Well, maybe not a new family, exactly. This old classic is from the spring of 1997, not long before Arlo had his hair cut. Obviously, this site has been limping along, lately. I’ve been very busy with other things, but I haven’t forgotten about you, appearances to the contrary. Actually, I am traveling this week. I am in Memphis, and I have a good excuse! Yesterday, I was privileged to be among several cartoonists assembled at St. Jude’s Research Hospital to draw for some of the young patients there. It was a great day, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work.

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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297 responses to “Busted!”
OF due 1824-1844 CST. emb
Denise in Michigan, sounds like you’ve got the right stuff to season a mean omelet, or a slow-cooked roast! And you are welcome for the music. When you said Green Onions, that tune is what came to mind, courtesy of American Graffiti, which is where I heard it first.
Hi, Jackie. Glad you are having fun, if you don’t want to post it here, put it on FB for us.
For some reason, that https in the link drew a security warning and would not let me go there. So, here’s the link as I found it: http://www.duckworksmagazine.com/15/columns/jackie/02/index.htm#.VULOv_lViko
Whoops, didn’t look at the article # Jackie had in her link. Here is the latest one: http://www.duckworksmagazine.com/15/columns/jackie/03/index.htm#.VULQFvlVikp
Thanks, Mark. One was last months, the other is this month’s and latest installment. I am having fun and losing weight, shopping. Not going to get us in trouble again. I have given away and still am, thousands of dollars of clothes, most with tags still on. Makes me feel good.
My kids read Facebook! Who likes Dwight Yokum besides me? Loading van cd player with a lot of testosterone and beer. Love Jackie
Sorry, not a fan of that Yokum. Like Mammy, Pappy and Li’l Abner Yokum, though.
Especially Daisy Mae Yokum
Had Oregano for years (all over the yard) that started from 1 little plant brought
home in a Styro. cup.
GO Jackie
More than once had to strip outside. A little rough at 20* below
Does Ian have his Tetanus Shots?
Got a new list of goodies:
Take a 10-30 minute walk every day & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant.
Jackie, I just copied and printed the Cowboy Cookies recipe—looking forward to trying it! Thanks for the link, Mark. I do have one question, Jackie; I can’t see a date anywhere on the article or the website. Am I just missing it? That would make it easier to make sure I’m reading your latest entry.
Some music you don’t hear often: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqGSBE9XEQk
For Debbe and Mindy from Indy, and anyone else having one of those weeks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bURh1-ZfNpw
Well, heck. Anonymous above about the cookies was me. The computer gremlins are getting me again.
Good to hear things are going well, Jackie. As of this morning, I’m down 14.0 pounds since 1 Jan 15, putting me about where I should be now, even with the holiday bump. I hope you are making even better progress.
I made some new friends amongst some people who work for a LE agency and got invited to run some scenarios on their new interactive video firearms simulator next month. I’m looking forward to that. I’ll do my best to “shoot” only the simulated perps and not the simulated homeowners or simulated hostages.
Debbe 😉 “Busted!” Oh, I get it. 🙂
Good morning Villagers….
GR 😉 re: “Busted”…I don’t get it. But it’s early yet, and not all my synapses are firing yet. So you get to play ‘games’? Ian is a big video game players, online and off line.
Old Bear, yes, Ian had a tetanus shot about 4 years ago. When he wrecked a scooter.
Thanks Mark for the Moody Blues link…believe it or not, I’d never heard that song before.
Jackie…did you say ‘beer’? You are coming this way to pick me up, right???? You can keep the testosterone, I’ve enough of it here….
BIL is back as of last night, Andrew’s dad….wonder how long he’ll be with us. He is not a well functioning man.
Denise, when we had cattle, we used that manure for our tomato garden. We had bell peppers growing out of our flower patches by the front porch last year. We’re going to put out a few tomato plants, and we see if the peppers come back this year.
Gal, did you ever get any sleep? I’ve had sleepless nights too, they put you in a strange, altered mind of alertness.
gotta go…..
ya’ll have a blessed day
gotta go…….
now this is ‘busted’
Debbe, I’m currently fighting off some kind of upper respiratory bug. The antihistamine the dr. prescribed was putting me in an altered awareness. Couldn’t sit down without setting an alarm in case I dropped off to sleep. Had to go to a different medicine.
OF: No current prediction yet, but worth a look. It’s 0603 MDT, there is almost no wind, and no bright sun to vaporize individual geyser clouds, so it’s all serene and ghostly.
Peace, emb
Virtual beer in my case. I don’t drink but the songs reek. Love Dwight and that voice. He is a brilliant, articulate man in truth. Who saw him in Slingblade?
I’d return but I offend some here, so I am mostly lurking. My “mouth” is often beyond the pale, apparently. Gal, the reason they don’t date my columns is some are timeless enough they can rerun them and sometimes do. Next month for instance, will rerun a long ago column called “The Gift of Little Boats” with a new lead in chapter that brings up to date how my life has been positively and permanently altered by “little” boats, as opposed to yachts which I once considered my norm. The dates they use are on the index they use monthly because all my articles are somewhere out there and get pulled up and read indefinitely, if anyone wants to.
Ghost, yes, new eating lifestyle is permanent and instilled now. Steadily losing and changing and the “attitude” is back, so negative and positive effects. I am just up most of the time now. Worse than having little Mary Sunshine to wake up to! New wardrobe with attitude too and a smile. Housekeeper says I don’t need that face lift, I say keep looking at the neck below the smile!
Love yall, Jackie
TIP BlogSpot = comic again. Haven’t run into Makovsky before, but admire ability to render natural world this well. Peace, emb
I enjoyed reading your current article, Jackie…and thank you for the Cowboy Cookies recipe! Thanks to Mark for the additional link.
Ghost, what is an “LE agency”? Congratulations on your progress toward your goal. As children and young adults, we are single-mindedly driven by our goals. As we mature, it becomes more difficult to focus upon them amid the background noise of life. We fail, in the moment, to maintain the vision of the long-term benefit. I admire your constancy!
Old Bear, oregano will do that when it’s happy! Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to control by pulling if it volunteers a little too freely. I learned the hard way, though, that my best intentions to deadhead the garlic chives before they set seed weren’t realistic for me. It took me several years of digging out the roots, but my grass is finally garlic chive free. And I no longer have them anywhere, even though I do like their flavor.
Hmmm, Debbe, you got me thinking…I wonder if I could convince hubby Phil to put veggies in his front yard pots? At the least, he could put kohlrabi in with the geraniums instead of dusty millers. Ooooo, and there’s the coleus pots he puts in the back yard! They could be filled with veggies, too! Or maybe with nasturtiums, if he insists on bright color—the leaves are great in sandwiches and salads!
Debbe, that Moody Blues album is “The Keys to the Kingdom”, and it’s got some really good music on it.
Denise in Michigan, look up the grow bags at the Gardener’s Supply Company. They have a big round bag that would make a good flower/veggie combo garden.
Happy May Day. Red Square in Moscow is the scene of a large parade and social gathering. In Vietnam it is day two of a national holiday, yesterday being Liberation Day. In honor of the latter I am posting this link. A long read ,but lots of nice pictures. I am glad to see the healing and progress in Vietnam, still remember how it was during my two war time tours.
Thanks for asking, Debbe. I got about a 1-1/2 hr. nap yesterday, and slept a solid 9 hrs last night – not even getting up to go to the bathroom. And yes, yesterday was a weird-feeling day. Felt as though I was in a state of limbo. But I am feeling much better now…
You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.
People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don’t.
Denise, LE agency = law enforcement agency. Specifically, the patrol division of this agency, the guys and gals who operate out where the rubber meets the road, 24/7. Nice folks. In fact one of them is going to drop by Ghostly Manor this evening on his way to work to install a pair of custom sights on my Glock-Gun, something that requires a specialized tool which he owns for working on his own moderately customized Glock service pistol.
Debbe 😉 Arlo got “busted” sneaking a peek at “that pretty girl”. It would not be unreasonable to assume Arlo’s attention was drawn to Pretty Girl because she herself was busted, as in “well-busted”. Or so it would seem to me. 🙂