long before Gary Trudeau. Trudeau is ok, but I really miss Kelley.
Hey…Jackie, thought of you π
Jackie found her phone at 3.30 a.m. and her glasses around 10 a.m. way up under bed in middle out of reach.
Terrie and I have been frantically cleaning and moving stuff. We got living room livable and I am making headway on laundry and bedroom, kitchen. Ghost will be shocked we found the furniture under the piles of clothes.
Back to the salt mines. I took a break to shower and rest, I have been at it nonstop since 7.30 a.m. and didn’t quit until 3.30 a.m. last night.
No, I don’t pace myself well.
Emb the strip today on Sunday is a new current Doonesbury. Mike is now about mid 50s and the woman in attic is his second wife. The art work he just found in attic is by JJ his first wife he married in 20s. She is artist laying on her back on scaffold painting ceiling of Trumps yacht. She was in her 20s then and just had the baby in earlier strip.
I guess I must be weird but I always liked Doonesbury. Never stopped. But maybe I just think provocative humor is funny?
But then I also think all politicians are scoundrels, thieves and liars.
Mizz Charlotte
Mom was wondering why she could never get her curtains clean –
till after the eye surgery – it was not the curtains.
We will be in NH in August – maybe we can meet?