Well, maybe not a new family, exactly. This old classic is from the spring of 1997, not long before Arlo had his hair cut. Obviously, this site has been limping along, lately. I’ve been very busy with other things, but I haven’t forgotten about you, appearances to the contrary. Actually, I am traveling this week. I am in Memphis, and I have a good excuse! Yesterday, I was privileged to be among several cartoonists assembled at St. Jude’s Research Hospital to draw for some of the young patients there. It was a great day, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work.

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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297 responses to “Busted!”
Ghost, I am already like a kid in a candy store. There are not enough hours to listen to it all. I described my love of music as catholic. I now have the freedom to listen to anything I like at any time, 24 hours a day. I can listen to Queen, opera, the Texas Tornadoes, Vivaldi for six hours, Led Zeppelin,Waylon Jennings, where ever my soul takes me.
Right now I am listening to a violinist named David Garrett play Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. I had not heard of him until yesterday, yet 8 million others have listened to him and I missed it! I was cheated. Were it not for you guys turning me onto youtube, I would never have found so much music. Thank you.
Listening to Queen, “Who Wants To Live Forever”, so beautiful, what a loss!
Love, Jackie
Happy birthday, Jerry! May there be many more years ahead for you, full of all the joy your heart can hold!
I wanna be “that guy” when I grow up.
(Hat tip to Hognose on his Weaponsman blog)
Tonight’s Menu: Homemade salsa with oven-baked corn chips; grilled skinless, boneless chicken breast, marinated in a carne asada marinade; Spanish rice; and black beans.
Happy birthday, Jerry! Gee… I remember when I was 66… LOL
Thanks, Ghost, for sharing that post. What a man!
I wasn’t nearly as virtuous, despite having a fridge full of pending health. I had a quarter of a honey dew, it was so good I went back and ate the other quarter with fresh lime squeezed on it, wrapped in brown sugar but low fat ham slices. With my fingers, no knife or fork. And dripped the juice, some on keyboard while listening to Queen sing “A Kind of Magic”.
I did say my sailboat, the larger blue water one already has a name, “Magic”? I believe in magic.
And getting younger and never growing up. Love, Jackie
Jackie, seems like you have the eating thing pretty much in control. Just don’t forget balance in your diet, and for heaven’s sake don’t skip regular meals. Your digestive system will thank you for that.
I don’t remember you saying one of your boats was “Magic”, but I can see how that might be appropriate.
“Growing older is mandatory, but growing up is optional.”
Steve, I was in my car waiting at the high school to pick up my daughter when the car started bouncing. I thought some teenager had jumped on my bumper and was about the lay into them when I realize I was alone. Very strange feeling. When my daughter got to the car, she said everyone still in school was freaking out. I told her it wasn’t a very big earthquake and then my cell phone rang. It was my son who was at home alone and was quite worried because the house had shaken and things had fallen off tables, counters and shelves.
OF due 2026-2046 CDT. emb
Gary, you must have been close to the epicenter. I saw on Facebook someone took a picture of a patio chair on it’s side with the caption: Never Forget We Will Rebuild
Happy 66 Jerry, I remember being that young.
Indeed a Foghorn Leghorn quote in reference to Ghost. But you have to know your audience. Virtually no one under the age of 40 has any idea who that is.
But it gets worse.
Apparently almost no one under about 25 has any idea who “the Beatles” were. I’m not talking about not knowing about The Dave Clark Five or Herman’s Hermits… “the Beatles” draws a total blank.
Come on, I knew about comparably aged music when I was in my twenties, and there were no artists or acts with the musical impact, much less the cultural impact, of the Beatles from that prior era.
It isn’t a case of whether they like them or not… they have no idea who they were. That is pretty shocking. So if I note other lesser-known areas that also appear to be totally forgotten, I suppose it is no great surprise, considering. Ah say, Ah say, sharp as a billiard ball, this young generation…
Jerry, welcome to 66. I have been there a couple of months and I really like it.
Steve Moore
Without comment:
Thanks for the heads up on YouTube, sand. It did the same thing a couple of weeks ago, then cleared up, and now its at it again. Wonder if some foreign government’s hackers are doing it to prevent “subversive” content getting to their citizens?
Jackie, I completely agree about the freedom we have now to find the music we truly want to hear, instead of what corporate radio wants to play. Like many of the arts, when done by independents (true local radio stations, for instance) the people get what they want and the providers prosper. Then the larger fish begin gobbling up the smaller ones, and next thing you know, nobody’s listening anymore. Nobody’s buying music, books, newspapers, going to classical concerts, art museums. Well, you get the idea.
Happy birthday, Jerry. Hope you thoroughly enjoyed that ribeye. As Spock said: “Live long and prosper”.
Mark, have no intell on cause of the bobbles. My take away, the volume of uploads and accesses can overwhelm at times. If it was a true denial of activity we would get an error message.
Happy birthday Jerry! Mine is in a couple of days. I haven’t caught up to you quite yet! Glad you enjoyed your day. Opened up the house, broke in my new glider rocker in the porch while reading a good book. Great day, even for a work day.
Happy Birthday Jerry! Wife and I passed 66 a long time ago and still going strong.
Lady Mindy, I did a double take when I read your post. My mind didn’t immediately register the word “rocker”, and I thought for a moment you had decided to become a glider pilot.
Thanx for that link, TruckerRon. The scary thing about it is that it was published five years ago, and it’s just as true today as it was then.
Good morning, my Village. Woke up to Rachmaninoff and absolute beauty, it’s dawn and I only have one thing to worry me right now, well two if you count the question of whether I can find a beauty shop open on a Monday morning to do my hair? Where is Debbe? Has something happened to Indiana Debbe? We could set a clock by her and the chickens and the cats.
For a woman going to meet with an estate attorney to write her will, powers of attorney, a do not resuscitate and living will, well I am in an awfully cheerful mood! My Louisiana attorney can’t do that, I have no legal residence there any longer. Money doesn’t count as a residence, nor land ownership. I love this, my lawyer is a woman named Erin. Go figure I’d pick someone like that? Wanna bet she’s gorgeous to boot? I haven’t met physically yet but I loved her on phone.
She wants to go sailing too. Who wouldn”t?
Love, Jackie
Yes – where is Debbe?
Erin go bra, or Erin go braless?
The thing about unpleasant but necessary stuff (e.g., getting all the above mentioned legal thingies done for my Mom) is that it does actually make you feel better after it’s accomplished.
The first thing…well, the first non-female anatomy thing…I noticed about yesterday’s photos of the topless young sailing enthusiasts in their Daisy Dukes was the sign that read MOTORBOATING. I can only imagine how much the sailors savored that visual pun. (I’m sure Jackie got it, anyway.)