I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. I’ve been very busy this week, pushing Kickstarter rewards out the door. Remember the Kickstarter campaign? Sure you do! Yes, it’s true, I’m running a bit behind, but most of the rewards have gone out, and the few that have not will be out by the end of the month. Except for the new book. But there is good news there, and I’ll share it next week. I hope you have a better Saturday than I’m expecting!

Beat Bama!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
175 responses to “Beat Bama!”
Dear Jackie, please pay no attention to anyone who says we should be only talking about the A&J comic strip here in the Village! We are a well assorted community of people with kind of similar interests, we like to share our thoughts and memories and our lives. We all enjoy hearing from you — please keep on writing just as before! Food, recipes, cars, music, stories, family stuff. I will try to share more, too; I type slowly, practice will be good for me.
Dear Steve, I am so sorry about your much-loved cat. It’s so hard to accept, just like a human friend or family member. What was your cat’s name? The Village will send good thoughts after your pet.
Thank you. His name was Angel….I guess he is a furry one now.
Dear Steve, awww, Angel is a very sweet name for a friendly pet. I imagine it suited him well.
Steve, sorry he’s gone. I know he will be missed. Here’s an appropriate song from Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, who is another famous cat person.
Steve, I’m sorry about Angel’s loss. How did he come into your family 17 years ago?
Debbe, that must be the same chicken! Did she have it when Ian was little? I’m sorry to hear about the septic system. TGFB (thank God for bleach)!
TruckerRon, you’d think someone would have invented a better way to get heavy snow off a roof by now.
Well we had a female that we named Sushi because my daughter was a toddler and that was something she could pronounce. We later got a beautiful orange male tabby that we named Sake’ Sushi was experiencing some issues and I had to take her to the Vet and for the first time had to put an animal down. So even before I got home, my wife and daughter went to the Rescue and saw this black cat that was peering over a half door as he had climbed up to peer over to see them. They saw a pickup with a bumper sticker that said “Angel” and they decided to name him that.
Sake passed away a few years ago at the age of 21, so we have had some excellent luck with keeping cats around. I know that I have mentioned here how Sake had saved our lives when he got sick when the wall furnace had a CO leak and combined with the rest of the family with headaches made me get a CO monitor. The thing that gets me is that my son was in HS and my daughter was 11, so a huge chunk of my life left me this morning.
Ludwig and our cats could be cousins. Smart cats who entertain me. We still have 2 cats who are brothers who are now 9 years who still act like kittens.
Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. We did until this morning.
Debbie it was between dancing chickens and Rodney Carrington singing his Chicken Song. Since Rodney is always vulgar, rude, politically incorrect and vulgar I picked the family rated Chicken Dance with the white leg horn.
Music to scrape along with.
And here is a video that might bring Ghost back for the Village, a flash mob routine done entirely in bikinis. In Russia? Where are Sand and Loon?
Debbie, one more Chicken Song. Watch this one, I have watched more chicken dancing tonight than I ever dreamed of. This is funniest, best costumed and best correographed. And funny.
Hope that is link. I forgot it.
I had forgotten, but just saw again, if you visit the dark side for your comics fix early enough most of the snarky comments haven’t posted yet.
Good morning Villagers…..
Steve, that is so sad to hear of your beloved cat. You had some good years with him.
Just learned a valuable lesson…keep coffee over to the side. Knocked it over, luckily none spilled on this lap top…..Amen.
And we have a flushing toilet, and yes Smigz, there is never such a thing as too much bleach.
Going to warming up tomorrow, low sixties…need to take advantage of it. Temperature inside the hen house was 41…brrrrrr. Only worked four hours, need to work more as after Wednesday, temps start dropping.
Does anyone here know how long it takes for social security to get rolling after you apply??? I have a one o’clock phone call scheduled with them on the 15th of December. I pray it will be soon after that as I am not that physically equipped for this hen house cleaning.
ya’ll have a blessed day….
Jackie, that one video in Japanese was horrible 🙂
thanks for the grins…..
Debbie, you have no idea how much horrible video I surfed to fiND that ridiculous footage to make you laugh I hope.
Good luck on social security.
It is official, Christmas has crossed the Millennial time line.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Steve I’m sorry about Angel. I’ve had many cats in my life and loved them all.
Last week’s snow was minimal here, just on the grass here in the valley. Today we’re expecting 2 to 3 inches in the valley, 1 to 2 feet in the mountains. The next storm is due on Thursday. Folks east of us should get much, much more, especially in Denver.
Steve, I’m so sorry about Angel.
Back in Bemidji. Mod. fog all the way here from Deerwood Sun. Good coffee and scone at Lakes Latte’ in Pequot Lakes about 1430. Most of the snow has melted, except for snowplow piles. White Chr.? We’ll see.
Raining now. Nasty weather coming in Dixie, but you need the rain, no? Gained 4 lb. over TG weekend.
We had violent storms during early morning hours but don’t think it included hail. Lots of lightening. Supposed to be possible tornadoes in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. I hope not.
Dark and overcast here. Appropriate weather for how I feel.
I’m back.
There were multiple issues with which I had to deal (not personal ones, fortunately). Those issues are resolved for the nonce, and I trust they will remain that way.
Oh, yeah…missed y’all.
So they were impersonal issues Ghost? 🙂
Glad to see you back.
Am so glad you are back. I honestly thought you were gone forever and vanished like a poof of smoke. You see, while we don’t know exactly what a ghost does, we fear it is dangerous. Not just me, others do too.
Had to watch a lot of silly chicken videos to amuse Debbe for you. The bikini flash mob is for you.
Ghost kitty is thriving and adorable, everyone’s favorite.