A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Beat Bama!

By Jimmy Johnson

I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. I’ve been very busy this week, pushing Kickstarter rewards out the door. Remember the Kickstarter campaign? Sure you do! Yes, it’s true, I’m running a bit behind, but most of the rewards have gone out, and the few that have not will be out by the end of the month. Except for the new book. But there is good news there, and I’ll share it next week. I hope you have a better Saturday than I’m expecting!
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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175 responses to “Beat Bama!”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Still working my way back through the posts here, but I’m reasonably sure that any day featuring a bikini flash mob would have to go on my calendar as a good day.

  2. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost, when you find one of those, let me know and post video or at least still shots!

    Glad to have you back.

  3. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    Yesterday in videos I sent Debbe on your behalf, Ghost.

  4. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Thankful you are back safe and sound, dearest Ghost! I knew that you would return although it might take a while. The Village will welcome you with lots of hugs.

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    My work, at least today, is apparently less dangerous than attending class at Ohio State University. Praying for quick recoveries for the injured. Praying also for the OSU police officer who was forced to take a life to save other lives.

    Weeks of extreme drought + Today’s winds gusting to 40 mph = Many out-of-control forest fires in this area. Also praying for our firefighters.

  6. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Welcome home GR6. From recent news reports, it appears you had a successful mission.

  7. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Just checking to to say “Hello.” I’m still lurking about, with little to say. Life is okay for the present. My wife commented the other day that I haven’t been in the hospital at all in 2016 (really since the transplant in 2015). That is a statistic that I hope to continue, but that was more than a few years in achieving. As a certain cartoon movie fish says, “Just keep swimming!” That’s my goal for now.

  8. Debbe Avatar

    Jackie, please don’t take my morning’s comment about the video personal….personally. it was horribly funny 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Welcome back. GR\

  9. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    No no, Debbe. I wasn’t taking it personally. I am in a very depressed mood right now and looking at really BAD videos cheered me up too. I did think of posting Rodney Carrington but he is too bad taste for the Vilage.

    Weren’t the dancing oriental chickens hilarious?

    On a positive note I found my original social security card from 1962 and my missing medicare insurance card.

  10. Debbe Avatar

    YEAH!!! Where did you find it????? Glad the videos help cheer you up….now, let’s find something for me….preferably in a 2mg strength 🙂

  11. Debbe Avatar

    Jackie…they play this at every wedding reception in Dubois County, IN….back when my Mom decorated for wedding receptions, I would help her follow through the entire wedding from the nuptials to taking down the decorations…..and they played this at every reception….drove me NUTS….


  12. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Hang in there, Jackie. It WILL get better.

    I’m feeling technically smug. I figured out how to make a Pandora Christmas station that plays almost all my old favorite cd’s plus other good stuff. Yay me!

  13. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    When we were married, I had never heard of the chicken dance. Not a tradition in my family. Did learn of it a few decades later. Funny, I was thinking of my Social Security card, before Jackie said she found hers. I haven’t seen mine in a few decades either. Has caused no problems and I’ve been getting S. Sec. for years. Am I going to need it some day? Then I had a kind of a flash vision — will I have to present it to get into the Afterlife? emb can doubtless tell me.

    I was really glad to see that emb has safely made it home. Over the days of Thanksgiving I thought of you and kind of worried from time to time. I am getting older too and felt most fortunate that my family drove me here and there for the TG dinner, and the day after too. You wouldn’t believe how many children and grandchildren gathered on Friday! More on that later.

    The weather was poor here in NH. Cold, rainy, and of course getting dark early. I was thankful I didn’t have to drive, especially in traffic, on the Interstate, with all the reflected lights from the wet asphalt!

  14. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    I am going through desk drawers, bags of receipts, the tops of my desks, both of them, any boxes and piles of stuff that is not filed or paid, etc. Found the Medicare card in a bunch of bundled up business cards in a zip lock bag of similar stuff.

    This alone is depressing!

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 1985 was…different. (OMG…the clothes!* And the music was kind of a wash.) But I did convince 1985 Ghost not to ride out Hurricane Katrina at the house he didn’t even own yet.


    *Who remembers legwarmers? Or “blonde jokes”? Or a blonde joke about why blondes wear legwarmers?

  16. Jacqueline Monies Avatar
    Jacqueline Monies

    OK, Sand you just added to my anxiety levels with your comment on Ghost’s mission. I worry enough on sheer principle.

    My friends, I am purging my life of a lot of “stuff.” It may be too late but I am doing it.

    No good news on Trigger, still in purgatory in Tupelo.

  17. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    We’re home too! The weather in the Savannah area was cool and sunny; traffic both ways was … tolerable. Highlights of the weekend involved our grand-nephew Desmond – first birthday party in the middle of the day on Saturday and a tour of Christmas lights that evening at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens. The latter was an impressive display for a relatively small organization (my basis for comparison being the Zoo Lights exhibit at the National Zoo in DC that we saw last year).

  18. Smigz Avatar

    David in Austin, I’m happy to hear that 2016 has not had any hospital stays for you! And I’m glad everyone made it back safe after their travels. Anyone have any idea why Thanksgiving seems to be the holiday with the most accidents?

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, you shouldn’t worry about Ghost. He has more lives than Li’l Ghost.

    I haven’t had time to catch up on comments yet. Are you go for the knee surgery?

  20. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 To answer your question, SSA claims it takes 3-6 weeks to process and approve an application for retirement benefits, but I always take claims gubbermint agencies make with a five pound bag of salt. Also, as I’m sure you know, benefits are paid a month behind. If you are approved for December, your first payment will be made in January, on a day determined by your last name initial.

    Also, try not to die on the last day of a month, because your estate will not get any of the payment for that month. But what can you expect from a Ponzi scheme?

    Some say it’s not fair that many SS beneficiaries collect much more than they pay in. I’ll just consider it a bonus for living a long time. That’s what I expect from a Ponzi scheme. 🙂

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Smigz: Because the L-tryptophan in the turkey and chicken they ate make people drowsy behind the wheel?

  22. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Smigz: Because everybody’s trying to do much/go too far in the same short time-span? With most other holidays the leave and return days are less consistent.

    We’re fortunate that our travel time is short enough that we can wait to drive on the holiday itself (and be there in time for mid or late afternoon dinner) and not have to deal with quite so many crazed drivers plus hardly any big rigs.

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Good point, R.A. I’ve noticed that, too.

    Since this year’s Christmas (with no immediate family) will be an unconventional (for me) holiday, I’m making a short out-of-state trip. But with Christmas falling on Saturday, I’m still deciding on which day to leave.

  24. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I probably just decided, when the phrase “Christmas Eve shopper traffic” popped into my mind.

  25. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    GR6: OK, I’ll bite. Tell us a joke about blondes and legwarmers.

    All safe here; the family travels to us. Sometime, I’d like to do the opposite, but such does not seem to be in the cards.

    Think I read that other meats have the same tryptophan level as does turkey, so that would not account for the difference in accidents. Mayhap the tendency to overeat – more prevalent at Thanksgiving?? – makes more drivers sleepier.

    Have my grandfather’s original Soc. Sec. card from 1936. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I tried to use his name & number! I could back up the identification with his 1937 driver’s license, too.