I’m on the road this morning, sitting in a McDonald’s actually, drinking unsweetened ice tea and taking advantage of free WiFi. I wouldn’t want the place to close down just because I took a little time over the Fourth. I’ll be back at my desk tomorrow!

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
160 responses to “ArachniVac”
Thanks for the useful advice, folks! I will keep it in mind. In bright sun I have taken care to use sunglasses, but seldom or never go to the beach or other sunny places; spend a lot of time under trees, NH is covered with trees.
As for Doonesbury, Chris and I and the children have been big fans since the strip first appeared, so long ago I can’t even remember. Many collections have been published, both large and small, and we bought most of them. We heard Trudeau speak at a college graduation back in 1980 and he was very good. He was very young then; had only been doing the comic strip for a few years but was already popular.
I never liked his many allusions to the drug scene, but the other topics were so well done that I kept reading it. No, I don’t believe he has another artist; he draws the strip himself. Jackie is right about the details she told us of today.
Jackie, you have so much energy! Unbelievable. You’d better slow down before you pass out. Just kidding, you have too much sense to overdo. I’m so glad you found your glasses! I only use reading glasses now, buy them at the store, cheap, and keep 5 or 6 extra here and there. I keep them around my neck on a string, but that wouldn’t do for your fashionable outfits, Jackie.
I believe that all politicians, to one degree or another, are narcissists, seeing themselves as uniquely qualified to lead their city/state/nation, understanding far better than their neighbors what needs to be done and deserving of any and all fame and fortune resulting from their “service” in their high calling. Some make it all the way to full-blown megalomania.
BTW, every modern president of the US has been “diagnosed” with pathological narcissism and/or megalomania by armchair psychologists of the opposing party who have never met the politicians in person, let alone sat down with them for any sort of dialog. Those diagnoses, to me, suggests that those making them share those traits with those presidents! It takes great hubris to insist that you can accurately diagnose mental disorders of people you’ve never met.
So please note that I don’t claim such powers. What I’m suggesting is that anyone who’s willing to put up with the burdens of running for office values the potential rewards of such activities far more than we mere mortals who mostly want to be left alone to live out our lives without their “guidance.”
Ruth…copied and didn’t paste that one until now…unfortunately, nothing going on now…except here….one kitteh isoloated with a eye infection, and a can of salmon to see how many I can ‘rescue’ Tuesday morning…
now, onto U Tube……
“got to have a Jones for this and got to have a Jones for that cuz Running With The Joneses is not where it’s at”
possibly the best blues ……
I have not seen Jerry post here in quite a while.
Does anyone have any news about him that I might have missed?
…fell over this one while skipping thru….absolutely lovely…yea, but you gotta love Irish women 🙂
No, Rick, and I too am concerned. Been too long…..
I searched obituaries a while back and found Jertys mamas obit and some family obits where he was listed as a survivor. I did not find his. I suppose Ghost and I could do a search again.
His Parkinson’s could have worsened.
Debbe, a kitty pic for you: https://scontent-dft4-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19875462_1890710791194285_7226485980658763209_n.jpg?oh=b3c8f79fc558ca208b210d949a605cdb&oe=5A0783E2
Jackie, check your FB messages.
Old Bear, it would be nice to meet up in August. I live in Derry, near Exit 4 off Rt. 93; about one mile east of the exit. Very convenient for people coming up from the Boston area. If headed toward the NH coast and on to Maine, not so much. I am not driving right now so my house is the best meeting place.
To emb, such a complete overview of the many aspects of this surgery! A good thing, from my point of view, I am very healthy and have none of the conditions you wrote about. Being partly awake doesn’t sound too good; would rather be unconscious — we will see, I mean we’ll find out!
Jerry’s real name is Gerald T. (Thomas) Mixon.
Since everyone is worried about whether he is alive or not I am not going to feel bad about outing Jerry here. If anyone has any skip trace skills you can search for him in Florida.
I did not keep records on what I found on last search but it was most definitely Jerry I had found. The family members like wives, prior addresses, his mother’s obit, his father, even the granddaughter he mentioned all matched up.
My conclusion was he was alive, most likely more ill than before. I did not attempt to contact him or family.
Am very swamped with cleaning, moving, storing things trying to repair back apartment mess with new help. I don’t have time until later this week probably but others may?
Here’s a site for the cat people. Just found it through a post on FB.
Elephants. Peace,
Charlotte: Partly? I was fully awake, just pain-free. Think I got a whole column out of those two operations. Peace,
Charlotte: What I gathered from Bob’s comment about his surgery is that although you will be “awake”, you won’t care – it’s quick and painless. He remembers seeing interesting lights during the first surgery and being disappointed that the second was not the same. Don’t “overthink” about it 🙂
Jackie was checking her phone and mentioned an order for an item had shipped. “You ordered me a right-handed Japanese ho!?” I exclaimed. Then she explained the order was for garden tools.
She said she had also ordered an ash-handled transplant trowel, but that sounded way too kinky for me. Hanging with Jackie is never dull, if sometimes a bit confusing.
Going out to pick the golden cherry tomatoes for tonight’s dinner that Ghost is cooking later this afternoon if I defrost the spaghetti meat for him and find the pasta. And bread in freezer.
Just finished my morning medications so I am behind starting laundry back up today. I keep finding stashed stuff needing washing but we got we got living room pristine. As soon as Ray gets the big closet repaired in back apartment I can move hanging rack of dresses from our bathroom back there and the big move will be done until we tackle the laundry room sun room which will be soon!
Found loaf of artisan rosemary bread in freezer. Even frozen it is aromatic.
We are on campaign to eat stuff out of my freezer and pantry, garden. I have actually been donating fresh veggies to restaurant where Terrie works. Maybe they give give us free meal?