Well, maybe not a new family, exactly. This old classic is from the spring of 1997, not long before Arlo had his hair cut. Obviously, this site has been limping along, lately. I’ve been very busy with other things, but I haven’t forgotten about you, appearances to the contrary. Actually, I am traveling this week. I am in Memphis, and I have a good excuse! Yesterday, I was privileged to be among several cartoonists assembled at St. Jude’s Research Hospital to draw for some of the young patients there. It was a great day, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work.

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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297 responses to “Busted!”
As I recall, thug is from the Thuggees, a cult of very bad criminal actors in India for many years.
“Work on your computer…” Is that what the kids are calling it now?
Thug has nothing to do with race. It is simply a word which now means a criminal. Being criminal has nothing to do with race, either. It is based on a person’s actions. Don’t let the serious arguments be derailed on such a petty distraction.
For the record, here is the origin of thug: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/thug
By the way, Ghost. If that shooter had gotten his victim where he shot himself, the shooter would probably get away with it. Think baseball, four —– and you walk.
Wouldn’t know what kids call anything now. I am into gray haired and bearded. And extremely fit and outdoors types. Have no idea what an Okie computer tech could be talking about? I assumed computer and printer that wasn’t working very well. Didn’t fit my profile, Ghost.
By the way, made a huge, healthy and no calories to speak of oriental salad with bok choy, carrots, bean sprouts, peppers, green onions, sugar snap peas, and a small poached chicken breast, peanuts and ginger sesame dressing. Going in to consume same. Anyone else eating anything good tonight?
Denise has inspired me, minion and I (female) are going to weed and clean all the garden beds and plant entire gardens over. Thank you Denise for the love of dirt, also Janis and Arlo. I will look like Janis by Sunday afternoon! Dirty beyond description.
Love, Jackie
I am blaming Janis and the rest of you gardening-types for today’s purchases. Wandered, unsupervised, in the garden center of one of the home improvement stores. Two new yard tools, seeds galore, and two humongous bags of soil (will have to go back for fertilizer, ran out of room in the car), and I am well on my way to an expensive, misguided, dalliance into gardening. Still need to find that half-moon edger. I want to clean up my sidewalks.
In other news, Bkacklight is currently inconsolable. I allowed her paws to touch the lawn this evening. Unfortunately, it was at dusk, and I am grade A mosquito bait: her outdoor adventure was cut short due to incoming attacks. (One little creep got me. Less than two minutes outside.) I carried her in, kicking and spitting all the way. She has spent the last hour howling at the back door, begging to go back out. This is going to be a long night.
Hi, Lady Mindy! Pets are wonderful, aren’t they? 🙂
Tonight’s Menu: Homemade marinara sauce on vermicelli, sprinkled with grated Parmesan; garden salad with fat free Catalina dressing. Hey, that’s like a vegetarian meal, isn’t it?
The beard I added to my existing mustache looks pretty good, especially now that I’ve totally ditched my eyeglasses. (I look less like a Russian poet, I suppose.) Getting fitter and trimmer now that I’m back on a regular gym schedule, too.
Ghost, you are such a tease! To be fair, you really should post a link to a picture of of all this hirsute manliness!
Gal, I thought so too. You already know what my tastes run to. Love, Jackie
Dearest Ghost, how did you ditch your eyeglasses? Did you get contact lenses? Or what? By the way, I just renewed my driver’s license, and passed the vision test without eyeglasses — makes me feel pretty good. I don’t wear glasses for driving the car, or for any distance viewing. I do use reading glasses, though, and have several pairs scattered around the house (I buy inexpensive ones at the store, don’t need the optometrist ones.)
I am enchanted by Jackie’s ongoing adventurous life! Take it easy, at first, with your plans to rip into the gardening project full speed ahead! Sounds glorious, but please don’t hurt yourself.
Could say the same to Indy Mindy — you’ve really got the gardening bug — I bet you will make the place look beautiful. Sorry for poor Blacklight! She can’t stay out there alone, I take it?
You wold have loved the Topless Barbers (female) that were around afew years back
Cataract procedures, Miz Charlotte; five weeks ago yesterday on my right eye, and three weeks ago on the left. I’d estimate my distant vision to be 20/20 in both eyes, and my near vision seems to continue to improve, so the jury is still out on whether or not I will need readers. I go next week for a visual acuity check, so I suppose I will know for sure then.
Never been big on gardening, but I’m giving serious thought to planting some “patio” tomatoes this year. My Dad did that for several years before he passed (I still have a picture of him admiring his “crop” one year), and I’d do it in his memory. My BIL always ends up planting much more than he plans and will undoubtedly have plenty of tomatoes. But I do want to make some marinara sauce with fresh rather than canned ones. And salsa.
My brother stood on the podium at Red Square as a company Rep. during May Day parade
Many years ago – he said it was darned cold.
Thanks, all, for doing my research for me. I knew thug had a regional origin of some sort, but was not very close. Edda’s* current adversary in 9CL is a thug, Caucasian.
A favorite receptionist at the hospital has perfectly good vision, but is 10+ years older than she looks, is therefore far-sighted, so uses dime-store [somebody may have to explain ‘dime-store’ to our younger colleagues] readers when she has to read forms, type, etc. I used them when transitioning from cataracted* myopic to plasticized geezer.
“Anyone else eating anything good tonight?” I am not an accomplished cook, but supped well, considering that I’d indulged at the lunch following a good ELCA funeral for a sterling 77 year old man who was a sophomore when I came here in ’58, became a real pillar of the community and of the college support staff:
The larger “half” of a club wrap bought at the nearest supermkt*, couple of dozen red seedless grapes, 1/2 pt. Surly’s* Bender, an oatmeal brown ale [Surly’s is a new indep.* brewery down near the Twin Cities], Dunn Bros. decaf, and 8 oz. of low fat ice cream, all on the patio. Pleasant. Usual paucity of birdlife: female and male housefinches*, male robin being territorial, ring-billed gulls, chipping sparrows. S’posed* to reach 80F tomorrow.
Peace, emb
Say what, Bear?
I had to google that (bet you didn’t see that coming) and found an establishment in Brisbane named Barber Babes that offers the services of female haircutters attired in briefs only. Lap dances are also available, but not at the same time as the cut. (You’re not even supposed to run with scissors, and I can think of even more reasons not to lap dance with scissors.)
I suspect that at the very least a guy could get a really crappy haircut there and not even notice until after he leaves.
And I hesitate to ask what kind of job would result in one getting to watch the Red Square May Day parade from the podium.
Miss Charlotte, (that is what Southern women also call those they love) along with “darling”, I do not dare start reciting my schedule aloud yet, it sounds unbelievable, so I hold back and let out tidbits each month in my column, hope to keep all the boaters pea green with envy, like the Owl and the Pussycat, and shove it under their own wives’ noses or at least on fridge. In May I will be cruising among waterfalls and verdant forests in an area so remote I keep saying there may be pontoons instead of wheels on the tiny plane we go in on. Two weeks on the water in pretty much seclusion and no phones, no nothing, cooking wonderful meals verging on vegetarian, hiking and walking on islands or at least remote peninsulas.
Customs may freak out over the Japanese chef’s knives,whisks, kitchen utensils I consider totally essential to life. I just check it all in luggage. Who can travel without their own stainless steel juicers, graters and peelers? Y’all will have to wait until I get back, no communication until then.
Love, Jackie
“And I went in search of some good foul weather gear and arrived at a size XL in men’s”
And whats wrong with men’s? (Sp check doesn’t like that) (I could be vulgar and say no TD.)
Try the Farm Co-op or were the road crews get theirs. Nothing is inexpensive now –
cheap but expensive. Looking at some 1960’s magazines and the prices – of course I was making
about $1.50 per hour.
22 oz. prime rib, fries, carrots, [donated broccoli to the MBH], chocolate-drizzled cheesecake, and a Manhattan. One slice of buttered crispy-edged bread preceding same.
Helped out the local economy thereby, too.
Such indulgence occurs about once a year.
He was an Engineer building induction furnaces. This was back when he was followed
everywhere he went.
It seems that we’ll continue helping out the local economy: just received a roofing proposal for an amount more easily written in scientific notation then in the ordinary way…and it is for just one level of the roof!
“than”, not “then”
Tomorrow is a travel day (daytrip), so if I make it here at all, it will likely be late.
Old Bear, nothing wrong with men’s at all. I ended up doing a lot of my shopping in Men’s department of Academy, Lands End, LL Bean and even Walmart. It was only place I could find sweaters and similar things that looked sort of Down East and nautical, practical and in most cases, on sale, as it is summer here! No, main problem is I am a men’s XL size and I am fiive feet and one inch in height. I wonder how in the world I would shorten men’s foul weather gear?
Will be sailing later this summer in Puget Sound, San Juan Islands, Great Lakes, all pretty cold climates even in summer. The Dana is blue water, which means out in open waters and oceans, so good foul weather gear is pretty necessary. Not like tropics where you can stand out in the rain in whatever you have on and get wet.
No, I’ll wait until I can try them on and make sure they are comfortable and fit well. Where I will be have tons of boating gear in even smaller towns on water. Down in Florida and on Florida panhandle area I even know fishermen’s supply places I like where things are more reasonable, like road men, commercial fishermen don’t buy labels!
Tomorrow I am a gardener and I hope someone will sharpen the hoes and tools for us, my hands aren’t much on files nowadays.I need to go get some sleep and put on gardening garb which in my case involves long sleeved shirts and at least capri pants to keep sun off, with a hat the size of an umbrella! Love, Jackie
Debbe 😉